tools for working with variation graphs
This is the complete list of members for vg::BaseMapper, including all inherited members.
accelerate_mem_query(string::const_iterator begin, string::const_iterator &cursor) const | vg::BaseMapper | |
accelerator | vg::BaseMapper | |
adaptive_diff_exponent | vg::BaseMapper | |
adaptive_reseed_diff | vg::BaseMapper | |
adaptive_reseed_length_memo | vg::BaseMapper | static |
adjust_alignments_for_base_quality | vg::AlignerClient | |
AlignerClient(double gc_content_estimate=vg::default_gc_content) | vg::AlignerClient | protected |
apply_haplotype_consistency_scores(const vector< Alignment * > &alns) | vg::BaseMapper | |
assume_acyclic | vg::BaseMapper | |
avg_node_length | vg::BaseMapper | |
BaseMapper(PathPositionHandleGraph *xidex, gcsa::GCSA *g, gcsa::LCPArray *a, haplo::ScoreProvider *haplo_score_provider=nullptr) | vg::BaseMapper | |
BaseMapper(void) | vg::BaseMapper | |
debug | vg::BaseMapper | |
estimate_gc_content(const gcsa::GCSA *gcsa) | vg::BaseMapper | static |
exclude_unaligned | vg::BaseMapper | |
fanout_length_threshold | vg::BaseMapper | |
fast_reseed | vg::BaseMapper | |
fast_reseed_length_diff | vg::BaseMapper | |
filter_short_mems | vg::BaseMapper | |
find_fanout_mems(string::const_iterator seq_begin, string::const_iterator seq_end, string::const_iterator qual_begin, int max_fans_out, char max_fanout_base_quality, vector< deque< pair< string::const_iterator, char >>> *mem_fanout_breaks=nullptr) | vg::BaseMapper | |
find_mems_deep(string::const_iterator seq_begin, string::const_iterator seq_end, double &lcp_avg, double &fraction_filtered, int max_mem_length=0, int min_mem_length=1, int reseed_length=0, bool use_lcp_reseed_heuristic=false, bool use_diff_based_fast_reseed=false, bool include_parent_in_sub_mem_count=false, bool record_max_lcp=false, int reseed_below_count=0) | vg::BaseMapper | |
find_mems_simple(string::const_iterator seq_begin, string::const_iterator seq_end, int max_mem_length=0, int min_mem_length=1, int reseed_length=0) | vg::BaseMapper | |
find_stripped_matches(string::const_iterator seq_begin, string::const_iterator seq_end, size_t strip_length, size_t max_match_length, size_t target_count) | vg::BaseMapper | |
find_sub_mems(const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, int parent_layer_begin, int parent_layer_end, int mem_idx, string::const_iterator next_mem_end, int min_mem_length, vector< pair< MaximalExactMatch, vector< size_t >>> &sub_mems_out) | vg::BaseMapper | |
find_sub_mems_fast(const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, int parent_layer_begin, int parent_layer_end, int mem_idx, string::const_iterator leftmost_guaranteed_disjoint_bound, string::const_iterator leftmost_seeding_bound, int min_sub_mem_length, vector< pair< MaximalExactMatch, vector< size_t >>> &sub_mems_out) | vg::BaseMapper | |
force_fragment_length_distr(double mean, double stddev) | vg::PairedEndMapper | |
fragment_length_distr | vg::PairedEndMapper | protected |
gc_content_estimate | vg::AlignerClient | private |
gcsa | vg::BaseMapper | |
get_adaptive_min_reseed_length(size_t parent_mem_length) | vg::BaseMapper | |
get_aligner(bool have_qualities=true) const | vg::AlignerClient | protected |
get_qual_adj_aligner() const | vg::AlignerClient | protected |
get_regular_aligner() const | vg::AlignerClient | protected |
greedy_restart_assume_substitution | vg::BaseMapper | |
greedy_restart_max_count | vg::BaseMapper | |
greedy_restart_max_lcp | vg::BaseMapper | |
greedy_restart_min_length | vg::BaseMapper | |
haplo_score_provider | vg::BaseMapper | |
haplotype_consistency_exponent | vg::BaseMapper | |
hard_hit_max | vg::BaseMapper | |
has_fixed_fragment_length_distr() | vg::PairedEndMapper | |
hit_max | vg::BaseMapper | |
lcp | vg::BaseMapper | |
mapping_quality_method | vg::BaseMapper | |
max_mapping_quality | vg::BaseMapper | |
max_sub_mem_recursion_depth | vg::BaseMapper | |
mem_reseed_length | vg::BaseMapper | |
min_mem_length | vg::BaseMapper | |
parse_matrix(std::istream &matrix_stream) | vg::AlignerClient | static |
precollapse_order_length_hits | vg::BaseMapper | |
precollapse_order_length_runs(string::const_iterator seq_begin, vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems) | vg::BaseMapper | |
prefilter_redundant_hits | vg::BaseMapper | |
prefilter_redundant_sub_mems(vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, vector< pair< int, vector< size_t >>> &sub_mem_containment_graph) | vg::BaseMapper | |
qual_adj_aligner | vg::AlignerClient | private |
random_match_length(double chance_random) | vg::BaseMapper | |
recombination_penalty | vg::BaseMapper | |
regular_aligner | vg::AlignerClient | private |
rescue_high_count_order_length_mems(vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, size_t max_rescue_hit_count) | vg::BaseMapper | |
sequence_positions(const string &seq) | vg::BaseMapper | |
set_alignment_scores(int8_t match, int8_t mismatch, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, int8_t full_length_bonus, double haplotype_consistency_exponent=1) | vg::BaseMapper | |
set_alignment_scores(istream &matrix_stream, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, int8_t full_length_bonus, double haplotype_consistency_exponent=1) | vg::BaseMapper | |
vg::AlignerClient::set_alignment_scores(int8_t match, int8_t mismatch, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, int8_t full_length_bonus) | vg::AlignerClient | virtual |
vg::AlignerClient::set_alignment_scores(std::istream &matrix_stream, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, int8_t full_length_bonus) | vg::AlignerClient | virtual |
vg::AlignerClient::set_alignment_scores(const int8_t *score_matrix, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, int8_t full_length_bonus) | vg::AlignerClient | virtual |
set_fragment_length_distr_params(size_t maximum_sample_size=1000, size_t reestimation_frequency=1000, double robust_estimation_fraction=0.95) | vg::PairedEndMapper | |
short_mem_filter_factor | vg::BaseMapper | |
strip_bonuses | vg::BaseMapper | |
sub_mem_count_thinning | vg::BaseMapper | |
sub_mem_thinning_burn_in | vg::BaseMapper | |
total_seq_length | vg::BaseMapper | |
unpaired_penalty | vg::BaseMapper | |
use_approx_sub_mem_count | vg::BaseMapper | |
use_greedy_mem_restarts | vg::BaseMapper | |
walk_fanout_path(string::const_iterator begin, string::const_iterator end, const deque< pair< string::const_iterator, char >> &fanout_breaks, gcsa::node_type pos) | vg::BaseMapper | |
xindex | vg::BaseMapper |