tools for working with variation graphs
This is the complete list of members for xg::XG, including all inherited members.
ASSEMBLY_OR_NAME_MATCH | handlegraph::PathMetadata | privatestatic |
create_path_name(const PathSense &sense, const std::string &sample, const std::string &locus, const size_t &haplotype, const size_t &phase_block, const subrange_t &subrange) | handlegraph::PathMetadata | static |
CURRENT_VERSION | xg::XG | static |
deserialize(std::istream &in) | handlegraph::Serializable | virtual |
deserialize(const std::string &filename) | handlegraph::Serializable | virtual |
deserialize_members(std::istream &in) | xg::XG | protectedvirtual |
dump_to_stream(std::ostream &out) const | xg::XG | |
edge_count | xg::XG | |
edge_handle(const handle_t &left, const handle_t &right) const | handlegraph::HandleGraph | |
edge_index(const edge_t &edge) const | xg::XG | virtual |
edge_orientation(const uint64_t &raw_edge) | xg::XG | privatestatic |
edge_relative_offset(const uint64_t &raw_edge) | xg::XG | privatestatic |
encode_edge(const size_t &offest_from, const size_t &offest_to, const bool &to_rev) | xg::XG | privatestatic |
flip(const handle_t &handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
follow_edges(const handle_t &handle, bool go_left, const Iteratee &iteratee) const | handlegraph::HandleGraph | |
follow_edges_impl(const handle_t &handle, bool go_left, const std::function< bool(const handle_t &)> &iteratee) const | xg::XG | virtual |
for_each_edge(const Iteratee &iteratee, bool parallel=false) const | handlegraph::HandleGraph | |
for_each_handle(const Iteratee &iteratee, bool parallel=false) const | handlegraph::HandleGraph | |
for_each_handle_impl(const std::function< bool(const handle_t &)> &iteratee, bool parallel=false) const | xg::XG | virtual |
for_each_path_handle(const Iteratee &iteratee) const | handlegraph::PathHandleGraph | |
for_each_path_handle_impl(const std::function< bool(const path_handle_t &)> &iteratee) const | xg::XG | virtual |
for_each_path_matching(const std::unordered_set< PathSense > *senses, const std::unordered_set< std::string > *samples, const std::unordered_set< std::string > *loci, const Iteratee &iteratee) const | handlegraph::PathMetadata | |
for_each_path_matching(const std::unordered_set< PathSense > &senses, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &samples, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &loci, const Iteratee &iteratee) const | handlegraph::PathMetadata | |
for_each_path_matching_impl(const std::unordered_set< PathSense > *senses, const std::unordered_set< std::string > *samples, const std::unordered_set< std::string > *loci, const std::function< bool(const path_handle_t &)> &iteratee) const | handlegraph::PathMetadata | protectedvirtual |
for_each_path_of_sample(const std::string &sample, const Iteratee &iteratee) const | handlegraph::PathMetadata | |
for_each_path_of_sense(const PathSense &sense, const Iteratee &iteratee) const | handlegraph::PathMetadata | |
for_each_step_in_path(const path_handle_t &path, const Iteratee &iteratee) const | handlegraph::PathHandleGraph | |
for_each_step_of_sense(const handle_t &visited, const PathSense &sense, const Iteratee &iteratee) const | handlegraph::PathMetadata | |
for_each_step_of_sense_impl(const handle_t &visited, const PathSense &sense, const std::function< bool(const step_handle_t &)> &iteratee) const | handlegraph::PathMetadata | protectedvirtual |
for_each_step_on_handle(const handle_t &handle, const Iteratee &iteratee) const | handlegraph::PathHandleGraph | |
for_each_step_on_handle_impl(const handle_t &handle, const std::function< bool(const step_handle_t &)> &iteratee) const | xg::XG | virtual |
for_each_step_position_on_handle(const handle_t &handle, const std::function< bool(const step_handle_t &, const bool &, const size_t &)> &iteratee) const | handlegraph::PathPositionHandleGraph | virtual |
for_path_range(const std::string &name, int64_t start, int64_t stop, std::function< void(const handle_t &)> lambda, bool is_rev) const | xg::XG | |
FORMAT | handlegraph::PathMetadata | privatestatic |
forward(const handle_t &handle) const | handlegraph::HandleGraph | |
from_enumerators(const std::function< void(const std::function< void(const std::string &seq, const nid_t &node_id)> &)> &for_each_sequence, const std::function< void(const std::function< void(const nid_t &from, const bool &from_rev, const nid_t &to, const bool &to_rev)> &)> &for_each_edge, const std::function< void(const std::function< void(const std::string &path_name, const nid_t &node_id, const bool &is_rev, const std::string &cigar, const bool &is_empty, const bool &is_circular)> &)> &for_each_path_element, bool validate=false, std::string basename="") | xg::XG | |
from_gfa(const std::string &gfa_filename, bool validate=false, std::string basename="") | xg::XG | |
from_handle_graph(const HandleGraph &graph) | xg::XG | |
from_path_handle_graph(const PathHandleGraph &graph) | xg::XG | |
g_bv | xg::XG | private |
g_bv_rank | xg::XG | private |
g_bv_select | xg::XG | private |
g_iv | xg::XG | private |
G_NODE_HEADER_LENGTH | xg::XG | privatestatic |
G_NODE_ID_OFFSET | xg::XG | privatestatic |
G_NODE_LEFT_COUNT_OFFSET | xg::XG | privatestatic |
G_NODE_LENGTH_OFFSET | xg::XG | privatestatic |
G_NODE_RIGHT_COUNT_OFFSET | xg::XG | privatestatic |
G_NODE_SEQ_START_OFFSET | xg::XG | privatestatic |
get_base(const handle_t &handle, size_t index) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_degree(const handle_t &handle, bool go_left) const | handlegraph::HandleGraph | virtual |
get_edge_count() const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_g_iv_size(void) const | xg::XG | |
get_handle(const nid_t &node_id, bool is_reverse=false) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_handle_of_step(const step_handle_t &step_handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_haplotype(const path_handle_t &handle) const | handlegraph::PathMetadata | virtual |
get_id(const handle_t &handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_is_circular(const path_handle_t &path_handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_is_reverse(const handle_t &handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_length(const handle_t &handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_locus_name(const path_handle_t &handle) const | handlegraph::PathMetadata | virtual |
get_magic_number(void) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_next_step(const step_handle_t &step_handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_node_count() const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_path(const std::string &name) const | xg::XG | |
get_path_count(void) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_path_handle(const std::string &path_name) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_path_handle_of_step(const step_handle_t &step_handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_path_length(const path_handle_t &path_handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_path_name(const path_handle_t &path_handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_phase_block(const path_handle_t &handle) const | handlegraph::PathMetadata | virtual |
get_position_of_step(const step_handle_t &step) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_previous_step(const step_handle_t &step_handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_sample_name(const path_handle_t &handle) const | handlegraph::PathMetadata | virtual |
get_sense(const path_handle_t &handle) const | handlegraph::PathMetadata | virtual |
get_sequence(const handle_t &handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_step_at_position(const path_handle_t &path, const size_t &position) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_step_count(const path_handle_t &path_handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
handlegraph::PathPositionHandleGraph::get_step_count(const handle_t &handle) const | handlegraph::PathHandleGraph | virtual |
get_subrange(const path_handle_t &handle) const | handlegraph::PathMetadata | virtual |
get_subsequence(const handle_t &handle, size_t index, size_t size) const | xg::XG | virtual |
get_total_length() const | xg::XG | virtual |
graph_pos_at_path_position(const path_handle_t &path, size_t path_pos) const | xg::XG | |
graph_pos_at_path_position(const std::string &name, size_t path_pos) const | xg::XG | |
handle_at_path_position(const path_handle_t &path, size_t pos) const | xg::XG | |
handle_rank(const handle_t &handle) const | xg::XG | |
handle_to_rank(const handle_t &handle) const | handlegraph::RankedHandleGraph | virtual |
HAPLOTYPE_MATCH | handlegraph::PathMetadata | privatestatic |
has_edge(const handle_t &left, const handle_t &right) const | handlegraph::HandleGraph | virtual |
has_edge(const edge_t &edge) const | handlegraph::HandleGraph | inline |
has_next_step(const step_handle_t &step_handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
has_node(nid_t node_id) const | xg::XG | virtual |
has_path(const std::string &path_name) const | xg::XG | virtual |
has_previous_step(const step_handle_t &step_handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
id_to_rank(const nid_t &id) const | xg::XG | virtual |
index_node_to_path(const std::string &basename) | xg::XG | private |
index_path_names() | xg::XG | private |
is_empty(const path_handle_t &path_handle) const | handlegraph::PathHandleGraph | virtual |
LOCUS_MATCH_ANY | handlegraph::PathMetadata | privatestatic |
LOCUS_MATCH_NUMERICAL_WITHOUT_HAPLOTYPE | handlegraph::PathMetadata | privatestatic |
max_id | xg::XG | private |
max_node_id() const | xg::XG | virtual |
max_node_rank(void) const | xg::XG | |
max_path_rank(void) const | xg::XG | |
min_approx_path_distance(const nid_t &id1, const nid_t &id2) const | xg::XG | |
min_id | xg::XG | private |
min_node_id() const | xg::XG | virtual |
nearest_offsets_in_paths(const pos_t &pos, int64_t max_search) const | xg::XG | |
nearest_path_node(const nid_t &id, int64_t max_steps=16) const | xg::XG | |
next_path_position(const pos_t &pos, const int64_t &max_search) const | xg::XG | |
NO_END_POSITION | handlegraph::PathMetadata | static |
NO_HAPLOTYPE | handlegraph::PathMetadata | static |
NO_LOCUS_NAME | handlegraph::PathMetadata | static |
NO_PHASE_BLOCK | handlegraph::PathMetadata | static |
NO_SAMPLE_NAME | handlegraph::PathMetadata | static |
NO_SUBRANGE | handlegraph::PathMetadata | static |
node_at_vector_offset(const size_t &offset) const | xg::XG | virtual |
node_count | xg::XG | |
node_graph_idx(const nid_t &id) const | xg::XG | |
node_start_at_path_position(const path_handle_t &path, size_t pos) const | xg::XG | |
node_vector_offset(const nid_t &id) const | xg::XG | virtual |
np_bv | xg::XG | private |
np_bv_select | xg::XG | private |
np_iv | xg::XG | private |
nr_iv | xg::XG | private |
nx_iv | xg::XG | private |
offsets_in_paths(const pos_t &gpos) const | xg::XG | |
OLD_EDGE_TYPE_END_END | xg::XG | privatestatic |
OLD_EDGE_TYPE_END_START | xg::XG | privatestatic |
OLD_EDGE_TYPE_MAX | xg::XG | privatestatic |
OLD_EDGE_TYPE_MIN | xg::XG | privatestatic |
OLD_EDGE_TYPE_START_END | xg::XG | privatestatic |
OLD_EDGE_TYPE_START_START | xg::XG | privatestatic |
OLD_G_EDGE_LENGTH | xg::XG | privatestatic |
OLD_G_EDGE_OFFSET_OFFSET | xg::XG | privatestatic |
OLD_G_EDGE_TYPE_OFFSET | xg::XG | privatestatic |
OLD_G_NODE_FROM_COUNT_OFFSET | xg::XG | privatestatic |
OLD_G_NODE_TO_COUNT_OFFSET | xg::XG | privatestatic |
old_version_path_name_end | xg::XG | static |
old_version_path_name_start | xg::XG | static |
operator=(const XG &other)=delete | xg::XG | |
operator=(XG &&other)=delete | xg::XG | |
orientation_from_old_edge_type(int type, bool &from_rev, bool &to_rev) const | xg::XG | private |
parse_haplotype(const std::string &path_name) | handlegraph::PathMetadata | static |
parse_locus_name(const std::string &path_name) | handlegraph::PathMetadata | static |
parse_path_name(const std::string &path_name, PathSense &sense, std::string &sample, std::string &locus, size_t &haplotype, size_t &phase_block, subrange_t &subrange) | handlegraph::PathMetadata | static |
parse_phase_block(const std::string &path_name) | handlegraph::PathMetadata | static |
parse_sample_name(const std::string &path_name) | handlegraph::PathMetadata | static |
parse_sense(const std::string &path_name) | handlegraph::PathMetadata | static |
parse_subrange(const std::string &path_name) | handlegraph::PathMetadata | static |
path_back(const path_handle_t &path_handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
path_begin(const path_handle_t &path_handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
path_contains_handle(const std::string &name, const handle_t &handle) const | xg::XG | |
path_count | xg::XG | |
path_end(const path_handle_t &path_handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
path_front_end(const path_handle_t &path_handle) const | xg::XG | virtual |
path_name(const size_t &rank) const | xg::XG | |
path_name_csa_delim | xg::XG | static |
path_names_by_prefix(const std::string &prefix) const | xg::XG | |
path_ranks_by_prefix(const std::string &prefix) const | xg::XG | |
paths | xg::XG | private |
paths_of_handle(const handle_t &handle) const | xg::XG | |
PHASE_BLOCK_MATCH | handlegraph::PathMetadata | privatestatic |
pi_iv | xg::XG | private |
pn_bv | xg::XG | private |
pn_bv_rank | xg::XG | private |
pn_bv_select | xg::XG | private |
pn_csa | xg::XG | private |
pn_iv | xg::XG | private |
pos_char(nid_t id, bool is_rev, size_t off) const | xg::XG | |
pos_substr(nid_t id, bool is_rev, size_t off, size_t len) const | xg::XG | |
position_in_path(const handle_t &handle, const path_handle_t &path) const | xg::XG | |
position_in_paths(const handle_t &handle, const size_t &offset) const | xg::XG | |
print_graph() const | xg::XG | private |
r_iv | xg::XG | private |
RANGE_END_MATCH | handlegraph::PathMetadata | privatestatic |
RANGE_END_SEPARATOR | handlegraph::PathMetadata | privatestatic |
RANGE_START_MATCH | handlegraph::PathMetadata | privatestatic |
RANGE_START_SEPARATOR | handlegraph::PathMetadata | privatestatic |
RANGE_TERMINATOR | handlegraph::PathMetadata | privatestatic |
rank_to_handle(const size_t &rank) const | handlegraph::RankedHandleGraph | virtual |
rank_to_id(const size_t &rank) const | xg::XG | virtual |
reencode_old_g_vector(const sdsl::int_vector<> &old_g_iv, const sdsl::rank_support_v< 1 > &old_g_bv_rank) | xg::XG | private |
s_bv | xg::XG | private |
s_bv_rank | xg::XG | private |
s_bv_select | xg::XG | private |
s_iv | xg::XG | private |
scan_path(const path_handle_t &path) const | handlegraph::PathHandleGraph | |
SEPARATOR | handlegraph::PathMetadata | privatestatic |
seq_length | xg::XG | |
serialize(std::ostream &out) const | handlegraph::Serializable | virtual |
serialize(const std::string &filename) const | handlegraph::Serializable | virtual |
serialize(std::ostream &out) | handlegraph::Serializable | virtual |
serialize(const std::string &filename) | handlegraph::Serializable | virtual |
serialize_and_measure(std::ostream &out, sdsl::structure_tree_node *s=nullptr, std::string name="") const | xg::XG | |
serialize_members(std::ostream &out) const | xg::XG | protectedvirtual |
serialize_members_and_measure(std::ostream &out, sdsl::structure_tree_node *s=nullptr, std::string name="") const | xg::XG | protected |
steps_of_handle(const handle_t &handle, bool match_orientation=false) const | handlegraph::PathHandleGraph | virtual |
to_gfa(std::ostream &out) const | xg::XG | |
traverse_edge_handle(const edge_t &edge, const handle_t &left) const | handlegraph::HandleGraph | |
XG(void)=default | xg::XG | |
XG(const XG &other)=delete | xg::XG | |
XG(XG &&other)=delete | xg::XG | |
~HandleGraph()=default | handlegraph::HandleGraph | virtual |
~PathHandleGraph()=default | handlegraph::PathHandleGraph | virtual |
~PathMetadata()=default | handlegraph::PathMetadata | virtual |
~PathPositionHandleGraph()=default | handlegraph::PathPositionHandleGraph | virtual |
~Serializable()=default | handlegraph::Serializable | virtual |
~VectorizableHandleGraph()=default | handlegraph::VectorizableHandleGraph | virtual |
~XG(void) | xg::XG |