tools for working with variation graphs
Namespaces | Functions
gfa_to_handle.cpp File Reference
#include "gfa_to_handle.hpp"
#include "../path.hpp"
#include <gbwtgraph/utils.h>




void vg::algorithms::gfa_to_handle_graph (const string &filename, MutableHandleGraph *graph, GFAIDMapInfo *translation)
void vg::algorithms::gfa_to_handle_graph (const string &filename, MutableHandleGraph *graph, const string &translation_filename)
 Overload which serializes its translation to a file internally. More...
void vg::algorithms::gfa_to_handle_graph (istream &in, MutableHandleGraph *graph, GFAIDMapInfo *translation=nullptr)
 Load a GFA from a stream (assumed not to be seekable or reopenable) into a HandleGraph. More...
void vg::algorithms::gfa_to_path_handle_graph (const string &filename, MutablePathMutableHandleGraph *graph, GFAIDMapInfo *translation=nullptr, int64_t max_rgfa_rank=numeric_limits< int64_t >::max(), unordered_set< PathSense > *ignore_sense=nullptr)
 Same as gfa_to_handle_graph but also adds path elements from the GFA to the graph. More...
void vg::algorithms::gfa_to_path_handle_graph (const string &filename, MutablePathMutableHandleGraph *graph, int64_t max_rgfa_rank, const string &translation_filename, unordered_set< PathSense > *ignore_sense=nullptr)
 Overload which serializes its translation to a file internally. More...
void vg::algorithms::gfa_to_path_handle_graph (istream &in, MutablePathMutableHandleGraph *graph, GFAIDMapInfo *translation=nullptr, int64_t max_rgfa_rank=numeric_limits< int64_t >::max(), unordered_set< PathSense > *ignore_sense=nullptr)
 Load a GFA from a stream (assumed not to be seekable or reopenable) into a PathHandleGraph. More...