tools for working with variation graphs
Namespaces | Functions
shortest_cycle.cpp File Reference
#include "shortest_cycle.hpp"




size_t vg::algorithms::bellman_ford_shortest_cycle_length (const HandleGraph *graph, const handle_t &source, const vector< handle_t > &layout, const unordered_map< handle_t, size_t > &handle_index, const vector< pair< size_t, size_t >> &feedback_edges)
size_t vg::algorithms::dijkstra_shortest_cycle_length (const HandleGraph *graph, const handle_t &source)
 Simple Dijkstra implementation that computes shortest cycle. More...
size_t vg::algorithms::shortest_cycle_length_internal (const HandleGraph *graph, const handle_t &source, const vector< handle_t > &layout, const unordered_map< handle_t, size_t > &handle_index, const vector< pair< size_t, size_t >> &feedback_edges)
size_t vg::algorithms::shortest_cycle_length (const HandleGraph *graph, const handle_t &source)
size_t vg::algorithms::shortest_cycle_length (const HandleGraph *graph)