tools for working with variation graphs
Classes | Namespaces | Functions
util.hpp File Reference
#include "handlegraph/types.hpp"
#include <cassert>


struct  handlegraph::number_bool_packing
 Define a way to pack an integer and an orientation bit into a handle_t. More...




uint64_t & handlegraph::as_integer (handle_t &handle)
 View a handle as an integer. More...
const uint64_t & handlegraph::as_integer (const handle_t &handle)
 View a const handle as a const integer. More...
handle_t & handlegraph::as_handle (uint64_t &value)
 View an integer as a handle. More...
const handle_t & handlegraph::as_handle (const uint64_t &value)
 View a const integer as a const handle. More...
bool handlegraph::operator< (const handle_t &a, const handle_t &b)
 It's convenient to be able to sort handles. More...
uint64_t & handlegraph::as_integer (path_handle_t &handle)
 View a path handle as an integer. More...
const uint64_t & handlegraph::as_integer (const path_handle_t &handle)
 View a const path handle as a const integer. More...
path_handle_t & handlegraph::as_path_handle (uint64_t &value)
 View an integer as a path handle. More...
const path_handle_t & handlegraph::as_path_handle (const uint64_t &value)
 View a const integer as a const path handle. More...
bool handlegraph::operator< (const path_handle_t &a, const path_handle_t &b)
 It's convenient to be able to sort path handles. More...
int64_t * handlegraph::as_integers (step_handle_t &step_handle)
 View a step handle as an integer array. More...
const int64_t * handlegraph::as_integers (const step_handle_t &step_handle)
 View a const step handle as a const integer array. More...
bool handlegraph::operator< (const step_handle_t &a, const step_handle_t &b)
 Sort of step handles is based on first then second integers. More...
uint64_t & handlegraph::as_integer (net_handle_t &handle)
 View a net_handle as an integer. More...
const uint64_t & handlegraph::as_integer (const net_handle_t &handle)
 View a const net_handle as a const integer. More...
net_handle_t & handlegraph::as_net_handle (uint64_t &value)
 View an integer as a net handle. More...
const net_handle_t & handlegraph::as_net_handle (const uint64_t &value)
 View a const integer as a const handle. More...
bool handlegraph::operator< (const net_handle_t &a, const net_handle_t &b)
 It's convenient to be able to sort handles. More...

Detailed Description

Tools for handle graph implementers to pack and unpack handles.