tools for working with variation graphs
Namespaces | Functions
k_widest_paths.hpp File Reference
#include <vector>
#include <limits>
#include "../position.hpp"
#include "../handle.hpp"




pair< double, vector< handle_t > > vg::algorithms::widest_dijkstra (const HandleGraph *g, handle_t source, handle_t sink, function< double(const handle_t &)> node_weight_callback, function< double(const edge_t &)> edge_weight_callback, function< bool(const handle_t &)> is_node_ignored_callback, function< bool(const edge_t &)> is_edge_ignored_callback, bool greedy_avg)
vector< pair< double, vector< handle_t > > > vg::algorithms::yens_k_widest_paths (const HandleGraph *g, handle_t source, handle_t sink, size_t K, function< double(const handle_t &)> node_weight_callback, function< double(const edge_t &)> edge_weight_callback, bool greedy_avg, size_t max_path_length)

Detailed Description

Yen's algorithm to find the K widest