tools for working with variation graphs
Public Member Functions | List of all members
handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph Class Referenceabstract

#include <mutable_handle_graph.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph:
handlegraph::HandleGraph handlegraph::DeletableHandleGraph handlegraph::MutablePathMutableHandleGraph handlegraph::MutablePathDeletableHandleGraph handlegraph::MutablePathDeletableHandleGraph vg::VG vg::VG

Public Member Functions

virtual ~MutableHandleGraph ()=default
virtual handle_t create_handle (const std::string &sequence)=0
virtual handle_t create_handle (const std::string &sequence, const nid_t &id)=0
virtual void create_edge (const handle_t &left, const handle_t &right)=0
void create_edge (const edge_t &edge)
 Convenient wrapper for create_edge. More...
virtual handle_t apply_orientation (const handle_t &handle)=0
virtual std::vector< handle_tdivide_handle (const handle_t &handle, const std::vector< size_t > &offsets)=0
std::pair< handle_t, handle_tdivide_handle (const handle_t &handle, size_t offset)
 Specialization of divide_handle for a single division point. More...
virtual void optimize (bool allow_id_reassignment=true)=0
virtual bool apply_ordering (const std::vector< handle_t > &order, bool compact_ids=false)=0
virtual void set_id_increment (const nid_t &min_id)=0
virtual void increment_node_ids (nid_t increment)
virtual void increment_node_ids (long increment)
 This specialization for long appears to be needed to avoid confusion about nid_t. More...
virtual void reassign_node_ids (const std::function< nid_t(const nid_t &)> &get_new_id)=0
- Public Member Functions inherited from handlegraph::HandleGraph
virtual ~HandleGraph ()=default
virtual bool has_node (nid_t node_id) const =0
 Method to check if a node exists by ID. More...
virtual handle_t get_handle (const nid_t &node_id, bool is_reverse=false) const =0
 Look up the handle for the node with the given ID in the given orientation. More...
virtual nid_t get_id (const handle_t &handle) const =0
 Get the ID from a handle. More...
virtual bool get_is_reverse (const handle_t &handle) const =0
 Get the orientation of a handle. More...
virtual handle_t flip (const handle_t &handle) const =0
 Invert the orientation of a handle (potentially without getting its ID) More...
virtual size_t get_length (const handle_t &handle) const =0
 Get the length of a node. More...
virtual std::string get_sequence (const handle_t &handle) const =0
virtual size_t get_node_count () const =0
 Return the number of nodes in the graph. More...
virtual nid_t min_node_id () const =0
virtual nid_t max_node_id () const =0
template<typename Iteratee >
bool follow_edges (const handle_t &handle, bool go_left, const Iteratee &iteratee) const
template<typename Iteratee >
bool for_each_handle (const Iteratee &iteratee, bool parallel=false) const
virtual size_t get_degree (const handle_t &handle, bool go_left) const
virtual bool has_edge (const handle_t &left, const handle_t &right) const
bool has_edge (const edge_t &edge) const
 Convenient wrapper of has_edge for edge_t argument. More...
virtual size_t get_edge_count () const
virtual size_t get_total_length () const
virtual char get_base (const handle_t &handle, size_t index) const
virtual std::string get_subsequence (const handle_t &handle, size_t index, size_t size) const
handle_t forward (const handle_t &handle) const
 Get the locally forward version of a handle. More...
edge_t edge_handle (const handle_t &left, const handle_t &right) const
handle_t traverse_edge_handle (const edge_t &edge, const handle_t &left) const
template<typename Iteratee >
bool for_each_edge (const Iteratee &iteratee, bool parallel=false) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from handlegraph::HandleGraph
virtual bool follow_edges_impl (const handle_t &handle, bool go_left, const std::function< bool(const handle_t &)> &iteratee) const =0
virtual bool for_each_handle_impl (const std::function< bool(const handle_t &)> &iteratee, bool parallel=false) const =0

Detailed Description

This is the interface for a handle graph that supports addition of new graph material.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ~MutableHandleGraph()

virtual handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::~MutableHandleGraph ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ apply_ordering()

virtual bool handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::apply_ordering ( const std::vector< handle_t > &  order,
bool  compact_ids = false 
pure virtual

Reorder the graph's internal structure to match that given. This sets the order that is used for iteration in functions like for_each_handle. If compact_ids is true, may (but will not necessarily) compact the id space of the graph to match the ordering, from 1->|ordering|. In other cases, node IDs will be preserved. This may be a no-op in the case of graph implementations that do not have any mechanism to maintain an ordering. This may invalidate outstanding handles. Returns true if node IDs actually were adjusted to match the given order, and false if they remain unchanged.

Implemented in vg::VG.

◆ apply_orientation()

virtual handle_t handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::apply_orientation ( const handle_t handle)
pure virtual

Alter the node that the given handle corresponds to so the orientation indicated by the handle becomes the node's local forward orientation. Rewrites all edges pointing to the node and the node's sequence to reflect this. Invalidates all handles to the node (including the one passed). Returns a new, valid handle to the node in its new forward orientation. Note that it is possible for the node's ID to change. Does not update any stored paths. May change the ordering of the underlying graph.

Implemented in vg::VG.

◆ create_edge() [1/2]

void handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::create_edge ( const edge_t edge)

Convenient wrapper for create_edge.

◆ create_edge() [2/2]

virtual void handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::create_edge ( const handle_t left,
const handle_t right 
pure virtual

Create an edge connecting the given handles in the given order and orientations. Ignores existing edges.

Implemented in vg::VG.

◆ create_handle() [1/2]

virtual handle_t handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::create_handle ( const std::string &  sequence)
pure virtual

Create a new node with the given sequence and return the handle. The sequence may not be empty.

◆ create_handle() [2/2]

virtual handle_t handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::create_handle ( const std::string &  sequence,
const nid_t id 
pure virtual

Create a new node with the given id and sequence, then return the handle. The sequence may not be empty. The ID must be strictly greater than 0.

◆ divide_handle() [1/2]

virtual std::vector<handle_t> handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::divide_handle ( const handle_t handle,
const std::vector< size_t > &  offsets 
pure virtual

Split a handle's underlying node at the given offsets in the handle's orientation. Returns all of the handles to the parts. Other handles to the node being split may be invalidated. The split pieces stay in the same local forward orientation as the original node, but the returned handles come in the order and orientation appropriate for the handle passed in. Updates stored paths. This invalidates the passed handles, but not other handles.

◆ divide_handle() [2/2]

std::pair<handle_t, handle_t> handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::divide_handle ( const handle_t handle,
size_t  offset 

Specialization of divide_handle for a single division point.

◆ increment_node_ids() [1/2]

void handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::increment_node_ids ( long  increment)

This specialization for long appears to be needed to avoid confusion about nid_t.

◆ increment_node_ids() [2/2]

void handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::increment_node_ids ( nid_t  increment)

Add the given value to all node IDs. Has a default implementation in terms of reassign_node_ids, but can be implemented more efficiently in some graphs.

Reimplemented in vg::VG.

◆ optimize()

virtual void handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::optimize ( bool  allow_id_reassignment = true)
pure virtual

Adjust the representation of the graph in memory to improve performance. Optionally, allow the node IDs to be reassigned to further improve performance. Note: Ideally, this method is called one time once there is expected to be few graph modifications in the future. This may invalidate outstanding handles.

Implemented in vg::VG.

◆ reassign_node_ids()

virtual void handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::reassign_node_ids ( const std::function< nid_t(const nid_t &)> &  get_new_id)
pure virtual

Renumber all node IDs using the given function, which, given an old ID, returns the new ID. Modifies the graph in place. Invalidates all outstanding handles. If the graph supports paths, they also must be updated. The mapping function may return 0. In this case, the input ID will remain unchanged. The mapping function should not return any ID for which it would return 0.

Implemented in vg::VG.

◆ set_id_increment()

virtual void handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph::set_id_increment ( const nid_t min_id)
pure virtual

Set a minimum id to increment the id space by, used as a hint during construction. May have no effect on a backing implementation.

Implemented in vg::VG.

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