tools for working with variation graphs
#include <vg.hpp>
Classes | |
struct | Plan |
Structure for managing parallel construction of a graph. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
virtual void | serialize (ostream &out) const |
Write the contents of this graph to an ostream. More... | |
virtual void | deserialize (istream &in) |
virtual handle_t | get_handle (const nid_t &node_id, bool is_reverse=false) const |
Look up the handle for the node with the given ID in the given orientation. More... | |
virtual nid_t | get_id (const handle_t &handle) const |
Get the ID from a handle. More... | |
virtual bool | get_is_reverse (const handle_t &handle) const |
Get the orientation of a handle. More... | |
virtual handle_t | flip (const handle_t &handle) const |
Invert the orientation of a handle (potentially without getting its ID) More... | |
virtual size_t | get_length (const handle_t &handle) const |
Get the length of a node. More... | |
virtual string | get_sequence (const handle_t &handle) const |
virtual bool | follow_edges_impl (const handle_t &handle, bool go_left, const function< bool(const handle_t &)> &iteratee) const |
virtual bool | for_each_handle_impl (const function< bool(const handle_t &)> &iteratee, bool parallel=false) const |
virtual size_t | get_node_count () const |
Return the number of nodes in the graph. More... | |
virtual size_t | get_edge_count () const |
Return the total number of edges in the graph. More... | |
virtual nid_t | min_node_id () const |
Get the minimum node ID used in the graph, if any are used. More... | |
virtual nid_t | max_node_id () const |
Get the maximum node ID used in the graph, if any are used. More... | |
virtual size_t | get_degree (const handle_t &handle, bool go_left) const |
virtual bool | has_edge (const handle_t &left, const handle_t &right) const |
virtual char | get_base (const handle_t &handle, size_t index) const |
virtual string | get_subsequence (const handle_t &handle, size_t index, size_t size) const |
virtual size_t | get_path_count () const |
Returns the number of paths stored in the graph. More... | |
virtual bool | has_path (const string &path_name) const |
Determine if a path name exists and is legal to get a path handle for. More... | |
virtual path_handle_t | get_path_handle (const string &path_name) const |
Look up the path handle for the given path name. More... | |
virtual string | get_path_name (const path_handle_t &path_handle) const |
Look up the name of a path from a handle to it. More... | |
virtual bool | get_is_circular (const path_handle_t &path_handle) const |
Look up whether a path is circular. More... | |
virtual size_t | get_step_count (const path_handle_t &path_handle) const |
Returns the number of node steps in the path. More... | |
virtual handle_t | get_handle_of_step (const step_handle_t &step_handle) const |
Get a node handle (node ID and orientation) from a handle to an step on a path. More... | |
virtual path_handle_t | get_path_handle_of_step (const step_handle_t &step_handle) const |
Returns a handle to the path that an step is on. More... | |
virtual step_handle_t | path_begin (const path_handle_t &path_handle) const |
virtual step_handle_t | path_end (const path_handle_t &path_handle) const |
virtual step_handle_t | path_back (const path_handle_t &path_handle) const |
virtual step_handle_t | path_front_end (const path_handle_t &path_handle) const |
virtual step_handle_t | get_next_step (const step_handle_t &step_handle) const |
virtual step_handle_t | get_previous_step (const step_handle_t &step_handle) const |
virtual bool | has_next_step (const step_handle_t &step_handle) const |
Returns true if the step is not the last step in a non-circular path. More... | |
virtual bool | has_previous_step (const step_handle_t &step_handle) const |
Returns true if the step is not the first step in a non-circular path. More... | |
virtual bool | for_each_path_handle_impl (const function< bool(const path_handle_t &)> &iteratee) const |
Execute a function on each path in the graph. More... | |
virtual bool | for_each_step_on_handle_impl (const handle_t &handle, const function< bool(const step_handle_t &)> &iteratee) const |
Loop over the steps of a handle in paths. More... | |
virtual handle_t | create_handle (const string &sequence) |
virtual handle_t | create_handle (const string &sequence, const nid_t &id) |
virtual void | destroy_handle (const handle_t &handle) |
virtual void | create_edge (const handle_t &left, const handle_t &right) |
Create an edge connecting the given handles in the given order and orientations. More... | |
virtual void | destroy_edge (const handle_t &left, const handle_t &right) |
Remove the edge connecting the given handles in the given order and orientations. More... | |
virtual void | clear () |
Remove all nodes and edges. Does not update any stored paths. More... | |
virtual void | swap_handles (const handle_t &a, const handle_t &b) |
virtual handle_t | apply_orientation (const handle_t &handle) |
virtual vector< handle_t > | divide_handle (const handle_t &handle, const vector< size_t > &offsets) |
virtual void | optimize (bool allow_id_reassignment=true) |
virtual bool | apply_ordering (const std::vector< handle_t > &order, bool compact_ids=false) |
virtual void | set_id_increment (const nid_t &min_id) |
No-op function (required by MutableHandleGraph interface) More... | |
virtual void | increment_node_ids (nid_t increment) |
Add the given value to all node IDs. Preserves the paths. More... | |
virtual void | reassign_node_ids (const std::function< nid_t(const nid_t &)> &get_new_id) |
Reassign all node IDs as specified by the old->new mapping function. More... | |
virtual void | destroy_path (const path_handle_t &path) |
Destroy the given path. Invalidates handles to the path and its node steps. More... | |
virtual path_handle_t | create_path_handle (const string &name, bool is_circular=false) |
Create a path with the given name. More... | |
virtual step_handle_t | append_step (const path_handle_t &path, const handle_t &to_append) |
Append a visit to a node to the given path. More... | |
virtual step_handle_t | prepend_step (const path_handle_t &path, const handle_t &to_prepend) |
Append a visit to a node to the given path. More... | |
virtual pair< step_handle_t, step_handle_t > | rewrite_segment (const step_handle_t &segment_begin, const step_handle_t &segment_end, const vector< handle_t > &new_segment) |
virtual void | set_circularity (const path_handle_t &path, bool circular) |
void | set_edge (Edge *) |
void | print_edges (void) |
vector< pair< nid_t, bool > > & | edges_start (Node *node) |
Get nodes and backward flags following edges that attach to this node's start. More... | |
vector< pair< nid_t, bool > > & | edges_start (nid_t id) |
Get nodes and backward flags following edges that attach to this node's start. More... | |
vector< pair< nid_t, bool > > & | edges_end (Node *node) |
Get nodes and backward flags following edges that attach to this node's end. More... | |
vector< pair< nid_t, bool > > & | edges_end (nid_t id) |
Get nodes and backward flags following edges that attach to this node's end. More... | |
size_t | size (void) |
Number of nodes. More... | |
size_t | length (void) |
Total sequence length. More... | |
VG (void) | |
Default constructor. More... | |
VG (istream &in, bool showp=false, bool warn_on_duplicates=true) | |
Construct from Graph objects serialized in a tagged group stream. More... | |
void | from_istream (istream &in, bool showp=false, bool warn_on_duplicates=true) |
VG (const function< void(const function< void(Graph &)> &)> &send_graphs, bool showp=false, bool warn_on_duplicates=true) | |
VG (const Graph &from, bool showp=false, bool warn_on_duplicates=true) | |
Construct from a single Protobuf graph. The same as making an empty VG and using extend(). More... | |
VG (set< Node * > &nodes, set< Edge * > &edges) | |
map< nid_t, vcflib::Variant > | get_node_nid_to_variant (vcflib::VariantCallFile vfile) |
VG | dagify (uint32_t expand_scc_steps, unordered_map< nid_t, pair< nid_t, bool > > &node_translation, size_t target_min_walk_length=0, size_t component_length_max=0) |
VG | unfold (uint32_t max_length, unordered_map< nid_t, pair< nid_t, bool > > &node_translation) |
VG | reverse_complement_graph (unordered_map< nid_t, pair< nid_t, bool >> &node_translation) |
Create the reverse complemented graph with topology preserved. Record translation in provided map. More... | |
void | identity_translation (unordered_map< nid_t, pair< nid_t, bool >> &node_translation) |
Record the translation of this graph into itself in the provided map. More... | |
unordered_map< nid_t, pair< nid_t, bool > > | overlay_node_translations (const unordered_map< nid_t, pair< nid_t, bool > > &over, const unordered_map< nid_t, pair< nid_t, bool > > &under) |
Assume two node translations, the over is based on the under; merge them. More... | |
vector< Edge > | break_cycles (void) |
void | remove_non_path (void) |
Remove pieces of the graph which are not part of any path. More... | |
void | remove_path (void) |
Remove pieces of the graph which are part of some path. More... | |
set< Edge * > | get_path_edges (void) |
Get all of the edges that are on any path. More... | |
void | flip_doubly_reversed_edges (void) |
Convert edges that are both from_start and to_end to "regular" ones from end to start. More... | |
void | from_turtle (string filename, string baseuri, bool showp=false) |
Build a graph from a Turtle stream. More... | |
~VG (void) | |
Destructor. More... | |
VG (const VG &other) | |
Copy constructor. More... | |
VG (VG &&other) noexcept | |
Move constructor. More... | |
VG & | operator= (const VG &other) |
Copy assignment operator. More... | |
VG & | operator= (VG &&other) noexcept |
Move assignment operator. More... | |
void | build_indexes (void) |
void | build_node_indexes (void) |
void | build_edge_indexes (void) |
void | build_indexes_no_init_size (void) |
void | build_node_indexes_no_init_size (void) |
void | build_edge_indexes_no_init_size (void) |
void | clear_node_indexes (void) |
void | clear_node_indexes_no_resize (void) |
void | clear_edge_indexes (void) |
void | clear_edge_indexes_no_resize (void) |
void | clear_indexes (void) |
void | clear_indexes_no_resize (void) |
void | resize_indexes (void) |
void | rebuild_indexes (void) |
void | rebuild_edge_indexes (void) |
void | merge (Graph &g) |
Literally merge protobufs. More... | |
void | merge (VG &g) |
Literally merge protobufs. More... | |
void | clear_paths (void) |
Clear the paths object (which indexes the graph.paths) and the graph paths themselves. More... | |
void | sync_paths (void) |
Synchronize in-memory indexes and protobuf graph. More... | |
void | merge_union (VG &g) |
void | remove_duplicated_in (VG &g) |
Helper to merge_union. More... | |
void | remove_duplicates (void) |
Remove duplicated nodes and edges. More... | |
void | serialize_to_function (const function< void(Graph &)> &emit, nid_t chunk_size=1000) |
void | serialize_to_emitter (vg::io::ProtobufEmitter< Graph > &emitter, nid_t chunk_size=1000) |
void | serialize_to_ostream (ostream &out, nid_t chunk_size=1000) |
void | serialize_to_file (const string &file_name, nid_t chunk_size=1000) |
void | compact_ids (void) |
Squish the node IDs down into as small a space as possible. Fixes up paths itself. More... | |
void | compact_ids (hash_map< nid_t, nid_t > &new_id) |
void | decrement_node_ids (nid_t decrement) |
Subtract the given value from all the node IDs. Must not create a node with 0 or negative IDs. Invalidates the paths. More... | |
void | swap_node_id (nid_t node_id, nid_t new_id) |
void | swap_node_id (Node *node, nid_t new_id) |
void | sort () |
void | id_sort () |
Order the backing graph data structure by node ID. More... | |
void | extend (const VG &g, bool warn_on_duplicates=false) |
void | extend (const Graph &graph, bool warn_on_duplicates=false) |
void | append (VG &g) |
void | combine (VG &g) |
void | include (const Path &path) |
Edit the graph to include the path. More... | |
void | edit (vector< Path > &paths_to_add, vector< Translation > *out_translations=nullptr, bool save_paths=false, bool update_paths=false, bool break_at_ends=false) |
void | edit (const string &paths_to_add_path, vector< Translation > *out_translations=nullptr, bool save_paths=false, const string &out_gam_path="", bool break_at_ends=false, bool remove_softclips=false) |
vector< Translation > | edit_fast (const Path &path, set< NodeSide > &dangling, size_t max_node_size=1024) |
void | add_node (const Node &node) |
Add in the given node, by value. More... | |
void | add_nodes (const vector< Node > &nodes) |
Add in the given nodes, by value. More... | |
void | add_edge (const Edge &edge) |
Add in the given edge, by value. More... | |
void | add_edges (const vector< Edge > &edges) |
Add in the given edges, by value. More... | |
void | add_edges (const vector< Edge * > &edges) |
Add in the given edges, by value. More... | |
void | add_nodes (const set< Node * > &nodes) |
Add in the given nodes, by value. More... | |
void | add_edges (const set< Edge * > &edges) |
Add in the given edges, by value. More... | |
size_t | node_count (void) const |
Return the number of nodes in the graph. More... | |
size_t | edge_count (void) const |
Count the number of edges in the graph. More... | |
int | node_rank (Node *node) |
Get the rank of the node in the protobuf array that backs the graph. More... | |
int | node_rank (nid_t id) |
Get the rank of the node in the protobuf array that backs the graph. More... | |
int | start_degree (Node *node) |
Get the number of edges attached to the start of a node. More... | |
int | end_degree (Node *node) |
Get the number of edges attached to the end of a node. More... | |
int | left_degree (NodeTraversal node) |
Get the number of edges attached to the left side of a NodeTraversal. More... | |
int | right_degree (NodeTraversal node) |
Get the number of edges attached to the right side of a NodeTraversal. More... | |
void | edges_of_node (Node *node, vector< Edge * > &edges) |
vector< Edge * > | edges_of (Node *node) |
Get the edges of the specified node. More... | |
vector< Edge * > | edges_from (Node *node) |
Get the edges from the specified node. More... | |
vector< Edge * > | edges_to (Node *node) |
Get the edges to the specified node. More... | |
void | edges_of_nodes (set< Node * > &nodes, set< Edge * > &edges) |
Get the edges of the specified set of nodes, and add them to the given set of edge pointers. More... | |
set< NodeSide > | sides_to (NodeSide side) |
Get the sides on the other side of edges to this side of the node. More... | |
set< NodeSide > | sides_from (NodeSide side) |
Get the sides on the other side of edges from this side of the node. More... | |
set< NodeSide > | sides_from (nid_t id) |
Get the sides from both sides of the node. More... | |
set< NodeSide > | sides_to (nid_t id) |
Get the sides to both sides of the node. More... | |
set< NodeSide > | sides_of (NodeSide side) |
Union of sides_to and sides_from. More... | |
set< pair< NodeSide, bool > > | sides_context (nid_t node_id) |
Get all sides connecting to this node. More... | |
bool | same_context (nid_t id1, nid_t id2) |
Use sides_from an sides_to to determine if both nodes have the same context. More... | |
bool | is_ancestor_prev (nid_t node_id, nid_t candidate_id) |
Determine if the node is a prev ancestor of this one. More... | |
bool | is_ancestor_prev (nid_t node_id, nid_t candidate_id, set< nid_t > &seen, size_t steps=64) |
Determine if the node is a prev ancestor of this one by trying to find it in a given number of steps. More... | |
bool | is_ancestor_next (nid_t node_id, nid_t candidate_id) |
Determine if the node is a next ancestor of this one. More... | |
bool | is_ancestor_next (nid_t node_id, nid_t candidate_id, set< nid_t > &seen, size_t steps=64) |
Determine if the node is a next ancestor of this one by trying to find it in a given number of steps. More... | |
nid_t | common_ancestor_prev (nid_t id1, nid_t id2, size_t steps=64) |
Try to find a common ancestor by walking back up to steps from the first node. More... | |
nid_t | common_ancestor_next (nid_t id1, nid_t id2, size_t steps=64) |
Try to find a common ancestor by walking forward up to steps from the first node. More... | |
bool | adjacent (const Position &pos1, const Position &pos2) |
Determine if pos1 occurs directly before pos2. More... | |
Node * | create_node (const string &seq) |
Create a node. Use the VG class to generate ids. More... | |
Node * | create_node (const string &seq, nid_t id) |
Create a node. Use a specified, nonzero node ID. More... | |
Node * | get_node (nid_t id) |
Find a particular node. More... | |
const Node * | get_node (nid_t id) const |
void | nonoverlapping_node_context_without_paths (Node *node, VG &g) |
void | expand_context (VG &g, size_t distance, bool add_paths=true, bool use_steps=true) |
void | expand_context_by_steps (VG &g, size_t steps, bool add_paths=true) |
Expand the context of the given graph by the given number of steps. More... | |
void | expand_context_by_length (VG &g, size_t length, bool add_paths=true, bool reflect=false, const set< NodeSide > &barriers=set< NodeSide >()) |
void | destroy_node (Node *node) |
Destroy the node at the given pointer. This pointer must point to a Node owned by the graph. More... | |
void | destroy_node (nid_t id) |
Destroy the node with the given ID. More... | |
bool | has_node (nid_t id) const |
Determine if the graph has a node with the given ID. More... | |
bool | has_node (const Node *node) const |
Determine if the graph contains the given node. More... | |
bool | has_node (const Node &node) const |
Determine if the graph contains the given node. More... | |
Node * | find_node_by_name_or_add_new (string name) |
Find a node with the given name, or create a new one if none is found. More... | |
void | for_each_node (function< void(Node *)> lambda) |
Run the given function on every node. More... | |
void | for_each_node (function< void(const Node *)> lambda) const |
void | for_each_node_parallel (function< void(Node *)> lambda) |
Run the given function on every node in parallel. More... | |
void | for_each_connected_node (Node *node, function< void(Node *)> lambda) |
Go through all the nodes in the same connected component as the given node. Ignores relative orientation. More... | |
void | dfs (const function< void(NodeTraversal)> &node_begin_fn, const function< void(NodeTraversal)> &node_end_fn, const function< bool(void)> &break_fn, const function< void(Edge *)> &edge_fn, const function< void(Edge *)> &tree_fn, const function< void(Edge *)> &edge_curr_fn, const function< void(Edge *)> &edge_cross_fn, const vector< NodeTraversal > *sources, const unordered_set< NodeTraversal > *sinks) |
void | dfs (const function< void(NodeTraversal)> &node_begin_fn, const function< void(NodeTraversal)> &node_end_fn, const vector< NodeTraversal > *sources=NULL, const unordered_set< NodeTraversal > *sinks=NULL) |
Specialization of dfs for only handling nodes. More... | |
void | dfs (const function< void(NodeTraversal)> &node_begin_fn, const function< void(NodeTraversal)> &node_end_fn, const function< bool(void)> &break_fn) |
Specialization of dfs for only handling nodes + break function. More... | |
bool | empty (void) const |
Is the graph empty? More... | |
const string | hash (void) |
Generate a digest of the serialized graph. More... | |
void | remove_null_nodes (void) |
void | remove_node_forwarding_edges (Node *node) |
Remove a node but connect all of its predecessor and successor nodes with new edges. More... | |
void | remove_null_nodes_forwarding_edges (void) |
Remove null nodes but connect predecessors and successors, preserving structure. More... | |
void | remove_orphan_edges (void) |
Remove edges for which one of the nodes is not present. More... | |
void | remove_inverting_edges (void) |
Remove edges representing an inversion and edges on the reverse complement. More... | |
bool | has_inverting_edges (void) |
Determine if the graph has inversions. More... | |
void | keep_paths (const set< string > &path_names, set< string > &kept_names) |
void | keep_path (const string &path_name) |
int | path_edge_count (list< NodeTraversal > &path, int32_t offset, int path_length) |
int | path_end_node_offset (list< NodeTraversal > &path, int32_t offset, int path_length) |
const vector< Alignment > | paths_as_alignments (void) |
Convert the stored paths in this graph to alignments. More... | |
const string | path_sequence (const Path &path) |
Return sequence string of path. More... | |
double | path_identity (const Path &path1, const Path &path2) |
string | trav_sequence (const NodeTraversal &trav) |
Get the sequence of a NodeTraversal. More... | |
nid_t | get_node_at_nucleotide (string pathname, int nuc) |
Edge * | create_edge (Node *from, Node *to, bool from_start=false, bool to_end=false) |
Edge * | create_edge (nid_t from, nid_t to, bool from_start=false, bool to_end=false) |
Edge * | create_edge (NodeTraversal left, NodeTraversal right) |
Edge * | create_edge (NodeSide side1, NodeSide side2) |
Edge * | get_edge (const NodeSide &side1, const NodeSide &side2) |
Edge * | get_edge (const pair< NodeSide, NodeSide > &sides) |
Edge * | get_edge (const NodeTraversal &left, const NodeTraversal &right) |
Get the edge connecting the given oriented nodes in the given order. More... | |
void | destroy_edge (Edge *edge) |
Destroy the edge at the given pointer. This pointer must point to an edge owned by the graph. More... | |
void | destroy_edge (const NodeSide &side1, const NodeSide &side2) |
Destroy the edge between the given sides of nodes. These can be in either order. More... | |
void | destroy_edge (const pair< NodeSide, NodeSide > &sides) |
Destroy the edge between the given sides of nodes. This can take sides in any order. More... | |
void | unindex_edge_by_node_sides (const NodeSide &side1, const NodeSide &side2) |
void | unindex_edge_by_node_sides (Edge *edge) |
void | index_edge_by_node_sides (Edge *edge) |
bool | has_edge (const NodeSide &side1, const NodeSide &side2) const |
Get the edge between the given node sides, which can be in either order. More... | |
bool | has_edge (const pair< NodeSide, NodeSide > &sides) const |
Determine if the graph has an edge. This can take sides in any order. More... | |
bool | has_edge (Edge *edge) const |
Determine if the graph has an edge. This can take sides in any order. More... | |
bool | has_edge (const Edge &edge) const |
Determine if the graph has an edge. This can take sides in any order. More... | |
bool | has_inverting_edge (Node *n) |
Determine if the graph has an inverting edge on the given node. More... | |
bool | has_inverting_edge_from (Node *n) |
Determine if the graph has an inverting edge from the given node. More... | |
bool | has_inverting_edge_to (Node *n) |
Determine if the graph has an inverting edge to the given node. More... | |
void | for_each_edge (function< void(Edge *)> lambda) |
Run the given function for each edge. More... | |
void | for_each_edge (function< void(const Edge *)> lambda) const |
void | for_each_edge_parallel (function< void(Edge *)> lambda) |
Run the given function for each edge, in parallel. More... | |
void | circularize (nid_t head, nid_t tail) |
Circularize a subgraph / path using the head / tail nodes. More... | |
void | circularize (vector< string > pathnames) |
void | connect_node_to_nodes (NodeTraversal node, vector< NodeTraversal > &nodes) |
void | connect_node_to_nodes (Node *node, vector< Node * > &nodes, bool from_start=false) |
void | connect_nodes_to_node (vector< NodeTraversal > &nodes, NodeTraversal node) |
void | connect_nodes_to_node (vector< Node * > &nodes, Node *node, bool to_end=false) |
connect nodes -> node. More... | |
void | divide_node (Node *node, int pos, Node *&left, Node *&right) |
void | divide_node (Node *node, vector< int > &positions, vector< Node * > &parts) |
Divide a node at a given internal position. This version works on a collection of internal positions, in linear time. More... | |
void | divide_path (map< long, nid_t > &path, long pos, Node *&left, Node *&right) |
Divide a path at a position. Also invalidates stored rank information. More... | |
void | to_dot (ostream &out, vector< Alignment > alignments={}, vector< Locus > loci={}, bool show_paths=false, bool walk_paths=false, bool annotate_paths=false, bool show_mappings=false, bool simple_mode=false, bool noseq_mode=false, bool invert_edge_ports=false, bool color_variants=false, bool ultrabubble_labeling=false, bool skip_missing_nodes=false, bool ascii_labels=false, int random_seed=0) |
Convert the graph to Dot format. More... | |
void | to_turtle (ostream &out, const string &rdf_base_uri, bool precompress) |
Convert the graph to Turtle format. More... | |
bool | is_valid (bool check_nodes=true, bool check_edges=true, bool check_paths=true, bool check_orphans=true) |
Determine if the graph is valid or not, according to the specified criteria. More... | |
void | swap_nodes (Node *a, Node *b) |
Swap the given nodes. TODO: what does that mean? More... | |
Alignment | align (const string &sequence, const Aligner *aligner, bool traceback=true, bool acyclic_and_sorted=false, size_t max_query_graph_ratio=0, bool pinned_alignment=false, bool pin_left=false, bool banded_global=false, size_t band_padding_override=0, size_t max_span=0, size_t unroll_length=0, int xdrop_alignment=0) |
Alignment | align (const Alignment &alignment, const Aligner *aligner, const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, bool traceback=true, bool acyclic_and_sorted=false, size_t max_query_graph_ratio=0, bool pinned_alignment=false, bool pin_left=false, bool banded_global=false, size_t band_padding_override=0, size_t max_span=0, size_t unroll_length=0, int xdrop_alignment=0) |
Alignment | align (const Alignment &alignment, const Aligner *aligner, bool traceback=true, bool acyclic_and_sorted=false, size_t max_query_graph_ratio=0, bool pinned_alignment=false, bool pin_left=false, bool banded_global=false, size_t band_padding_override=0, size_t max_span=0, size_t unroll_length=0, int xdrop_alignment=0) |
Alignment | align (const Alignment &alignment, bool traceback=true, bool acyclic_and_sorted=false, size_t max_query_graph_ratio=0, bool pinned_alignment=false, bool pin_left=false, bool banded_global=false, size_t band_padding_override=0, size_t max_span=0, size_t unroll_length=0, int xdrop_alignment=0) |
Alignment | align (const string &sequence, bool traceback=true, bool acyclic_and_sorted=false, size_t max_query_graph_ratio=0, bool pinned_alignment=false, bool pin_left=false, bool banded_global=false, size_t band_padding_override=0, size_t max_span=0, size_t unroll_length=0, int xdrop_alignment=0) |
Alignment | align_qual_adjusted (const Alignment &alignment, const QualAdjAligner *qual_adj_aligner, const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, bool traceback=true, bool acyclic_and_sorted=false, size_t max_query_graph_ratio=0, bool pinned_alignment=false, bool pin_left=false, bool banded_global=false, size_t band_padding_override=0, size_t max_span=0, size_t unroll_length=0, int xdrop_alignment=0) |
Alignment | align_qual_adjusted (const Alignment &alignment, const QualAdjAligner *qual_adj_aligner, bool traceback=true, bool acyclic_and_sorted=false, size_t max_query_graph_ratio=0, bool pinned_alignment=false, bool pin_left=false, bool banded_global=false, size_t band_padding_override=0, size_t max_span=0, size_t unroll_length=0, int xdrop_alignment=0) |
Alignment | align_qual_adjusted (const string &sequence, const QualAdjAligner *qual_adj_aligner, bool traceback=true, bool acyclic_and_sorted=false, size_t max_query_graph_ratio=0, bool pinned_alignment=false, bool pin_left=false, bool banded_global=false, size_t band_padding_override=0, size_t max_span=0, size_t unroll_length=0, int xdrop_alignment=0) |
void | paths_between (Node *from, Node *to, vector< Path > &paths) |
void | paths_between (nid_t from, nid_t to, vector< Path > &paths) |
void | likelihoods (vector< Alignment > &alignments, vector< Path > &paths, vector< long double > &likelihoods) |
void | nodes_prev (NodeTraversal n, vector< NodeTraversal > &nodes) |
Get the nodes attached to the left side of the given NodeTraversal, in their proper orientations. More... | |
vector< NodeTraversal > | nodes_prev (NodeTraversal n) |
Get the nodes attached to the left side of the given NodeTraversal, in their proper orientations. More... | |
set< NodeTraversal > | travs_to (NodeTraversal node) |
Get traversals before this node on the same strand. Same as nodes_prev but using set. More... | |
void | nodes_next (NodeTraversal n, vector< NodeTraversal > &nodes) |
Get the nodes attached to the right side of the given NodeTraversal, in their proper orientations. More... | |
vector< NodeTraversal > | nodes_next (NodeTraversal n) |
Get the nodes attached to the right side of the given NodeTraversal, in their proper orientations. More... | |
set< NodeTraversal > | travs_from (NodeTraversal node) |
Get traversals after this node on the same strand. Same as nodes_next but using set. More... | |
set< NodeTraversal > | travs_of (NodeTraversal node) |
Get traversals either before or after this node on the same strand. More... | |
int | node_count_prev (NodeTraversal n) |
Count the nodes attached to the left side of the given NodeTraversal. More... | |
int | node_count_next (NodeTraversal n) |
Count the nodes attached to the right side of the given NodeTraversal. More... | |
Path | create_path (const list< NodeTraversal > &nodes) |
Create a path. More... | |
Path | create_path (const vector< NodeTraversal > &nodes) |
Create a path. More... | |
void | expand_path (const list< NodeTraversal > &path, vector< NodeTraversal > &expanded) |
Expand a path. TODO: what does that mean? More... | |
void | node_starts_in_path (const list< NodeTraversal > &path, map< Node *, int > &node_start) |
bool | mapping_is_total_match (const Mapping &m) |
Return true if the mapping completely covers the node it maps to and is a perfect match. More... | |
map< string, vector< mapping_t > > | concat_mappings_for_node_pair (nid_t id1, nid_t id2) |
Concatenate the mappings for a pair of nodes; handles multiple mappings per path. More... | |
void | expand_path (list< NodeTraversal > &path, vector< list< NodeTraversal >::iterator > &expanded) |
void | node_starts_in_path (list< NodeTraversal > &path, map< NodeTraversal *, int > &node_start) |
Alignment | random_read (size_t read_len, mt19937 &rng, nid_t min_id, nid_t max_id, bool either_strand) |
void | head_nodes (vector< Node * > &nodes) |
Get the head nodes (nodes with edges only to their right sides). These are required to be oriented forward. More... | |
vector< Node * > | head_nodes (void) |
Get the head nodes (nodes with edges only to their right sides). These are required to be oriented forward. More... | |
bool | is_head_node (nid_t id) |
Determine if a node is a head node. More... | |
bool | is_head_node (Node *node) |
Determine if a node is a head node. More... | |
vector< Node * > | tail_nodes (void) |
Get the tail nodes (nodes with edges only to their left sides). These are required to be oriented forward. More... | |
void | tail_nodes (vector< Node * > &nodes) |
Get the tail nodes (nodes with edges only to their left sides). These are required to be oriented forward. More... | |
bool | is_tail_node (nid_t id) |
Determine if a node is a tail node. More... | |
bool | is_tail_node (Node *node) |
Determine if a node is a tail node. More... | |
void | collect_subgraph (Node *node, set< Node * > &subgraph) |
Collect the subgraph of a Node. TODO: what does that mean? More... | |
Node * | join_heads (void) |
Join head nodes of graph to common null node, creating a new single head. More... | |
void | join_heads (Node *node, bool from_start=false) |
Join head nodes of graph to specified node. Optionally from the start/to the end of the new node. More... | |
void | join_tails (Node *node, bool to_end=false) |
Join tail nodes of graph to specified node. Optionally from the start/to the end of the new node. More... | |
void | wrap_with_null_nodes (void) |
Add singular head and tail null nodes to graph. More... | |
void | add_start_end_markers (int length, char start_char, char end_char, Node *&start_node, Node *&end_node, nid_t &start_id, nid_t &end_id) |
![]() | |
void | preload_progress (const string &message) |
void | create_progress (const string &message, long count) |
void | create_progress (long count) |
void | update_progress (long i) |
void | increment_progress () |
void | destroy_progress (void) |
![]() | |
virtual | ~MutablePathDeletableHandleGraph ()=default |
virtual handle_t | change_sequence (const handle_t &handle, const std::string &sequence) |
![]() | |
virtual | ~MutablePathMutableHandleGraph ()=default |
![]() | |
virtual | ~MutablePathHandleGraph ()=default |
virtual void | destroy_paths (const std::vector< path_handle_t > &paths) |
virtual path_handle_t | create_path_handle (const std::string &name, bool is_circular=false)=0 |
virtual path_handle_t | rename_path (const path_handle_t &path_handle, const std::string &new_name) |
virtual void | pop_front_step (const path_handle_t &path_handle) |
virtual void | pop_back_step (const path_handle_t &path_handle) |
virtual std::pair< step_handle_t, step_handle_t > | rewrite_segment (const step_handle_t &segment_begin, const step_handle_t &segment_end, const std::vector< handle_t > &new_segment)=0 |
![]() | |
virtual | ~PathHandleGraph ()=default |
virtual bool | has_path (const std::string &path_name) const =0 |
Determine if a path name exists and is legal to get a path handle for. More... | |
virtual path_handle_t | get_path_handle (const std::string &path_name) const =0 |
virtual size_t | get_step_count (const handle_t &handle) const |
Returns the number of node steps on a handle. More... | |
template<typename Iteratee > | |
bool | for_each_path_handle (const Iteratee &iteratee) const |
template<typename Iteratee > | |
bool | for_each_step_on_handle (const handle_t &handle, const Iteratee &iteratee) const |
virtual std::vector< step_handle_t > | steps_of_handle (const handle_t &handle, bool match_orientation=false) const |
virtual bool | is_empty (const path_handle_t &path_handle) const |
Returns true if the given path is empty, and false otherwise. More... | |
PathForEachSocket | scan_path (const path_handle_t &path) const |
template<typename Iteratee > | |
bool | for_each_step_in_path (const path_handle_t &path, const Iteratee &iteratee) const |
![]() | |
virtual | ~HandleGraph ()=default |
template<typename Iteratee > | |
bool | follow_edges (const handle_t &handle, bool go_left, const Iteratee &iteratee) const |
template<typename Iteratee > | |
bool | for_each_handle (const Iteratee &iteratee, bool parallel=false) const |
bool | has_edge (const edge_t &edge) const |
Convenient wrapper of has_edge for edge_t argument. More... | |
virtual size_t | get_total_length () const |
handle_t | forward (const handle_t &handle) const |
Get the locally forward version of a handle. More... | |
edge_t | edge_handle (const handle_t &left, const handle_t &right) const |
handle_t | traverse_edge_handle (const edge_t &edge, const handle_t &left) const |
template<typename Iteratee > | |
bool | for_each_edge (const Iteratee &iteratee, bool parallel=false) const |
![]() | |
virtual | ~PathMetadata ()=default |
virtual PathSense | get_sense (const path_handle_t &handle) const |
What is the given path meant to be representing? More... | |
virtual std::string | get_sample_name (const path_handle_t &handle) const |
virtual std::string | get_locus_name (const path_handle_t &handle) const |
virtual size_t | get_haplotype (const path_handle_t &handle) const |
virtual size_t | get_phase_block (const path_handle_t &handle) const |
virtual subrange_t | get_subrange (const path_handle_t &handle) const |
template<typename Iteratee > | |
bool | for_each_path_of_sense (const PathSense &sense, const Iteratee &iteratee) const |
template<typename Iteratee > | |
bool | for_each_path_of_sample (const std::string &sample, const Iteratee &iteratee) const |
template<typename Iteratee > | |
bool | for_each_path_matching (const std::unordered_set< PathSense > *senses, const std::unordered_set< std::string > *samples, const std::unordered_set< std::string > *loci, const Iteratee &iteratee) const |
template<typename Iteratee > | |
bool | for_each_path_matching (const std::unordered_set< PathSense > &senses, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &samples, const std::unordered_set< std::string > &loci, const Iteratee &iteratee) const |
template<typename Iteratee > | |
bool | for_each_step_of_sense (const handle_t &visited, const PathSense &sense, const Iteratee &iteratee) const |
![]() | |
virtual | ~MutablePathMetadata ()=default |
virtual path_handle_t | create_path (const PathSense &sense, const std::string &sample, const std::string &locus, const size_t &haplotype, const size_t &phase_block, const subrange_t &subrange, bool is_circular=false) |
![]() | |
virtual | ~MutableHandleGraph ()=default |
virtual handle_t | create_handle (const std::string &sequence)=0 |
virtual handle_t | create_handle (const std::string &sequence, const nid_t &id)=0 |
void | create_edge (const edge_t &edge) |
Convenient wrapper for create_edge. More... | |
virtual std::vector< handle_t > | divide_handle (const handle_t &handle, const std::vector< size_t > &offsets)=0 |
std::pair< handle_t, handle_t > | divide_handle (const handle_t &handle, size_t offset) |
Specialization of divide_handle for a single division point. More... | |
virtual void | increment_node_ids (long increment) |
This specialization for long appears to be needed to avoid confusion about nid_t. More... | |
![]() | |
virtual | ~DeletableHandleGraph ()=default |
virtual handle_t | truncate_handle (const handle_t &handle, bool trunc_left, size_t offset) |
void | destroy_edge (const edge_t &edge) |
Convenient wrapper for destroy_edge. More... | |
Public Attributes | |
Graph | graph |
Protobuf-based representation. More... | |
Paths | paths |
string | name |
Name of the graph. More... | |
nid_t | current_id |
Current id for Node to be added next. More... | |
hash_map< nid_t, Node * > | node_by_id |
Node s by id. More... | |
pair_hash_map< pair< NodeSide, NodeSide >, Edge * > | edge_by_sides |
hash_map< Node *, int > | node_index |
hash_map< Edge *, int > | edge_index |
hash_map< nid_t, vector< pair< nid_t, bool > > > | edges_on_start |
Stores the destinations and backward flags for edges attached to the starts of nodes (whether that node is "from" or "to"). More... | |
hash_map< nid_t, vector< pair< nid_t, bool > > > | edges_on_end |
Stores the destinations and backward flags for edges attached to the ends of nodes (whether that node is "from" or "to"). More... | |
map< string, SnarlTraversal > | variant_to_traversal |
![]() | |
bool | show_progress = false |
Private Member Functions | |
bool | is_self_looping (Node *node) |
Does the specified node have any self-loops? More... | |
Node * | merge_nodes (const list< Node * > &nodes) |
Use the orientation of the first node as the basis. More... | |
void | _for_each_kmer (int kmer_size, bool path_only, int edge_max, function< void(string &, list< NodeTraversal >::iterator, int, list< NodeTraversal > &, VG &)> lambda, bool parallel, int stride, bool allow_dups, bool allow_negatives, Node *node=nullptr) |
Alignment | align (const Alignment &alignment, const Aligner *aligner, const QualAdjAligner *qual_adj_aligner, const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, bool traceback=true, bool acyclic_and_sorted=false, size_t max_query_graph_ratio=0, bool pinned_alignment=false, bool pin_left=false, bool banded_global=false, size_t band_padding_override=0, size_t max_span=0, size_t unroll_length=0, int xdrop_alignment=0) |
void | init (void) |
Private Attributes | |
vector< nid_t > | empty_ids |
Placeholder for functions that sometimes need to be passed an empty vector. More... | |
vector< pair< nid_t, bool > > | empty_edge_ends |
Placeholder for functions that sometimes need to be passed an empty vector. More... | |
bool | warned_about_rewrites = false |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
static void | with_progress (bool show_progress, const std::string &task, const std::function< void(const std::function< void(size_t, size_t)> &progress)> &callback) |
![]() | |
static PathSense | parse_sense (const std::string &path_name) |
static std::string | parse_sample_name (const std::string &path_name) |
static std::string | parse_locus_name (const std::string &path_name) |
static size_t | parse_haplotype (const std::string &path_name) |
static size_t | parse_phase_block (const std::string &path_name) |
static subrange_t | parse_subrange (const std::string &path_name) |
static void | parse_path_name (const std::string &path_name, PathSense &sense, std::string &sample, std::string &locus, size_t &haplotype, size_t &phase_block, subrange_t &subrange) |
Decompose a formatted path name into metadata. More... | |
static std::string | create_path_name (const PathSense &sense, const std::string &sample, const std::string &locus, const size_t &haplotype, const size_t &phase_block, const subrange_t &subrange) |
![]() | |
static const std::string | NO_SAMPLE_NAME = "" |
static const std::string | NO_LOCUS_NAME = "" |
static const size_t | NO_HAPLOTYPE = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() |
static const size_t | NO_PHASE_BLOCK = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max() |
static const subrange_t | NO_SUBRANGE {PathMetadata::NO_END_POSITION, PathMetadata::NO_END_POSITION} |
static const offset_t | NO_END_POSITION = std::numeric_limits<offset_t>::max() |
![]() | |
virtual bool | for_each_path_handle_impl (const std::function< bool(const path_handle_t &)> &iteratee) const =0 |
virtual bool | for_each_step_on_handle_impl (const handle_t &handle, const std::function< bool(const step_handle_t &)> &iteratee) const =0 |
![]() | |
virtual bool | follow_edges_impl (const handle_t &handle, bool go_left, const std::function< bool(const handle_t &)> &iteratee) const =0 |
virtual bool | for_each_handle_impl (const std::function< bool(const handle_t &)> &iteratee, bool parallel=false) const =0 |
![]() | |
virtual bool | for_each_path_matching_impl (const std::unordered_set< PathSense > *senses, const std::unordered_set< std::string > *samples, const std::unordered_set< std::string > *loci, const std::function< bool(const path_handle_t &)> &iteratee) const |
virtual bool | for_each_step_of_sense_impl (const handle_t &visited, const PathSense &sense, const std::function< bool(const step_handle_t &)> &iteratee) const |
Represents a variation graph. Graphs consist of nodes, connected by edges. Graphs are bidirected and may be cyclic. Nodes carry forward-oriented sequences. Edges are directed, with a "from" and to" node, and are generally used to connect the end of the "from" node to the start of the "to" node. However, edges can connect to either the start or end of either node.
vg::VG::VG | ( | void | ) |
Default constructor.
vg::VG::VG | ( | istream & | in, |
bool | showp = false , |
bool | warn_on_duplicates = true |
) |
Construct from Graph objects serialized in a tagged group stream.
vg::VG::VG | ( | const function< void(const function< void(Graph &)> &)> & | send_graphs, |
bool | showp = false , |
bool | warn_on_duplicates = true |
) |
vg::VG::VG | ( | const Graph & | from, |
bool | showp = false , |
bool | warn_on_duplicates = true |
) |
Construct from sets of nodes and edges. For example, from a subgraph of another graph.
vg::VG::~VG | ( | void | ) |
vg::VG::VG | ( | const VG & | other | ) |
Copy constructor.
noexcept |
Move constructor.
private |
Call the given function on each kmer. If parallel is specified, goes through nodes one per thread. If node is not null, looks only at kmers of that specific node.
void vg::VG::add_edge | ( | const Edge & | edge | ) |
Add in the given edge, by value.
void vg::VG::add_edges | ( | const set< Edge * > & | edges | ) |
Add in the given edges, by value.
void vg::VG::add_edges | ( | const vector< Edge * > & | edges | ) |
Add in the given edges, by value.
void vg::VG::add_edges | ( | const vector< Edge > & | edges | ) |
Add in the given edges, by value.
void vg::VG::add_node | ( | const Node & | node | ) |
Add in the given node, by value.
void vg::VG::add_nodes | ( | const set< Node * > & | nodes | ) |
Add in the given nodes, by value.
void vg::VG::add_nodes | ( | const vector< Node > & | nodes | ) |
Add in the given nodes, by value.
void vg::VG::add_start_end_markers | ( | int | length, |
char | start_char, | ||
char | end_char, | ||
Node *& | start_node, | ||
Node *& | end_node, | ||
nid_t & | start_id, | ||
nid_t & | end_id | ||
) |
Add a start node and an end node, where all existing heads in the graph are connected to the start node, and all existing tails in the graph are connected to the end node. Any connected components in the graph which do not have either are connected to the start at an arbitrary point, and the end node from nodes going to that arbitrary point. If start_node or end_node is null, a new node will be created. Otherwise, the passed node will be used. Note that this visits every node, to make sure it is attached to all connected components. Note that if a graph has, say, heads but no tails, the start node will be attached buut the end node will be free-floating.
Determine if pos1 occurs directly before pos2.
Alignment vg::VG::align | ( | const Alignment & | alignment, |
bool | traceback = true , |
bool | acyclic_and_sorted = false , |
size_t | max_query_graph_ratio = 0 , |
bool | pinned_alignment = false , |
bool | pin_left = false , |
bool | banded_global = false , |
size_t | band_padding_override = 0 , |
size_t | max_span = 0 , |
size_t | unroll_length = 0 , |
int | xdrop_alignment = 0 |
) |
Align with default Aligner. Align to the graph. May modify the graph by re-ordering the nodes. May add nodes to the graph, but cleans them up afterward.
Alignment vg::VG::align | ( | const Alignment & | alignment, |
const Aligner * | aligner, | ||
bool | traceback = true , |
bool | acyclic_and_sorted = false , |
size_t | max_query_graph_ratio = 0 , |
bool | pinned_alignment = false , |
bool | pin_left = false , |
bool | banded_global = false , |
size_t | band_padding_override = 0 , |
size_t | max_span = 0 , |
size_t | unroll_length = 0 , |
int | xdrop_alignment = 0 |
) |
private |
Private method to funnel other align functions into. max_span specifies the min distance to unfold the graph to, and is meant to be the longest path that the specified sequence could cover, accounting for deletions. If it's less than the sequence's length, the sequence's length is used. band_padding_override gives the band padding to use for banded global alignment. In banded global mode, if the band padding override is nonzero, permissive banding is not used, and instead the given band padding is provided. If the band padding override is not provided, the max span is used as the band padding and permissive banding is enabled.
Alignment vg::VG::align | ( | const Alignment & | alignment, |
const Aligner * | aligner, | ||
const vector< MaximalExactMatch > & | mems, | ||
bool | traceback = true , |
bool | acyclic_and_sorted = false , |
size_t | max_query_graph_ratio = 0 , |
bool | pinned_alignment = false , |
bool | pin_left = false , |
bool | banded_global = false , |
size_t | band_padding_override = 0 , |
size_t | max_span = 0 , |
size_t | unroll_length = 0 , |
int | xdrop_alignment = 0 |
) |
Align without base quality adjusted scores. Align to the graph. May modify the graph by re-ordering the nodes. May add nodes to the graph, but cleans them up afterward.
Alignment vg::VG::align | ( | const string & | sequence, |
bool | traceback = true , |
bool | acyclic_and_sorted = false , |
size_t | max_query_graph_ratio = 0 , |
bool | pinned_alignment = false , |
bool | pin_left = false , |
bool | banded_global = false , |
size_t | band_padding_override = 0 , |
size_t | max_span = 0 , |
size_t | unroll_length = 0 , |
int | xdrop_alignment = 0 |
) |
Align with default Aligner. Align to the graph. May modify the graph by re-ordering the nodes. May add nodes to the graph, but cleans them up afterward.
Alignment vg::VG::align | ( | const string & | sequence, |
const Aligner * | aligner, | ||
bool | traceback = true , |
bool | acyclic_and_sorted = false , |
size_t | max_query_graph_ratio = 0 , |
bool | pinned_alignment = false , |
bool | pin_left = false , |
bool | banded_global = false , |
size_t | band_padding_override = 0 , |
size_t | max_span = 0 , |
size_t | unroll_length = 0 , |
int | xdrop_alignment = 0 |
) |
Align without base quality adjusted scores. Align to the graph. May modify the graph by re-ordering the nodes. May add nodes to the graph, but cleans them up afterward.
Alignment vg::VG::align_qual_adjusted | ( | const Alignment & | alignment, |
const QualAdjAligner * | qual_adj_aligner, | ||
bool | traceback = true , |
bool | acyclic_and_sorted = false , |
size_t | max_query_graph_ratio = 0 , |
bool | pinned_alignment = false , |
bool | pin_left = false , |
bool | banded_global = false , |
size_t | band_padding_override = 0 , |
size_t | max_span = 0 , |
size_t | unroll_length = 0 , |
int | xdrop_alignment = 0 |
) |
Alignment vg::VG::align_qual_adjusted | ( | const Alignment & | alignment, |
const QualAdjAligner * | qual_adj_aligner, | ||
const vector< MaximalExactMatch > & | mems, | ||
bool | traceback = true , |
bool | acyclic_and_sorted = false , |
size_t | max_query_graph_ratio = 0 , |
bool | pinned_alignment = false , |
bool | pin_left = false , |
bool | banded_global = false , |
size_t | band_padding_override = 0 , |
size_t | max_span = 0 , |
size_t | unroll_length = 0 , |
int | xdrop_alignment = 0 |
) |
Align with base quality adjusted scores. Align to the graph. May modify the graph by re-ordering the nodes. May add nodes to the graph, but cleans them up afterward.
Alignment vg::VG::align_qual_adjusted | ( | const string & | sequence, |
const QualAdjAligner * | qual_adj_aligner, | ||
bool | traceback = true , |
bool | acyclic_and_sorted = false , |
size_t | max_query_graph_ratio = 0 , |
bool | pinned_alignment = false , |
bool | pin_left = false , |
bool | banded_global = false , |
size_t | band_padding_override = 0 , |
size_t | max_span = 0 , |
size_t | unroll_length = 0 , |
int | xdrop_alignment = 0 |
) |
Align with base quality adjusted scores. Align to the graph. May modify the graph by re-ordering the nodes. May add nodes to the graph, but cleans them up afterward.
void vg::VG::append | ( | VG & | g | ) |
Add another graph into this graph, attaching tails to heads. Modify ids of the second graph to ensure we don't have conflicts. Then attach tails of this graph to the heads of the other, and extend(g).
virtual |
Append a visit to a node to the given path.
Implements handlegraph::MutablePathHandleGraph.
virtual |
Reorder the graph's internal structure to match that given. This sets the order that is used for iteration in functions like for_each_handle. If compact_ids is true, may (but will not necessarily) compact the id space of the graph to match the ordering, from 1->|ordering|. In other cases, node IDs will be preserved. This may be a no-op in the case of graph implementations that do not have any mechanism to maintain an ordering. This may invalidate outstanding handles. Returns true if node IDs actually were adjusted to match the given order, and false if they remain unchanged.
Implements handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph.
Alter the node that the given handle corresponds to so the orientation indicated by the handle becomes the node's local forward orientation. Rewrites all edges pointing to the node and the node's sequence to reflect this. Invalidates all handles to the node (including the one passed). Returns a new, valid handle to the node in its new forward orientation. Note that it is possible for the node's ID to change.
Implements handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph.
vector< Edge > vg::VG::break_cycles | ( | void | ) |
Use our topological sort to quickly break cycles in the graph, return the edges which are removed. Very non-optimal, but fast.
void vg::VG::build_edge_indexes | ( | void | ) |
void vg::VG::build_edge_indexes_no_init_size | ( | void | ) |
void vg::VG::build_indexes | ( | void | ) |
void vg::VG::build_indexes_no_init_size | ( | void | ) |
void vg::VG::build_node_indexes | ( | void | ) |
void vg::VG::build_node_indexes_no_init_size | ( | void | ) |
Circularize a subgraph / path using the head / tail nodes.
void vg::VG::circularize | ( | vector< string > | pathnames | ) |
virtual |
Remove all nodes and edges. Does not update any stored paths.
Implements handlegraph::DeletableHandleGraph.
void vg::VG::clear_edge_indexes | ( | void | ) |
void vg::VG::clear_edge_indexes_no_resize | ( | void | ) |
void vg::VG::clear_indexes | ( | void | ) |
void vg::VG::clear_indexes_no_resize | ( | void | ) |
void vg::VG::clear_node_indexes | ( | void | ) |
void vg::VG::clear_node_indexes_no_resize | ( | void | ) |
void vg::VG::clear_paths | ( | void | ) |
Clear the paths object (which indexes the graph.paths) and the graph paths themselves.
Collect the subgraph of a Node. TODO: what does that mean?
void vg::VG::combine | ( | VG & | g | ) |
Add another graph into this graph. Don't append or join the nodes in the graphs; just ensure that ids are unique, then apply extend.
Try to find a common ancestor by walking forward up to steps from the first node.
Try to find a common ancestor by walking back up to steps from the first node.
Squish the node IDs down into as small a space as possible. Fixes up paths itself. Record translation in provided map.
void vg::VG::compact_ids | ( | void | ) |
Squish the node IDs down into as small a space as possible. Fixes up paths itself.
Concatenate the mappings for a pair of nodes; handles multiple mappings per path.
void vg::VG::connect_node_to_nodes | ( | Node * | node, |
vector< Node * > & | nodes, | ||
bool | from_start = false |
) |
Connect node -> nodes. You can optionally use the start of the first node instead of the end.
void vg::VG::connect_node_to_nodes | ( | NodeTraversal | node, |
vector< NodeTraversal > & | nodes | ||
) |
Connect node -> nodes. Connects from the right side of the first to the left side of the second.
connect nodes -> node.
void vg::VG::connect_nodes_to_node | ( | vector< NodeTraversal > & | nodes, |
NodeTraversal | node | ||
) |
connect nodes -> node. Connects from the right side of the first to the left side of the second.
Create an edge connecting the given handles in the given order and orientations.
Implements handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph.
Create an edge. If the given edge cannot be created, returns null. If the given edge already exists, returns the existing edge.
Create an edge. If the given edge cannot be created, returns null. If the given edge already exists, returns the existing edge.
Make an edge connecting the given sides of nodes. If the given edge cannot be created, returns null. If the given edge already exists, returns the existing edge.
Edge * vg::VG::create_edge | ( | NodeTraversal | left, |
NodeTraversal | right | ||
) |
Make a left-to-right edge from the left NodeTraversal to the right one, respecting orientations. If the given edge cannot be created, returns null. If the given edge already exists, returns the existing edge.
virtual |
Create a new node with the given sequence and return the handle. The sequence may not be empty.
Create a new node with the given id and sequence, then return the handle. The sequence may not be empty. The ID must be strictly greater than 0.
Create a node. Use a specified, nonzero node ID.
Path vg::VG::create_path | ( | const list< NodeTraversal > & | nodes | ) |
Create a path.
Path vg::VG::create_path | ( | const vector< NodeTraversal > & | nodes | ) |
Create a path.
virtual |
Create a path with the given name.
VG vg::VG::dagify | ( | uint32_t | expand_scc_steps, |
unordered_map< nid_t, pair< nid_t, bool > > & | node_translation, | ||
size_t | target_min_walk_length = 0 , |
size_t | component_length_max = 0 |
) |
Turn the graph into a dag by copying strongly connected components expand_scc_steps times and translating the edges in the component to flow through the copies in one direction. Assumes that all nodes in the graph are articulated on one consistent strand. Tolerates doubly-reversing edges in the input graph.
void vg::VG::decrement_node_ids | ( | nid_t | decrement | ) |
Subtract the given value from all the node IDs. Must not create a node with 0 or negative IDs. Invalidates the paths.
virtual |
Sets the contents of this graph to the contents of a serialized graph from an istream. The serialized graph must be from the same implementation of the HandleGraph interface as is calling deserialize(). Can only be called by an empty graph.
Remove the edge connecting the given handles in the given order and orientations.
Implements handlegraph::DeletableHandleGraph.
Destroy the edge between the given sides of nodes. These can be in either order.
Destroy the edge between the given sides of nodes. This can take sides in any order.
void vg::VG::destroy_edge | ( | Edge * | edge | ) |
Destroy the edge at the given pointer. This pointer must point to an edge owned by the graph.
virtual |
Remove the node belonging to the given handle and all of its edges. Destroys any paths in which the node participates. Invalidates the destroyed handle. May be called during serial for_each_handle iteration ONLY on the node being iterated. May NOT be called during parallel for_each_handle iteration. May NOT be called on the node from which edges are being followed during follow_edges. May NOT be called during iteration over paths, if it would destroy a path. May NOT be called during iteration along a path, if it would destroy that path.
Implements handlegraph::DeletableHandleGraph.
void vg::VG::destroy_node | ( | nid_t | id | ) |
Destroy the node with the given ID.
void vg::VG::destroy_node | ( | Node * | node | ) |
Destroy the node at the given pointer. This pointer must point to a Node owned by the graph.
virtual |
Destroy the given path. Invalidates handles to the path and its node steps.
Implements handlegraph::MutablePathHandleGraph.
void vg::VG::dfs | ( | const function< void(NodeTraversal)> & | node_begin_fn, |
const function< void(NodeTraversal)> & | node_end_fn, | ||
const function< bool(void)> & | break_fn | ||
) |
Specialization of dfs for only handling nodes + break function.
void vg::VG::dfs | ( | const function< void(NodeTraversal)> & | node_begin_fn, |
const function< void(NodeTraversal)> & | node_end_fn, | ||
const function< bool(void)> & | break_fn, | ||
const function< void(Edge *)> & | edge_fn, | ||
const function< void(Edge *)> & | tree_fn, | ||
const function< void(Edge *)> & | edge_curr_fn, | ||
const function< void(Edge *)> & | edge_cross_fn, | ||
const vector< NodeTraversal > * | sources, | ||
const unordered_set< NodeTraversal > * | sinks | ||
) |
Do a DFS search of the bidirected graph. A bidirected DFS starts at some root node, and traverses first all the nodes found reading out the right of that node in their appropriate relative orientations (including the root), and then all the nodes found reading left out of that node in their appropriate orientations (including the root). If any unvisited nodes are left in other connected components, the process will repeat from one such node, until all nodes have been visited in each orientation.
node_begin_fn | Called when node orientattion is first encountered. |
node_end_fn | Called when node orientation goes out of scope. |
break_fn | Called to check if we should stop the DFS. |
edge_fn | Called when an edge is encountered. |
tree_fn | Called when an edge forms part of the DFS spanning tree. |
edge_curr_fn | Called when we meet an edge in the current tree component. |
edge_cross_fn | Called when we meet an edge in an already-traversed tree component. |
sources | Start only at these node traversals. |
sinks | When hitting a sink, don't keep walking. |
void vg::VG::dfs | ( | const function< void(NodeTraversal)> & | node_begin_fn, |
const function< void(NodeTraversal)> & | node_end_fn, | ||
const vector< NodeTraversal > * | sources = NULL , |
const unordered_set< NodeTraversal > * | sinks = NULL |
) |
Specialization of dfs for only handling nodes.
virtual |
Split a handle's underlying node at the given offsets in the handle's orientation. Returns all of the handles to the parts. Other handles to the node being split may be invalidated. The split pieces stay in the same local forward orientation as the original node, but the returned handles come in the order and orientation appropriate for the handle passed in.
Divide a node at a given internal position. Inserts the new nodes in the correct paths, but can't update the ranks, so they need to be cleared and re-calculated by the caller.
Divide a node at a given internal position. This version works on a collection of internal positions, in linear time.
Divide a path at a position. Also invalidates stored rank information.
size_t vg::VG::edge_count | ( | void | ) | const |
Count the number of edges in the graph.
Get nodes and backward flags following edges that attach to this node's end.
Get nodes and backward flags following edges that attach to this node's end.
Get the edges of the specified node, and add them to the given vector. Guaranteed to add each edge only once per call.
Get the edges of the specified set of nodes, and add them to the given set of edge pointers.
Get nodes and backward flags following edges that attach to this node's start.
Get nodes and backward flags following edges that attach to this node's start.
void vg::VG::edit | ( | const string & | paths_to_add_path, |
vector< Translation > * | out_translations = nullptr , |
bool | save_paths = false , |
const string & | out_gam_path = "" , |
bool | break_at_ends = false , |
bool | remove_softclips = false |
) |
Streaming version of above. Instead of reading a list of paths into memory all at once, a file stream is opened from the given path and used to go one-by-one. Instead of an option to updtate the in-memory list, an optional output path for the paths is used
todo: duplicate less code between the two versions.
void vg::VG::edit | ( | vector< Path > & | paths_to_add, |
vector< Translation > * | out_translations = nullptr , |
bool | save_paths = false , |
bool | update_paths = false , |
bool | break_at_ends = false |
) |
Edit the graph to include all the sequence and edges added by the given paths. Can handle paths that visit nodes in any orientation. If out_translations is given, a vector of Translations will be written to it, one per node existing after the edit, describing how each new or conserved node is embedded in the old graph. Note that this method sorts the graph and rebuilds the path index, so it should not be called in a loop.
If update_paths is true, the paths will be modified to reflect their embedding in the modified graph. If save_paths is true, the paths as embedded in the graph will be added to the graph's set of paths. If break_at_ends is true (or save_paths is true), nodes will be broken at the ends of paths that start/end woth perfect matches, so the paths can be added to the vg graph's paths object.
vector< Translation > vg::VG::edit_fast | ( | const Path & | path, |
set< NodeSide > & | dangling, | ||
size_t | max_node_size = 1024 |
) |
Edit the graph to include all the sequences and edges added by the given path. Returns a vector of Translations, one per original-node fragment. Completely novel nodes are not mentioned, and nodes with no Translations are assumed to be carried through unchanged. Invalidates the rank-based Paths index. Does not sort the graph. Suitable for calling in a loop.
Can attach newly created nodes on the left of the path to the given set of dangling NodeSides, and populates the set at the end with the NodeSide corresponding to the end of the path. This mechanism allows edits that hit the end of a node to be attached to what comes before/after the node by the caller, as this function doesn't handle that.
bool vg::VG::empty | ( | void | ) | const |
Is the graph empty?
int vg::VG::end_degree | ( | Node * | node | ) |
Get the number of edges attached to the end of a node.
void vg::VG::expand_context | ( | VG & | g, |
size_t | distance, | ||
bool | add_paths = true , |
bool | use_steps = true |
) |
Expand the context of what's already in the given graph by the given distance, either in nodes or in bases. Pulls material from this graph.
void vg::VG::expand_context_by_length | ( | VG & | g, |
size_t | length, | ||
bool | add_paths = true , |
bool | reflect = false , |
const set< NodeSide > & | barriers = set<NodeSide>() |
) |
Expand the context of the given graph by the given number of bases. If reflect is true, bounce off the ends of nodes to get siblings of nodes you came from. Can take a set of NodeSides not to look out from, that act as barriers to context expansion. These barriers will have no edges attached to them in the final graph.
void vg::VG::expand_context_by_steps | ( | VG & | g, |
size_t | steps, | ||
bool | add_paths = true |
) |
Expand the context of the given graph by the given number of steps.
void vg::VG::expand_path | ( | const list< NodeTraversal > & | path, |
vector< NodeTraversal > & | expanded | ||
) |
Expand a path. TODO: what does that mean?
void vg::VG::expand_path | ( | list< NodeTraversal > & | path, |
vector< list< NodeTraversal >::iterator > & | expanded | ||
) |
Expand a path. TODO: what does that mean? These versions handle paths in which nodes can be traversed multiple times. Unfortunately since we're throwing non-const iterators around, we can't take the input path as const.
void vg::VG::extend | ( | const Graph & | graph, |
bool | warn_on_duplicates = false |
) |
This version does not sort path mappings by rank. In order to preserve paths, call Paths::sort_by_mapping_rank() and Paths::rebuild_mapping_aux() after you are done adding in graphs to this graph.
void vg::VG::extend | ( | const VG & | g, |
bool | warn_on_duplicates = false |
) |
Iteratively add when nodes and edges are novel. Good when there are very many overlaps. TODO: If you are using this with warn on duplicates on, and you know there shouldn't be any duplicates, maybe you should use merge instead. This version sorts paths on rank after adding in the path mappings from the other graph.
Node * vg::VG::find_node_by_name_or_add_new | ( | string | name | ) |
Find a node with the given name, or create a new one if none is found.
Invert the orientation of a handle (potentially without getting its ID)
Implements handlegraph::HandleGraph.
void vg::VG::flip_doubly_reversed_edges | ( | void | ) |
Convert edges that are both from_start and to_end to "regular" ones from end to start.
virtual |
Loop over all the handles to next/previous (right/left) nodes. Passes them to a callback which returns false to stop iterating and true to continue. Returns true if we finished and false if we stopped early.
Go through all the nodes in the same connected component as the given node. Ignores relative orientation.
void vg::VG::for_each_edge | ( | function< void(const Edge *)> | lambda | ) | const |
void vg::VG::for_each_edge | ( | function< void(Edge *)> | lambda | ) |
Run the given function for each edge.
void vg::VG::for_each_edge_parallel | ( | function< void(Edge *)> | lambda | ) |
Run the given function for each edge, in parallel.
virtual |
Loop over all the nodes in the graph in their local forward orientations, in their internal stored order. Stop if the iteratee returns false.
void vg::VG::for_each_node | ( | function< void(const Node *)> | lambda | ) | const |
void vg::VG::for_each_node | ( | function< void(Node *)> | lambda | ) |
Run the given function on every node.
void vg::VG::for_each_node_parallel | ( | function< void(Node *)> | lambda | ) |
Run the given function on every node in parallel.
virtual |
Execute a function on each path in the graph.
virtual |
Loop over the steps of a handle in paths.
void vg::VG::from_istream | ( | istream & | in, |
bool | showp = false , |
bool | warn_on_duplicates = true |
) |
void vg::VG::from_turtle | ( | string | filename, |
string | baseuri, | ||
bool | showp = false |
) |
Build a graph from a Turtle stream.
Add the paths that we parsed into the vg object
virtual |
Returns one base of a handle's sequence, in the orientation of the handle.
Reimplemented from handlegraph::HandleGraph.
virtual |
Efficiently get the number of edges attached to one side of a handle. Uses the VG graph's internal degree index.
Reimplemented from handlegraph::HandleGraph.
Get a pointer to the specified edge. This can take sides in any order.
Edge * vg::VG::get_edge | ( | const NodeTraversal & | left, |
const NodeTraversal & | right | ||
) |
Get the edge connecting the given oriented nodes in the given order.
Get a pointer to the specified edge. This can take sides in any order.
virtual |
Return the total number of edges in the graph.
Reimplemented from handlegraph::HandleGraph.
Look up the handle for the node with the given ID in the given orientation.
Implements handlegraph::HandleGraph.
virtual |
Get a node handle (node ID and orientation) from a handle to an step on a path.
Implements handlegraph::PathHandleGraph.
Get the ID from a handle.
Implements handlegraph::HandleGraph.
virtual |
Look up whether a path is circular.
Implements handlegraph::PathHandleGraph.
virtual |
Get the orientation of a handle.
Implements handlegraph::HandleGraph.
virtual |
Get the length of a node.
Implements handlegraph::HandleGraph.
virtual |
Returns a handle to the next step on the path. If the given step is the final step of a non-circular path, returns the past-the-last step that is also returned by path_end. In a circular path, the "last" step will loop around to the "first" (i.e. the one returned by path_begin). Note: to iterate over each step one time, even in a circular path, consider for_each_step_in_path.
Implements handlegraph::PathHandleGraph.
nid_t vg::VG::get_node_at_nucleotide | ( | string | pathname, |
int | nuc | ||
) |
Takes in a pathname and the nucleotide position (like from a vcf) and returns the node id which contains that position.
virtual |
Return the number of nodes in the graph.
Implements handlegraph::HandleGraph.
map< nid_t, vcflib::Variant > vg::VG::get_node_nid_to_variant | ( | vcflib::VariantCallFile | vfile | ) |
Takes in a VCF file and returns a map [node] = vcflib::variant. Unfortunately this is specific to a given graph and VCF.
It will need to throw warnings if the node or variant is not in the graph.
This is useful for VCF masking:
if map.find(node) then mask variant
It's also useful for calling known variants
for m in alignment.mappings: node = m.Pos.nodeID if node in node_to_vcf: return (alignment supports variant)
It would be nice if this also supported edges (e.g. for inversions/transversions/breakpoints?).
virtual |
Returns the number of paths stored in the graph.
Implements handlegraph::PathHandleGraph.
set< Edge * > vg::VG::get_path_edges | ( | void | ) |
Get all of the edges that are on any path.
virtual |
Look up the path handle for the given path name.
virtual |
Returns a handle to the path that an step is on.
Implements handlegraph::PathHandleGraph.
virtual |
Look up the name of a path from a handle to it.
Implements handlegraph::PathHandleGraph.
virtual |
Returns a handle to the previous step on the path. If the given step is the first step of a non-circular path, this method has undefined behavior. In a circular path, it will loop around from the "first" step (i.e. the one returned by path_begin) to the "last" step. Note: to iterate over each step one time, even in a circular path, consider for_each_step_in_path.
Implements handlegraph::PathHandleGraph.
virtual |
Get the sequence of a node, presented in the handle's local forward orientation.
Implements handlegraph::HandleGraph.
virtual |
Returns the number of node steps in the path.
Implements handlegraph::PathHandleGraph.
virtual |
Returns a substring of a handle's sequence, in the orientation of the handle. If the indicated substring would extend beyond the end of the handle's sequence, the return value is truncated to the sequence's end.
Reimplemented from handlegraph::HandleGraph.
bool vg::VG::has_edge | ( | const Edge & | edge | ) | const |
Determine if the graph has an edge. This can take sides in any order.
Efficiently check for the existence of an edge using VG graph's internal index of node sides.
Reimplemented from handlegraph::HandleGraph.
Get the edge between the given node sides, which can be in either order.
Determine if the graph has an edge. This can take sides in any order.
bool vg::VG::has_edge | ( | Edge * | edge | ) | const |
Determine if the graph has an edge. This can take sides in any order.
bool vg::VG::has_inverting_edge | ( | Node * | n | ) |
Determine if the graph has an inverting edge on the given node.
bool vg::VG::has_inverting_edge_from | ( | Node * | n | ) |
Determine if the graph has an inverting edge from the given node.
bool vg::VG::has_inverting_edge_to | ( | Node * | n | ) |
Determine if the graph has an inverting edge to the given node.
bool vg::VG::has_inverting_edges | ( | void | ) |
Determine if the graph has inversions.
virtual |
Returns true if the step is not the last step in a non-circular path.
Implements handlegraph::PathHandleGraph.
bool vg::VG::has_node | ( | const Node & | node | ) | const |
Determine if the graph contains the given node.
bool vg::VG::has_node | ( | const Node * | node | ) | const |
Determine if the graph contains the given node.
virtual |
Determine if the graph has a node with the given ID.
Implements handlegraph::HandleGraph.
virtual |
Determine if a path name exists and is legal to get a path handle for.
virtual |
Returns true if the step is not the first step in a non-circular path.
Implements handlegraph::PathHandleGraph.
const string vg::VG::hash | ( | void | ) |
Generate a digest of the serialized graph.
void vg::VG::head_nodes | ( | vector< Node * > & | nodes | ) |
Get the head nodes (nodes with edges only to their right sides). These are required to be oriented forward.
vector< Node * > vg::VG::head_nodes | ( | void | ) |
Get the head nodes (nodes with edges only to their right sides). These are required to be oriented forward.
void vg::VG::id_sort | ( | ) |
Order the backing graph data structure by node ID.
Record the translation of this graph into itself in the provided map.
void vg::VG::include | ( | const Path & | path | ) |
Edit the graph to include the path.
virtual |
Add the given value to all node IDs. Preserves the paths.
Reimplemented from handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph.
void vg::VG::index_edge_by_node_sides | ( | Edge * | edge | ) |
Add an edge to the node side indexes. Doesn't touch the index of edges by node pairs or the graph; those must be updated seperately.
private |
setup, ensures that gssw == NULL on startup
Determine if the node is a next ancestor of this one.
bool vg::VG::is_ancestor_next | ( | nid_t | node_id, |
nid_t | candidate_id, | ||
set< nid_t > & | seen, | ||
size_t | steps = 64 |
) |
Determine if the node is a next ancestor of this one by trying to find it in a given number of steps.
Determine if the node is a prev ancestor of this one.
bool vg::VG::is_ancestor_prev | ( | nid_t | node_id, |
nid_t | candidate_id, | ||
set< nid_t > & | seen, | ||
size_t | steps = 64 |
) |
Determine if the node is a prev ancestor of this one by trying to find it in a given number of steps.
bool vg::VG::is_head_node | ( | nid_t | id | ) |
Determine if a node is a head node.
bool vg::VG::is_head_node | ( | Node * | node | ) |
Determine if a node is a head node.
private |
Does the specified node have any self-loops?
bool vg::VG::is_tail_node | ( | nid_t | id | ) |
Determine if a node is a tail node.
bool vg::VG::is_tail_node | ( | Node * | node | ) |
Determine if a node is a tail node.
bool vg::VG::is_valid | ( | bool | check_nodes = true , |
bool | check_edges = true , |
bool | check_paths = true , |
bool | check_orphans = true |
) |
Determine if the graph is valid or not, according to the specified criteria.
void vg::VG::join_heads | ( | Node * | node, |
bool | from_start = false |
) |
Join head nodes of graph to specified node. Optionally from the start/to the end of the new node.
Node * vg::VG::join_heads | ( | void | ) |
Join head nodes of graph to common null node, creating a new single head.
void vg::VG::join_tails | ( | Node * | node, |
bool | to_end = false |
) |
Join tail nodes of graph to specified node. Optionally from the start/to the end of the new node.
void vg::VG::keep_path | ( | const string & | path_name | ) |
void vg::VG::keep_paths | ( | const set< string > & | path_names, |
set< string > & | kept_names | ||
) |
Keep paths in the given set of path names. Populates kept_names with the names of the paths it actually found to keep. The paths specified may not overlap. Removes all nodes and edges not used by one of the specified paths.
int vg::VG::left_degree | ( | NodeTraversal | node | ) |
Get the number of edges attached to the left side of a NodeTraversal.
size_t vg::VG::length | ( | void | ) |
Total sequence length.
void vg::VG::likelihoods | ( | vector< Alignment > & | alignments, |
vector< Path > & | paths, | ||
vector< long double > & | likelihoods | ||
) |
bool vg::VG::mapping_is_total_match | ( | const Mapping & | m | ) |
Return true if the mapping completely covers the node it maps to and is a perfect match.
virtual |
Get the maximum node ID used in the graph, if any are used.
Implements handlegraph::HandleGraph.
void vg::VG::merge | ( | Graph & | g | ) |
Literally merge protobufs.
void vg::VG::merge | ( | VG & | g | ) |
Literally merge protobufs.
Use the orientation of the first node as the basis.
void vg::VG::merge_union | ( | VG & | g | ) |
Merge protobufs after removing overlaps. Good when there aren't many overlaps.
virtual |
Get the minimum node ID used in the graph, if any are used.
Implements handlegraph::HandleGraph.
size_t vg::VG::node_count | ( | void | ) | const |
Return the number of nodes in the graph.
int vg::VG::node_count_next | ( | NodeTraversal | n | ) |
Count the nodes attached to the right side of the given NodeTraversal.
int vg::VG::node_count_prev | ( | NodeTraversal | n | ) |
Count the nodes attached to the left side of the given NodeTraversal.
int vg::VG::node_rank | ( | nid_t | id | ) |
Get the rank of the node in the protobuf array that backs the graph.
int vg::VG::node_rank | ( | Node * | node | ) |
Get the rank of the node in the protobuf array that backs the graph.
void vg::VG::node_starts_in_path | ( | const list< NodeTraversal > & | path, |
map< Node *, int > & | node_start | ||
) |
Fill in the node_start map with the first index along the path at which each node appears. Caller is responsible for dealing with orientations.
void vg::VG::node_starts_in_path | ( | list< NodeTraversal > & | path, |
map< NodeTraversal *, int > & | node_start | ||
) |
Find node starts in a path. TODO: what does that mean? To get the starts out of the map this produces, you need to dereference the iterator and then get the address of the NodeTraversal (stored in the list) that you are talking about.
vector< NodeTraversal > vg::VG::nodes_next | ( | NodeTraversal | n | ) |
Get the nodes attached to the right side of the given NodeTraversal, in their proper orientations.
void vg::VG::nodes_next | ( | NodeTraversal | n, |
vector< NodeTraversal > & | nodes | ||
) |
Get the nodes attached to the right side of the given NodeTraversal, in their proper orientations.
vector< NodeTraversal > vg::VG::nodes_prev | ( | NodeTraversal | n | ) |
Get the nodes attached to the left side of the given NodeTraversal, in their proper orientations.
void vg::VG::nodes_prev | ( | NodeTraversal | n, |
vector< NodeTraversal > & | nodes | ||
) |
Get the nodes attached to the left side of the given NodeTraversal, in their proper orientations.
Get the subgraph of a node and all the edges it is responsible for (where it has the minimal ID) and add it into the given VG.
virtual |
Adjust the representation of the graph in memory to improve performance. Optionally, allow the node IDs to be reassigned to further improve performance. Note: Ideally, this method is called one time once there is expected to be few graph modifications in the future.
Implements handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph.
unordered_map< nid_t, pair< nid_t, bool > > vg::VG::overlay_node_translations | ( | const unordered_map< nid_t, pair< nid_t, bool > > & | over, |
const unordered_map< nid_t, pair< nid_t, bool > > & | under | ||
) |
Assume two node translations, the over is based on the under; merge them.
virtual |
Get a handle to the last step, which will be an arbitrary step in a circular path that we consider "last" based on our construction of the path. If the path is empty then the implementation must return the same value as path_front_end().
Implements handlegraph::PathHandleGraph.
virtual |
Get a handle to the first step, or in a circular path to an arbitrary step considered "first". If the path is empty, returns the past-the-last step returned by path_end.
Implements handlegraph::PathHandleGraph.
int vg::VG::path_edge_count | ( | list< NodeTraversal > & | path, |
int32_t | offset, | ||
int | path_length | ||
) |
Path stats. Starting from offset in the first node, how many edges do we cross? path must be nonempty and longer than the given length. offset is interpreted as relative to the first node in its on-path orientation, and is inclusive.
virtual |
Get a handle to a fictitious position past the end of a path. This position is return by get_next_step for the final step in a path in a non-circular path. Note that get_next_step will NEVER return this value for a circular path.
Implements handlegraph::PathHandleGraph.
int vg::VG::path_end_node_offset | ( | list< NodeTraversal > & | path, |
int32_t | offset, | ||
int | path_length | ||
) |
Determine the offset in its last node at which the path starting at this offset in its first node ends. path must be nonempty and longer than the given length. offset is interpreted as relative to the first node in its on-path orientation, and is inclusive. Returned offset is remaining unused length in the last node touched.
virtual |
Get a handle to a fictitious position before the beginning of a path. This position is return by get_previous_step for the first step in a path in a non-circular path. Note: get_previous_step will NEVER return this value for a circular path.
Implements handlegraph::PathHandleGraph.
Return percent identity between two paths (# matches / (#matches + #mismatches)). Note: uses ssw aligner, so will only work on small paths.
const string vg::VG::path_sequence | ( | const Path & | path | ) |
Return sequence string of path.
const vector< Alignment > vg::VG::paths_as_alignments | ( | void | ) |
Convert the stored paths in this graph to alignments.
virtual |
Append a visit to a node to the given path.
Implements handlegraph::MutablePathHandleGraph.
void vg::VG::print_edges | ( | void | ) |
Alignment vg::VG::random_read | ( | size_t | read_len, |
mt19937 & | rng, | ||
nid_t | min_id, | ||
nid_t | max_id, | ||
bool | either_strand | ||
) |
Generate random reads. Note that even if either_strand is false, having backward nodes in the graph will result in some reads from the global reverse strand.
Reassign all node IDs as specified by the old->new mapping function.
Implements handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph.
void vg::VG::rebuild_edge_indexes | ( | void | ) |
void vg::VG::rebuild_indexes | ( | void | ) |
void vg::VG::remove_duplicated_in | ( | VG & | g | ) |
Helper to merge_union.
void vg::VG::remove_duplicates | ( | void | ) |
Remove duplicated nodes and edges.
void vg::VG::remove_inverting_edges | ( | void | ) |
Remove edges representing an inversion and edges on the reverse complement.
void vg::VG::remove_node_forwarding_edges | ( | Node * | node | ) |
Remove a node but connect all of its predecessor and successor nodes with new edges.
void vg::VG::remove_non_path | ( | void | ) |
Remove pieces of the graph which are not part of any path.
void vg::VG::remove_null_nodes | ( | void | ) |
Remove nodes with no sequence. These are created in some cases during the process of graph construction.
void vg::VG::remove_null_nodes_forwarding_edges | ( | void | ) |
Remove null nodes but connect predecessors and successors, preserving structure.
void vg::VG::remove_orphan_edges | ( | void | ) |
Remove edges for which one of the nodes is not present.
void vg::VG::remove_path | ( | void | ) |
Remove pieces of the graph which are part of some path.
void vg::VG::resize_indexes | ( | void | ) |
VG vg::VG::reverse_complement_graph | ( | unordered_map< nid_t, pair< nid_t, bool >> & | node_translation | ) |
Create the reverse complemented graph with topology preserved. Record translation in provided map.
virtual |
Delete a segment of a path and rewrite it as some other sequence of steps. Returns a pair of step_handle_t's that indicate the range of the new segment in the path.
int vg::VG::right_degree | ( | NodeTraversal | node | ) |
Get the number of edges attached to the right side of a NodeTraversal.
Use sides_from an sides_to to determine if both nodes have the same context.
virtual |
Write the contents of this graph to an ostream.
void vg::VG::serialize_to_emitter | ( | vg::io::ProtobufEmitter< Graph > & | emitter, |
nid_t | chunk_size = 1000 |
) |
void vg::VG::serialize_to_file | ( | const string & | file_name, |
nid_t | chunk_size = 1000 |
) |
Write the graph to a file, with an EOF marker. Graph will be serialized in internal storage order.
void vg::VG::serialize_to_ostream | ( | ostream & | out, |
nid_t | chunk_size = 1000 |
) |
virtual |
Make a path circular or non-circular. If the path is becoming circular, the last step is joined to the first step. If the path is becoming linear, the step considered "last" is unjoined from the step considered "first" according to the method path_begin.
Implements handlegraph::MutablePathHandleGraph.
void vg::VG::set_edge | ( | Edge * | edge | ) |
Set the edge indexes through this function. Picks up the sides being connected by the edge automatically, and silently drops the edge if they are already connected.
virtual |
No-op function (required by MutableHandleGraph interface)
Implements handlegraph::MutableHandleGraph.
Get all sides connecting to this node.
Get the sides on the other side of edges from this side of the node.
Get the sides on the other side of edges to this side of the node.
size_t vg::VG::size | ( | void | ) |
Number of nodes.
void vg::VG::sort | ( | ) |
Topologically sort the graph, and then apply that sort to re- order the nodes in the backing data structure. The sort is guaranteed to be stable. This sort is well-defined on graphs that are not DAGs, but instead of finding a topological sort it does a heuristic sort to minimize a feedback arc set.
int vg::VG::start_degree | ( | Node * | node | ) |
Get the number of edges attached to the start of a node.
Swap the nodes corresponding to the given handles, in the ordering used by for_each_handle when looping over the graph. Other handles to the nodes being swapped must not be invalidated.
Change the ID of the node with the first id to the second, new ID not used by any node. Invalidates any paths containing the node, since they are not updated.
Change the ID of the given node to the second, new ID not used by any node. Invalidates the paths. Invalidates any paths containing the node, since they are not updated.
void vg::VG::sync_paths | ( | void | ) |
Synchronize in-memory indexes and protobuf graph.
void vg::VG::tail_nodes | ( | vector< Node * > & | nodes | ) |
Get the tail nodes (nodes with edges only to their left sides). These are required to be oriented forward.
vector< Node * > vg::VG::tail_nodes | ( | void | ) |
Get the tail nodes (nodes with edges only to their left sides). These are required to be oriented forward.
void vg::VG::to_dot | ( | ostream & | out, |
vector< Alignment > | alignments = {} , |
vector< Locus > | loci = {} , |
bool | show_paths = false , |
bool | walk_paths = false , |
bool | annotate_paths = false , |
bool | show_mappings = false , |
bool | simple_mode = false , |
bool | noseq_mode = false , |
bool | invert_edge_ports = false , |
bool | color_variants = false , |
bool | ultrabubble_labeling = false , |
bool | skip_missing_nodes = false , |
bool | ascii_labels = false , |
int | random_seed = 0 |
) |
Convert the graph to Dot format.
void vg::VG::to_turtle | ( | ostream & | out, |
const string & | rdf_base_uri, | ||
bool | precompress | ||
) |
Convert the graph to Turtle format.
string vg::VG::trav_sequence | ( | const NodeTraversal & | trav | ) |
Get the sequence of a NodeTraversal.
set< NodeTraversal > vg::VG::travs_from | ( | NodeTraversal | node | ) |
Get traversals after this node on the same strand. Same as nodes_next but using set.
set< NodeTraversal > vg::VG::travs_of | ( | NodeTraversal | node | ) |
Get traversals either before or after this node on the same strand.
set< NodeTraversal > vg::VG::travs_to | ( | NodeTraversal | node | ) |
Get traversals before this node on the same strand. Same as nodes_prev but using set.
VG vg::VG::unfold | ( | uint32_t | max_length, |
unordered_map< nid_t, pair< nid_t, bool > > & | node_translation | ||
) |
Ensure that all traversals up to max_length are represented as a path on one strand or the other without taking an inverting edge. All inverting edges are converted to non-inverting edges to reverse complement nodes. If no inverting edges are present, the strandedness of all nodes is the same as the input graph. If inverting edges are present, node strandedness is arbitrary.
Remove an edge from the node side indexes, so it doesn't show up when you ask for the edges connected to the side of a node. Makes the edge untraversable until the indexes are rebuilt.
void vg::VG::unindex_edge_by_node_sides | ( | Edge * | edge | ) |
Remove an edge from the node side indexes, so it doesn't show up when you ask for the edges connected to the side of a node. Makes the edge untraversable until the indexes are rebuilt.
void vg::VG::wrap_with_null_nodes | ( | void | ) |
Add singular head and tail null nodes to graph.
pair_hash_map<pair<NodeSide, NodeSide>, Edge*> vg::VG::edge_by_sides |
Stores the destinations and backward flags for edges attached to the ends of nodes (whether that node is "from" or "to").
Stores the destinations and backward flags for edges attached to the starts of nodes (whether that node is "from" or "to").
private |
Placeholder for functions that sometimes need to be passed an empty vector.
private |
Placeholder for functions that sometimes need to be passed an empty vector.
Graph vg::VG::graph |
Protobuf-based representation.
string vg::VG::name |
Name of the graph.
nodes by position in nodes repeated field. this is critical to allow fast deletion of nodes
Paths vg::VG::paths |
Manages paths of the graph. Initialized by setting paths._paths = graph.paths.
map<string, SnarlTraversal> vg::VG::variant_to_traversal |
private |