tools for working with variation graphs
Public Attributes | List of all members
vg::Alignment Struct Reference

Public Attributes

string sequence = 1
 The sequence that has been aligned. More...
Path path = 2
 The Path that the sequence follows in the graph it has been aligned to, containing the Edits that modify the graph to produce the sequence. More...
string name = 3
 The name of the sequence that has been aligned. Similar to read name in BAM. More...
bytes quality = 4
 The quality scores for the sequence, as values on a 0-255 scale. More...
int32 mapping_quality = 5
 The mapping quality score for the alignment, in Phreds. More...
int32 score = 6
 The score for the alignment, in points. More...
int32 query_position = 7
 The offset in the query at which this Alignment occurs. More...
 Old field 8 has been removed. More...
string sample_name = 9
 The name of the sample that produced the aligned read. More...
string read_group = 10
 The name of the read group to which the aligned read belongs. More...
Alignment fragment_prev = 11
 The previous Alignment in the fragment. Contains just enough information to locate the full Alignment; e.g. contains an Alignment with only a name, or only a graph mapping position. More...
Alignment fragment_next = 12
 Similarly, the next Alignment in the fragment. More...
bool is_secondary = 15
 Flag marking the Alignment as secondary. All but one maximal-scoring alignment of a given read in a GAM file must be secondary. More...
double identity = 16
 Portion of aligned bases that are perfect matches, or 0 if no bases are aligned. More...
repeated< Pathfragment = 17
 An estimate of the length of the fragment, if this Alignment is paired. More...
repeated< Locuslocus = 18
 The loci that this alignment supports. TODO: get rid of this, we have annotations in our data model again. More...
repeated< Positionrefpos = 19
 Position of the alignment in reference paths embedded in graph. Each position has a path name, and the Alignment's minimum position along the path as an offset. More...
bool read_paired = 20
 SAMTools-style flags. More...
bool read_mapped = 21
bool mate_unmapped = 22
bool read_on_reverse_strand = 23
bool mate_on_reverse_strand = 24
bool soft_clipped = 25
bool discordant_insert_size = 26
double uniqueness = 27
 The fraction of bases in the alignment that are covered by MEMs with <=1 total hits in the graph. More...
double correct = 28
 Correctness metric 1 = perfectly aligned to truth, 0 = not overlapping true alignment. More...
repeated< int32 > secondary_score = 29
 The ordered list of scores of secondary mappings. More...
double fragment_score = 30
 Score under the given fragment model, assume higher is better. More...
bool mate_mapped_to_disjoint_subgraph = 31
string fragment_length_distribution = 32
 The fragment length distribution under which a paired-end alignment was aligned. More...
reserved to
 Haplotype-scoring-related fields migrated to the annotation system. More...
double time_used = 35
 The time this alignment took. More...
Position to_correct = 36
 A path/offset/orientation pair specifying the distance to the correct alignment. More...
bool correctly_mapped = 37
 This can be set to true to annotate the Alignment as having been mapped correctly. More...
google protobuf Struct annotation = 100
 Annotations carried along with the Alignment. More...

Detailed Description

Alignments link query strings, such as other genomes or reads, to Paths.

Member Data Documentation

◆ annotation

google protobuf Struct vg::Alignment::annotation = 100

Annotations carried along with the Alignment.

◆ correct

double vg::Alignment::correct = 28

Correctness metric 1 = perfectly aligned to truth, 0 = not overlapping true alignment.

◆ correctly_mapped

bool vg::Alignment::correctly_mapped = 37

This can be set to true to annotate the Alignment as having been mapped correctly.

◆ discordant_insert_size

bool vg::Alignment::discordant_insert_size = 26

◆ fragment

repeated<Path> vg::Alignment::fragment = 17

An estimate of the length of the fragment, if this Alignment is paired.

◆ fragment_length_distribution

string vg::Alignment::fragment_length_distribution = 32

The fragment length distribution under which a paired-end alignment was aligned.

◆ fragment_next

Alignment vg::Alignment::fragment_next = 12

Similarly, the next Alignment in the fragment.

◆ fragment_prev

Alignment vg::Alignment::fragment_prev = 11

The previous Alignment in the fragment. Contains just enough information to locate the full Alignment; e.g. contains an Alignment with only a name, or only a graph mapping position.

◆ fragment_score

double vg::Alignment::fragment_score = 30

Score under the given fragment model, assume higher is better.

◆ identity

double vg::Alignment::identity = 16

Portion of aligned bases that are perfect matches, or 0 if no bases are aligned.

◆ is_secondary

bool vg::Alignment::is_secondary = 15

Flag marking the Alignment as secondary. All but one maximal-scoring alignment of a given read in a GAM file must be secondary.

◆ locus

repeated<Locus> vg::Alignment::locus = 18

The loci that this alignment supports. TODO: get rid of this, we have annotations in our data model again.

◆ mapping_quality

int32 vg::Alignment::mapping_quality = 5

The mapping quality score for the alignment, in Phreds.

◆ mate_mapped_to_disjoint_subgraph

bool vg::Alignment::mate_mapped_to_disjoint_subgraph = 31

◆ mate_on_reverse_strand

bool vg::Alignment::mate_on_reverse_strand = 24

◆ mate_unmapped

bool vg::Alignment::mate_unmapped = 22

◆ name

string vg::Alignment::name = 3

The name of the sequence that has been aligned. Similar to read name in BAM.

◆ path

Path vg::Alignment::path = 2

The Path that the sequence follows in the graph it has been aligned to, containing the Edits that modify the graph to produce the sequence.

◆ quality

bytes vg::Alignment::quality = 4

The quality scores for the sequence, as values on a 0-255 scale.

◆ query_position

int32 vg::Alignment::query_position = 7

The offset in the query at which this Alignment occurs.

◆ read_group

string vg::Alignment::read_group = 10

The name of the read group to which the aligned read belongs.

◆ read_mapped

bool vg::Alignment::read_mapped = 21

◆ read_on_reverse_strand

bool vg::Alignment::read_on_reverse_strand = 23

◆ read_paired

bool vg::Alignment::read_paired = 20

SAMTools-style flags.

◆ refpos

repeated<Position> vg::Alignment::refpos = 19

Position of the alignment in reference paths embedded in graph. Each position has a path name, and the Alignment's minimum position along the path as an offset.

◆ reserved


Old field 8 has been removed.

◆ sample_name

string vg::Alignment::sample_name = 9

The name of the sample that produced the aligned read.

◆ score

int32 vg::Alignment::score = 6

The score for the alignment, in points.

◆ secondary_score

repeated<int32> vg::Alignment::secondary_score = 29

The ordered list of scores of secondary mappings.

◆ sequence

string vg::Alignment::sequence = 1

The sequence that has been aligned.

◆ soft_clipped

bool vg::Alignment::soft_clipped = 25

◆ time_used

double vg::Alignment::time_used = 35

The time this alignment took.

◆ to

reserved vg::Alignment::to

Haplotype-scoring-related fields migrated to the annotation system.

◆ to_correct

Position vg::Alignment::to_correct = 36

A path/offset/orientation pair specifying the distance to the correct alignment.

◆ uniqueness

double vg::Alignment::uniqueness = 27

The fraction of bases in the alignment that are covered by MEMs with <=1 total hits in the graph.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: