tools for working with variation graphs
Static Public Member Functions | List of all members
vg::WrappingPositionScanner< Message > Struct Template Reference

#include <scanner.hpp>

Static Public Member Functions

static bool scan (const Message &msg, const function< bool(const Position &)> &iteratee)

Detailed Description

template<typename Message>
struct vg::WrappingPositionScanner< Message >

We define a PositionScanner which scans over all Position objects and node IDs, wrapped as Positions, in a tree of VG Protobuf objects. Will only emit the empty Position if a Graph or Path contains no nonzero node IDs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ scan()

template<typename Message >
bool vg::WrappingPositionScanner< Message >::scan ( const Message &  msg,
const function< bool(const Position &)> &  iteratee 

Scan over the node IDs in this message and all its children. Returns false if an iteratee returned false and asked to stop.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: