tools for working with variation graphs
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Functions | Variables
haplo Namespace Reference




struct  gbwt_thread_t
class  GBWTScoreProvider
 Score haplotypes using a GBWT haplotype database (normal or dynamic) More...
struct  haplo_DP
struct  haplo_DP_column
struct  haplo_DP_rectangle
class  hDP_gbwt_graph_accessor
struct  int_itvl_t
struct  linear_haplo_structure
class  LinearScoreProvider
 Score haplotypes using a linear_haplo_structure. More...
class  ScoreProvider


typedef pair< double, bool > haplo_score_type
using IncrementalSearchState = gbwt::SearchState


gbwt_thread_t path_to_gbwt_thread_t (const vg::Path &path)


bool warn_on_score_fail = false

Typedef Documentation

◆ haplo_score_type

typedef pair<double, bool> haplo::haplo_score_type

◆ IncrementalSearchState

using haplo::IncrementalSearchState = typedef gbwt::SearchState

Incremental haplotype search range type used for ScoreProvider's incremental search API. Default constructed, represents an empty or un-started search. Supports an empty() and a length(). Copyable. TODO: There's some overlap with the graph accessors here, but I don't understand them enough to work out exactly what it is and eliminate it. TODO: This should become a real type (base class and implementations wrapping implementation-specific data) when we get any other implementations.

Function Documentation

◆ path_to_gbwt_thread_t()

gbwt_thread_t haplo::path_to_gbwt_thread_t ( const vg::Path path)

Variable Documentation

◆ warn_on_score_fail

bool haplo::warn_on_score_fail = false