tools for working with variation graphs
Public Attributes | List of all members
vg::NestedFlowCaller::CallRecord Struct Reference

stuff we remember for each snarl call, to be used when genotyping its parent More...

#include <graph_caller.hpp>

Public Attributes

vector< SnarlTraversaltravs
vector< pair< vector< int >, unique_ptr< SnarlCaller::CallInfo > > > genotype_by_ploidy
string ref_path_name
pair< int64_t, int64_t > ref_path_interval
int ref_trav_idx

Detailed Description

stuff we remember for each snarl call, to be used when genotyping its parent

Member Data Documentation

◆ genotype_by_ploidy

vector<pair<vector<int>, unique_ptr<SnarlCaller::CallInfo> > > vg::NestedFlowCaller::CallRecord::genotype_by_ploidy

◆ ref_path_interval

pair<int64_t, int64_t> vg::NestedFlowCaller::CallRecord::ref_path_interval

◆ ref_path_name

string vg::NestedFlowCaller::CallRecord::ref_path_name

◆ ref_trav_idx

int vg::NestedFlowCaller::CallRecord::ref_trav_idx

◆ travs

vector<SnarlTraversal> vg::NestedFlowCaller::CallRecord::travs

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: