tools for working with variation graphs
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vg::VCFTraversalFinder Class Reference

#include <traversal_finder.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for vg::VCFTraversalFinder:

Public Member Functions

 VCFTraversalFinder (const PathHandleGraph &graph, SnarlManager &snarl_manager, vcflib::VariantCallFile &vcf, const vector< string > &ref_path_names={}, FastaReference *fasta_ref=nullptr, FastaReference *ins_ref=nullptr, function< bool(const SnarlTraversal &, int)> skip_alt=nullptr, size_t max_traversal_cutoff=50000)
virtual ~VCFTraversalFinder ()
pair< vector< pair< SnarlTraversal, vector< int > > >, vector< vcflib::Variant * > > find_allele_traversals (Snarl site)
virtual vector< SnarlTraversalfind_traversals (const Snarl &site)
vector< vcflib::Variant * > get_variants_in_site (const Snarl &site)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vg::TraversalFinder
virtual ~TraversalFinder ()=default
virtual vector< Traversalfind_traversals (const handle_t &snarl_start, const handle_t &snarl_end)

Protected Member Functions

void create_variant_index (vcflib::VariantCallFile &vcf, FastaReference *ref_fasta=nullptr, FastaReference *ins_fasta=nullptr)
void delete_variant_index ()
void brute_force_alt_traversals (const Snarl &site, const vector< vcflib::Variant * > &site_variants, path_handle_t ref_path, step_handle_t start_step, step_handle_t end_step, vector< pair< SnarlTraversal, vector< int > > > &output_traversals)
pair< SnarlTraversal, bool > get_alt_traversal (const Snarl &site, const vector< vcflib::Variant * > &site_variants, path_handle_t ref_path, step_handle_t start_step, step_handle_t end_step, const vector< int > &haplotype)
pair< unordered_set< handle_t >, unordered_set< pair< handle_t, handle_t > > > get_haplotype_alt_contents (const vector< vcflib::Variant * > &site_variants, const vector< int > &haplotype, path_handle_t ref_path)
pair< SnarlTraversal, vector< edge_t > > get_alt_path (vcflib::Variant *site_variant, int allele, path_handle_t ref_path)
pair< SnarlTraversal, vector< edge_t > > scan_for_deletion (vcflib::Variant *var, int allele, path_handle_t ref_path, step_handle_t first_path_step, step_handle_t last_path_step)
vector< vector< int > > get_pruned_alt_alleles (const Snarl &site, const vector< vcflib::Variant * > &site_variants, path_handle_t ref_path)
bool check_max_trav_cutoff (const vector< vector< int > > &alleles)
pair< step_handle_t, bool > step_in_path (handle_t handle, path_handle_t path_handle) const

Protected Attributes

const PathHandleGraphgraph
PathTraversalFinder path_finder
 The SnarlManager managiung the snarls we use. More...
unordered_map< id_t, list< vcflib::Variant * > > node_to_variant
function< bool(const SnarlTraversal &alt_path, int iteration)> skip_alt
size_t max_traversal_cutoff
size_t max_prune_iterations = 2
 Maximum number of pruning iterations. More...
bool include_endpoints = true
 Include snarl endpoints in traversals. More...
size_t max_deletion_scan_nodes = 50
 How far to scan when looking for deletions. More...

Detailed Description

This TraversalFinder returns a traversals and their corresponding genotypes from an input vcf. It relies on alt-paths in the graph (via construct -a) to map between the vcf and the graph.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ VCFTraversalFinder()

vg::VCFTraversalFinder::VCFTraversalFinder ( const PathHandleGraph graph,
SnarlManager snarl_manager,
vcflib::VariantCallFile &  vcf,
const vector< string > &  ref_path_names = {},
FastaReference *  fasta_ref = nullptr,
FastaReference *  ins_ref = nullptr,
function< bool(const SnarlTraversal &, int)>  skip_alt = nullptr,
size_t  max_traversal_cutoff = 50000 

Make a new VCFTraversalFinder. Builds the indexes needed to find all the variants in a site.

The skip_alt() method is defined, it is run on the alt-path of each variant allele in the snarl. If it returns true, that alt-path will never be included in any traversals returned in find_traversals().
This is used to, for example, use read support to prune the number of traversals that are enumerated.

◆ ~VCFTraversalFinder()

vg::VCFTraversalFinder::~VCFTraversalFinder ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ brute_force_alt_traversals()

void vg::VCFTraversalFinder::brute_force_alt_traversals ( const Snarl site,
const vector< vcflib::Variant * > &  site_variants,
path_handle_t  ref_path,
step_handle_t  start_step,
step_handle_t  end_step,
vector< pair< SnarlTraversal, vector< int > > > &  output_traversals 

Get a traversal for every possible haplotype (but reference) in the most naive way possibe. This will blow up terribly for sites that contain more than a few variants. There's an obvious dynamic programming speedup, but the main issue is that the output size is exponential in the number of variants.

◆ check_max_trav_cutoff()

bool vg::VCFTraversalFinder::check_max_trav_cutoff ( const vector< vector< int > > &  alleles)

Count the possible traversal paths. Return false if we ever get beyond our cutoff

◆ create_variant_index()

void vg::VCFTraversalFinder::create_variant_index ( vcflib::VariantCallFile &  vcf,
FastaReference *  ref_fasta = nullptr,
FastaReference *  ins_fasta = nullptr 

Load up all the variants into our node index

◆ delete_variant_index()

void vg::VCFTraversalFinder::delete_variant_index ( )

◆ find_allele_traversals()

pair< vector< pair< SnarlTraversal, vector< int > > >, vector< vcflib::Variant * > > vg::VCFTraversalFinder::find_allele_traversals ( Snarl  site)

Find traversals for the site. Each traversa is returned in a pair with its haplotype. The haplotype refers to the list of variants (also returned)

◆ find_traversals()

vector< SnarlTraversal > vg::VCFTraversalFinder::find_traversals ( const Snarl site)

Return a list of traversals for the site. The same traversals as above, only the haplotype information not included

Implements vg::TraversalFinder.

◆ get_alt_path()

pair< SnarlTraversal, vector< edge_t > > vg::VCFTraversalFinder::get_alt_path ( vcflib::Variant *  site_variant,
int  allele,
path_handle_t  ref_path 

Get one alt-path out of the graph in the form of a snarl traversal. if the path is a deletion, the edges corresponding to the deletion are also returned. note that it is indeed possible for one alt path (and therefore one vcf alleles) to correspond to several deletion edges in the graph due to normalization during construction.

◆ get_alt_traversal()

pair< SnarlTraversal, bool > vg::VCFTraversalFinder::get_alt_traversal ( const Snarl site,
const vector< vcflib::Variant * > &  site_variants,
path_handle_t  ref_path,
step_handle_t  start_step,
step_handle_t  end_step,
const vector< int > &  haplotype 

Get a traversal for a given haplotype. It gets all the nodes and edges from the alt paths, and greedily walks over them whenever possible (traversing the reference otherwise). if there is no traversal that can satisfy the haplotype, then the returned bool is set to false

◆ get_haplotype_alt_contents()

pair< unordered_set< handle_t >, unordered_set< pair< handle_t, handle_t > > > vg::VCFTraversalFinder::get_haplotype_alt_contents ( const vector< vcflib::Variant * > &  site_variants,
const vector< int > &  haplotype,
path_handle_t  ref_path 

Get a set of all alt path nodes and deletion edges for a halptype.

◆ get_pruned_alt_alleles()

vector< vector< int > > vg::VCFTraversalFinder::get_pruned_alt_alleles ( const Snarl site,
const vector< vcflib::Variant * > &  site_variants,
path_handle_t  ref_path 

Prune our search space using the skip_alt method. Will return a list of pruned VCF alleles/

ex, if the input has A --> T G --> C,A there input alleles are <0,1>, <0,1,2>. If there's no support for the G->C on the second one, the output would be <0,1>, <0,2>.

◆ get_variants_in_site()

vector< vcflib::Variant * > vg::VCFTraversalFinder::get_variants_in_site ( const Snarl site)

Get all the variants that are contained in a site

◆ scan_for_deletion()

pair< SnarlTraversal, vector< edge_t > > vg::VCFTraversalFinder::scan_for_deletion ( vcflib::Variant *  var,
int  allele,
path_handle_t  ref_path,
step_handle_t  first_path_step,
step_handle_t  last_path_step 

An alt path for a deletion is the deleted reference path. But sometimes vg construct doesn't write a deletion edge that exactly jumps over the alt path. In these cases, we need to search the graph for one. This does a brute-force check of all deletion edges in the vicinity for one that's the same size as the one we're looking for.
It tries to find a set of nearyby deletions that match the desired length. Todo: check the sequence as well Also todo: It'd be really nice if construct -fa would make the deletion-edge easily inferrable from the alt path. It really shouldn't be necessary to hunt around. Returns: <deletion traversal, list of deletion edges>

◆ step_in_path()

pair< step_handle_t, bool > vg::VCFTraversalFinder::step_in_path ( handle_t  handle,
path_handle_t  path_handle 
) const

Lookup a node in the reference path (mimics old PathIndex)

Member Data Documentation

◆ graph

const PathHandleGraph& vg::VCFTraversalFinder::graph

◆ include_endpoints

bool vg::VCFTraversalFinder::include_endpoints = true

Include snarl endpoints in traversals.

◆ max_deletion_scan_nodes

size_t vg::VCFTraversalFinder::max_deletion_scan_nodes = 50

How far to scan when looking for deletions.

◆ max_prune_iterations

size_t vg::VCFTraversalFinder::max_prune_iterations = 2

Maximum number of pruning iterations.

◆ max_traversal_cutoff

size_t vg::VCFTraversalFinder::max_traversal_cutoff

If a snarl has more than this many traversals, return nothing and print a warning. Dense and large deletions will make this happen from time to time. In practice, skip_alt (above) can be used to prune down the search space by selecting alleles to ignore.

◆ node_to_variant

unordered_map<id_t, list<vcflib::Variant*> > vg::VCFTraversalFinder::node_to_variant

Store variants indexed by an arbitrary node in one of their associated alt paths. We can then use this to find all variants in a top-level snarl

◆ path_finder

PathTraversalFinder vg::VCFTraversalFinder::path_finder

Use this to check if our snarl runs through a reference path (may be overkill, but can be used for sanity checking)

◆ skip_alt

function<bool(const SnarlTraversal& alt_path, int iteration)> vg::VCFTraversalFinder::skip_alt

Use this method to prune the search space by selecting alt-alleles to skip by considering their paths (in SnarlTraversal) format It will try again and again until enough traversals are pruned, with iteration keeping track of how many tries (so it should become stricter as iteration increases)

◆ snarl_manager

SnarlManager& vg::VCFTraversalFinder::snarl_manager

The SnarlManager managiung the snarls we use.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: