tools for working with variation graphs
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vg::MultipathMapper Class Reference

#include <multipath_mapper.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for vg::MultipathMapper:
vg::BaseMapper vg::AlignerClient vg::PairedEndMapper

Public Types

using memcluster_t = pair< vector< pair< const MaximalExactMatch *, pos_t > >, double >
 We often pass around clusters of MEMs and their graph positions, paired with a multiplicity. More...
using clustergraph_t = tuple< unique_ptr< bdsg::HashGraph >, memcluster_t, size_t >
using match_fanouts_t = unordered_map< const MaximalExactMatch *, deque< pair< string::const_iterator, char > >>
using candidate_id_t = tuple< bool, int64_t, const MaximalExactMatch *, pos_t >

Public Member Functions

 MultipathMapper (PathPositionHandleGraph *graph, gcsa::GCSA *gcsa_index, gcsa::LCPArray *lcp_array, haplo::ScoreProvider *haplo_score_provider=nullptr, SnarlManager *snarl_manager=nullptr, SnarlDistanceIndex *distance_index=nullptr)
 ~MultipathMapper ()
void multipath_map (const Alignment &alignment, vector< multipath_alignment_t > &multipath_alns_out)
 Map read in alignment to graph and make multipath alignments. More...
bool multipath_map_paired (const Alignment &alignment1, const Alignment &alignment2, vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs_out, vector< pair< Alignment, Alignment >> &ambiguous_pair_buffer)
void reduce_to_single_path (const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln, vector< Alignment > &alns_out, size_t max_number) const
void set_automatic_min_clustering_length (double random_mem_probability=0.5)
void calibrate_mismapping_detection (size_t num_simulations, const vector< size_t > &simulated_read_lengths)
void determine_distance_correlation ()
 Experimental: skeleton code for predicting path distance from minimum distance. More...
void set_alignment_scores (const int8_t *score_matrix, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, int8_t full_length_bonus)
void set_min_softclip_length_for_splice (size_t length)
 How big of a softclip should lead us to attempt spliced alignment? More...
void set_log_odds_against_splice (double log_odds)
 What should the prior odds against a spliced alignment be? More...
void set_intron_length_distribution (const vector< double > &intron_mixture_weights, const vector< pair< double, double >> &intron_component_params)
 Use a non-default intron length distribution. More...
void set_max_merge_supression_length ()
 Decide how long of a tail alignment we want before we allow its subpath to be merged. More...
void set_read_1_adapter (const string &adapter)
void set_read_2_adapter (const string &adapter)
virtual void set_alignment_scores (int8_t match, int8_t mismatch, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, int8_t full_length_bonus)
 Set all the aligner scoring parameters and create the stored aligner instances. More...
virtual void set_alignment_scores (std::istream &matrix_stream, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, int8_t full_length_bonus)
virtual void set_alignment_scores (const int8_t *score_matrix, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, int8_t full_length_bonus)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vg::BaseMapper
 BaseMapper (PathPositionHandleGraph *xidex, gcsa::GCSA *g, gcsa::LCPArray *a, haplo::ScoreProvider *haplo_score_provider=nullptr)
 BaseMapper (void)
int random_match_length (double chance_random)
void set_alignment_scores (int8_t match, int8_t mismatch, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, int8_t full_length_bonus, double haplotype_consistency_exponent=1)
 Override alignment score setting to support haplotype consistency exponent. More...
void set_alignment_scores (istream &matrix_stream, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, int8_t full_length_bonus, double haplotype_consistency_exponent=1)
 Same, but loading a 4x4 substitution score matrix from a stream. More...
vector< MaximalExactMatchfind_mems_deep (string::const_iterator seq_begin, string::const_iterator seq_end, double &lcp_avg, double &fraction_filtered, int max_mem_length=0, int min_mem_length=1, int reseed_length=0, bool use_lcp_reseed_heuristic=false, bool use_diff_based_fast_reseed=false, bool include_parent_in_sub_mem_count=false, bool record_max_lcp=false, int reseed_below_count=0)
vector< MaximalExactMatchfind_mems_simple (string::const_iterator seq_begin, string::const_iterator seq_end, int max_mem_length=0, int min_mem_length=1, int reseed_length=0)
vector< MaximalExactMatchfind_stripped_matches (string::const_iterator seq_begin, string::const_iterator seq_end, size_t strip_length, size_t max_match_length, size_t target_count)
vector< MaximalExactMatchfind_fanout_mems (string::const_iterator seq_begin, string::const_iterator seq_end, string::const_iterator qual_begin, int max_fans_out, char max_fanout_base_quality, vector< deque< pair< string::const_iterator, char >>> *mem_fanout_breaks=nullptr)
vector< pos_twalk_fanout_path (string::const_iterator begin, string::const_iterator end, const deque< pair< string::const_iterator, char >> &fanout_breaks, gcsa::node_type pos)
void rescue_high_count_order_length_mems (vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, size_t max_rescue_hit_count)
void precollapse_order_length_runs (string::const_iterator seq_begin, vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems)
void prefilter_redundant_sub_mems (vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, vector< pair< int, vector< size_t >>> &sub_mem_containment_graph)
void find_sub_mems (const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, int parent_layer_begin, int parent_layer_end, int mem_idx, string::const_iterator next_mem_end, int min_mem_length, vector< pair< MaximalExactMatch, vector< size_t >>> &sub_mems_out)
void find_sub_mems_fast (const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, int parent_layer_begin, int parent_layer_end, int mem_idx, string::const_iterator leftmost_guaranteed_disjoint_bound, string::const_iterator leftmost_seeding_bound, int min_sub_mem_length, vector< pair< MaximalExactMatch, vector< size_t >>> &sub_mems_out)
gcsa::range_type accelerate_mem_query (string::const_iterator begin, string::const_iterator &cursor) const
set< pos_tsequence_positions (const string &seq)
size_t get_adaptive_min_reseed_length (size_t parent_mem_length)
void apply_haplotype_consistency_scores (const vector< Alignment * > &alns)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vg::AlignerClient
virtual void set_alignment_scores (int8_t match, int8_t mismatch, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, int8_t full_length_bonus)
 Set all the aligner scoring parameters and create the stored aligner instances. More...
virtual void set_alignment_scores (std::istream &matrix_stream, int8_t gap_open, int8_t gap_extend, int8_t full_length_bonus)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vg::PairedEndMapper
void set_fragment_length_distr_params (size_t maximum_sample_size=1000, size_t reestimation_frequency=1000, double robust_estimation_fraction=0.95)
bool has_fixed_fragment_length_distr ()
 Returns true if fragment length distribution has been fixed. More...
void force_fragment_length_distr (double mean, double stddev)

Public Attributes

size_t max_branch_trim_length = 1
bool agglomerate_multipath_alns = false
int64_t max_snarl_cut_size = 5
size_t max_tail_merge_supress_length = 4
bool suppress_tail_anchors = false
size_t min_tail_anchor_length = 3
bool use_pessimistic_tail_alignment = false
double pessimistic_gap_multiplier = 0.0
bool restrained_graph_extraction = false
size_t max_expected_dist_approx_error = 8
int32_t num_alt_alns = 4
size_t max_dagify_duplications = 10
double mem_coverage_min_ratio = 0.5
double truncation_multiplicity_mq_limit = 7.0
double max_suboptimal_path_score_ratio = 2.0
size_t num_mapping_attempts = 48
double log_likelihood_approx_factor = 1.0
size_t min_clustering_mem_length = 0
bool use_stripped_match_alg = false
size_t stripped_match_alg_strip_length = 16
size_t stripped_match_alg_max_length = 0
size_t stripped_match_alg_target_count = 5
bool use_fanout_match_alg = false
int max_fanout_base_quality = 20
int max_fans_out = 5
size_t max_p_value_memo_size = 500
double max_exponential_rate_intercept = 0.612045
double max_exponential_rate_slope = 0.000555181
double max_exponential_shape_intercept = 12.136
double max_exponential_shape_slope = 0.0113637
double max_mapping_p_value = 0.0001
double max_rescue_p_value = 0.1
size_t max_alt_mappings = 1
size_t max_single_end_mappings_for_rescue = 64
size_t max_rescue_attempts = 32
size_t plausible_rescue_cluster_coverage_diff = 5
size_t secondary_rescue_attempts = 4
double secondary_rescue_score_diff = 1.0
bool get_rescue_graph_from_paths = true
double rescue_graph_std_devs = 6.0
double splice_rescue_graph_std_devs = 3.0
double mapq_scaling_factor = 1.0
bool report_group_mapq = false
bool report_allelic_mapq = false
bool use_population_mapqs = false
size_t force_haplotype_count = 0
bool always_check_population = false
size_t population_max_paths = 10
size_t population_paths_hard_cap = 1000
bool top_tracebacks = false
double recombination_penalty = 20.7
size_t rescue_only_min = 128
size_t rescue_only_anchor_max = 16
size_t order_length_repeat_hit_max = 0
int32_t secondary_rescue_subopt_diff = 10
size_t min_median_mem_coverage_for_split = 0
bool suppress_cluster_merging = false
bool suppress_multicomponent_splitting = false
size_t alt_anchor_max_length_diff = 5
bool dynamic_max_alt_alns = false
bool simplify_topologies = false
double prune_subpaths_multiplier = 2.0
bool use_tvs_clusterer = false
bool use_min_dist_clusterer = false
bool greedy_min_dist = false
bool component_min_dist = false
bool no_clustering = false
size_t reversing_walk_length = 0
bool suppress_p_value_memoization = false
size_t fragment_length_warning_factor = 0
size_t max_alignment_gap = 5000
bool suppress_mismapping_detection = false
bool do_spliced_alignment = false
int64_t max_softclip_overlap = 8
int64_t max_splice_overhang = 3
int64_t min_splice_rescue_matches = 6
int64_t max_intron_length = 1 << 18
int64_t max_splice_ref_search_length = 32
size_t max_motif_pairs = 1024
unordered_set< path_handle_tref_path_handles
std::function< size_t(const Alignment &, const HandleGraph &)> choose_band_padding
- Public Attributes inherited from vg::BaseMapper
int sub_mem_thinning_burn_in = 16
int sub_mem_count_thinning = 4
int min_mem_length
int mem_reseed_length
bool fast_reseed = true
double fast_reseed_length_diff = 0.45
bool adaptive_reseed_diff = true
double adaptive_diff_exponent = 0.065
int hit_max = 0
int hard_hit_max = 0
bool use_approx_sub_mem_count = false
bool prefilter_redundant_hits = true
int max_sub_mem_recursion_depth = 2
bool use_greedy_mem_restarts = false
int greedy_restart_min_length = 40
int greedy_restart_max_count = 2
int greedy_restart_max_lcp = 0
bool greedy_restart_assume_substitution = false
bool filter_short_mems = false
double short_mem_filter_factor = 0.45
int unpaired_penalty = 17
bool precollapse_order_length_hits = true
double avg_node_length = 0
size_t total_seq_length = 0
int fanout_length_threshold = 0
double recombination_penalty = 20.7
bool strip_bonuses
bool assume_acyclic
MappingQualityMethod mapping_quality_method
int max_mapping_quality
bool exclude_unaligned = false
bool debug = false
 Set to enable debugging messages to cerr from the mapper, so a user can understand why a read maps the way it does. More...
PathPositionHandleGraphxindex = nullptr
gcsa::GCSA * gcsa = nullptr
gcsa::LCPArray * lcp = nullptr
MEMAcceleratoraccelerator = nullptr
haplo::ScoreProviderhaplo_score_provider = nullptr
double haplotype_consistency_exponent = 1
- Public Attributes inherited from vg::AlignerClient
bool adjust_alignments_for_base_quality = false

Protected Types

enum  SpliceStrand { Undetermined, Forward, Reverse }
 Enum for the strand of a splice alignment's splice motifs. More...

Protected Member Functions

bool attempt_unpaired_multipath_map_of_pair (const Alignment &alignment1, const Alignment &alignment2, vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs_out, vector< pair< Alignment, Alignment >> &ambiguous_pair_buffer)
bool attempt_rescue (const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln, const Alignment &other_aln, bool rescue_forward, multipath_alignment_t &rescue_multipath_aln)
bool do_rescue_alignment (const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln, const Alignment &other_aln, bool rescue_forward, multipath_alignment_t &rescue_multipath_aln, double rescue_mean_length, double num_std_devs) const
void extract_rescue_graph (const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln, const Alignment &other_aln, bool rescue_forward, MutableHandleGraph *rescue_graph, double rescue_mean_length, double num_std_devs) const
 Use the algorithm implied by the mapper settings to extract a subgraph to perform a rescue alignment against. More...
void align_to_cluster_graphs (const Alignment &alignment, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs, vector< multipath_alignment_t > &multipath_alns_out, vector< double > &multiplicities_out, size_t num_mapping_attempts, const match_fanouts_t *fanouts=nullptr, vector< size_t > *cluster_idxs=nullptr)
void align_to_cluster_graph_pairs (const Alignment &alignment1, const Alignment &alignment2, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs1, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs2, vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs_out, vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &cluster_pairs, vector< double > &pair_multiplicities, vector< pair< size_t, size_t >> &duplicate_pairs_out, const match_fanouts_t *fanouts1, const match_fanouts_t *fanouts2)
bool align_to_cluster_graphs_with_rescue (const Alignment &alignment1, const Alignment &alignment2, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs1, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs2, vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems1, vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems2, vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs_out, vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &pair_distances_out, vector< double > &pair_multiplicities_out, const match_fanouts_t *fanouts1, const match_fanouts_t *fanouts2)
void attempt_rescue_for_secondaries (const Alignment &alignment1, const Alignment &alignment2, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs1, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs2, vector< pair< size_t, size_t >> &duplicate_pairs, vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs_out, vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &cluster_pairs, vector< double > &pair_multiplicities, const match_fanouts_t *fanouts1, const match_fanouts_t *fanouts2)
void merge_rescued_mappings (vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs_out, vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &cluster_pairs, vector< double > &pair_multiplicities, vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &rescued_multipath_aln_pairs, vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &rescued_cluster_pairs, vector< double > &rescued_multiplicities) const
 Merge the rescued mappings into the output vector and deduplicate pairs. More...
vector< memcluster_tget_clusters (const Alignment &alignment, const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, OrientedDistanceMeasurer *distance_measurer=nullptr, const match_fanouts_t *fanouts=nullptr) const
vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t > > get_cluster_pairs (const Alignment &alignment1, const Alignment &alignment2, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs1, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs2, OrientedDistanceMeasurer *distance_measurer=nullptr)
vector< clustergraph_tquery_cluster_graphs (const Alignment &alignment, const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, const vector< memcluster_t > &clusters) const
pair< unique_ptr< bdsg::HashGraph >, bool > extract_cluster_graph (const Alignment &alignment, const memcluster_t &mem_cluster) const
pair< unique_ptr< bdsg::HashGraph >, bool > extract_maximal_graph (const Alignment &alignment, const memcluster_t &mem_cluster) const
pair< unique_ptr< bdsg::HashGraph >, bool > extract_restrained_graph (const Alignment &alignment, const memcluster_t &mem_cluster) const
vector< pair< int64_t, int64_t > > covered_intervals (const Alignment &alignment, const clustergraph_t &cluster) const
 Returns the union of the intervals on the read that a cluster cover in sorted order. More...
void split_multicomponent_alignments (vector< multipath_alignment_t > &multipath_alns_out, const Alignment *alignment=nullptr, vector< clustergraph_t > *cluster_graphs=nullptr, vector< size_t > *cluster_idxs=nullptr, vector< double > *multiplicities=nullptr) const
void split_multicomponent_alignments (const Alignment &alignment1, const Alignment &alignment2, vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs_out, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs1, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs2, vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &cluster_pairs, vector< double > &multiplicities) const
void simplify_complicated_multipath_alignment (multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln) const
 If the alignment seems very complicated, try to simplify low-scoring parts out of it. More...
void reassign_split_clusters (const Alignment &alignment, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs, const vector< const multipath_alignment_t * > &split_mp_alns, const vector< size_t * > &cluster_assignments, const vector< size_t * > &all_cluster_assignments) const
void agglomerate_alignments (vector< multipath_alignment_t > &multipath_alns_out, vector< double > *multiplicities=nullptr)
void agglomerate_alignment_pairs (vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs_out, vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &cluster_pairs, vector< double > &multiplicities)
void purge_unmapped_alignments (vector< multipath_alignment_t > &multipath_alns_out)
void purge_unmapped_alignments (vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs_out, bool proper_paired)
void agglomerate (size_t idx, multipath_alignment_t &agglomerating, const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln, vector< size_t > &agglomerated_group, unordered_set< pos_t > &agg_start_positions, unordered_set< pos_t > &agg_end_positions) const
 The internal agglomeration procedure. More...
bool find_spliced_alignments (const Alignment &alignment, vector< multipath_alignment_t > &multipath_alns_out, vector< double > &multiplicities, vector< size_t > &cluster_idxs, const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs, const match_fanouts_t *fanouts=nullptr, const multipath_alignment_t *rescue_anchor=nullptr, bool rescue_left=false, double rescue_multiplicity=1.0)
bool find_spliced_alignments (const Alignment &alignment1, const Alignment &alignment2, vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs_out, vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &cluster_pairs, vector< double > &pair_multiplicities, const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems1, const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems2, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs1, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs2, const match_fanouts_t *fanouts=nullptr)
void identify_aligned_splice_candidates (const Alignment &alignment, bool search_left, const pair< int64_t, int64_t > &primary_interval, const vector< multipath_alignment_t > &multipath_alns, const vector< size_t > &cluster_idxs, const vector< int64_t > &current_index, int64_t anchor, unordered_set< size_t > &clusters_used_out, vector< size_t > &mp_aln_candidates_out) const
void identify_aligned_splice_candidates (const Alignment &alignment, bool read_1, bool search_left, const pair< int64_t, int64_t > &primary_interval, const vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs, const vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &cluster_pairs, const vector< int64_t > &current_index, int64_t anchor, unordered_set< size_t > &clusters_used_out, vector< size_t > &mp_aln_candidates_out) const
void identify_unaligned_splice_candidates (const Alignment &alignment, bool search_left, const pair< int64_t, int64_t > &primary_interval, const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, const vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs, const unordered_set< size_t > &clusters_already_used, vector< size_t > &cluster_candidates_out, vector< pair< const MaximalExactMatch *, pos_t >> &hit_candidates_out) const
void align_to_splice_candidates (const Alignment &alignment, vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs, const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, const vector< size_t > &cluster_candidates, const vector< pair< const MaximalExactMatch *, pos_t >> &hit_candidates, const pair< int64_t, int64_t > &primary_interval, bool searching_left, bool is_read_1, unordered_map< candidate_id_t, pair< multipath_alignment_t, double >> &unaligned_candidate_bank, vector< candidate_id_t > &candidates_out, const match_fanouts_t *mem_fanouts=nullptr) const
 Make alignments for the splice alignment cancidates from MEMs and unaligned clusters. More...
bool test_splice_candidates (const Alignment &alignment, bool searching_left, multipath_alignment_t &anchor_mp_aln, double *anchor_multiplicity_out, SpliceStrand &strand, int64_t num_candidates, const function< const multipath_alignment_t &(int64_t)> &get_candidate, const function< double(int64_t)> &get_multiplicity, const function< multipath_alignment_t &&(int64_t)> &consume_candidate) const
bool attempt_rescue_for_splice_segment (const Alignment &alignment, const pair< int64_t, int64_t > &primary_interval, const multipath_alignment_t &rescue_anchor, bool rescue_left, multipath_alignment_t &rescued_out) const
bool find_rescuable_spliced_alignments (const Alignment &alignment, multipath_alignment_t &splice_anchor, double &anchor_multiplicity, SpliceStrand &strand, const multipath_alignment_t &rescue_anchor, double rescue_multiplicity, bool rescue_left, const pair< int64_t, int64_t > &primary_interval) const
 See if we can find a spliced alignment segment by aligning between the pair. More...
bool retry_pairing_spliced_alignments (const Alignment &alignment1, const Alignment &alignment2, vector< multipath_alignment_t > &multipath_alns_1, vector< multipath_alignment_t > &multipath_alns_2, const vector< size_t > &cluster_idxs_1, const vector< size_t > &cluster_idxs_2, const vector< double > &multiplicities_1, const vector< double > &multiplicities_2, vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs_out, vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &cluster_pairs_out, vector< double > &pair_multiplicities_out) const
void multipath_align (const Alignment &alignment, clustergraph_t &cluster_graph, multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln_out, const match_fanouts_t *fanouts) const
bool expand_for_softclips (clustergraph_t &cluster_graph, const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln) const
void make_nontrivial_multipath_alignment (const Alignment &alignment, const HandleGraph &subgraph, const function< pair< id_t, bool >(id_t)> &translator, multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln_out) const
void strip_full_length_bonuses (multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln) const
 Remove the full length bonus from all source or sink subpaths that received it. More...
vector< double > mapping_likelihoods (vector< multipath_alignment_t > &multipath_alns) const
 Returns a vector of log-likelihoods for each mapping. More...
vector< double > pair_mapping_likelihoods (vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs, const vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &cluster_pairs) const
 Returns a vector of log-likelihoods for each pair mapping. More...
vector< int32_t > compute_raw_mapping_qualities_from_scores (const vector< double > &scores, bool have_qualities, const vector< double > *multiplicities=nullptr) const
void sort_and_compute_mapping_quality (vector< multipath_alignment_t > &multipath_alns, vector< size_t > *cluster_idxs=nullptr, vector< double > *multiplicities=nullptr) const
void sort_and_compute_mapping_quality (vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs, vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &cluster_pairs, vector< pair< size_t, size_t >> *duplicate_pairs_out=nullptr, vector< double > *pair_multiplicities=nullptr) const
double estimate_missed_rescue_multiplicity (size_t which_pair, const vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &cluster_pairs, const vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs1, const vector< clustergraph_t > &cluster_graphs2, bool from_secondary_rescue) const
double cluster_multiplicity (const memcluster_t &cluster) const
double pair_cluster_multiplicity (const memcluster_t &cluster_1, const memcluster_t &cluster_2) const
double fragment_length_log_likelihood (int64_t length) const
 Computes the log-likelihood of a given fragment length in the trained distribution. More...
bool likely_mismapping (const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln)
 Would an alignment this good be expected against a graph this big by chance alone. More...
bool likely_misrescue (const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln)
 Would an alignment this good be expected against a graph this big by chance alone. More...
int64_t pseudo_length (const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln) const
 A scaling of a score so that it approximately follows the distribution of the longest match in p-value test. More...
double random_match_p_value (int64_t match_length, size_t read_length)
 The approximate p-value for a match length of the given size against the current graph. More...
match_fanouts_t record_fanouts (const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &mems, vector< deque< pair< string::const_iterator, char >>> &fanouts) const
 Reorganizes the fan-out breaks into the format that MultipathAlignmentGraph wants it in. More...
unique_ptr< OrientedDistanceMeasurerget_distance_measurer (MemoizingGraph &memoizing_graph) const
 Get a distance measurer based on the configuartion of the mapper. More...
int64_t distance_between (const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln_1, const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln_2, bool full_fragment=false, bool forward_strand=false) const
int64_t distance (const pos_t &pos_1, const pos_t &pos_2) const
bool are_consistent (const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln_1, const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln_2) const
 Are two multipath alignments consistently placed based on the learned fragment length distribution? More...
bool is_consistent (int64_t distance) const
 Is this a consistent inter-pair distance based on the learned fragment length distribution? More...
bool share_terminal_positions (const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln_1, const multipath_alignment_t &multipath_aln_2) const
haploMath::RRMemoget_rr_memo (double recombination_penalty, size_t population_size) const
 Get a thread_local RRMemo with these parameters. More...
void establish_strand_consistency (vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &multipath_aln_pairs, vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &cluster_pairs)
int64_t pessimistic_gap (int64_t length, double multiplier) const
 A restrained estimate of the amount of gap we would like to align for a read tail. More...
vector< MaximalExactMatchfind_mems (const Alignment &alignment, vector< deque< pair< string::const_iterator, char >>> *mem_fanout_breaks=nullptr)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vg::AlignerClient
 AlignerClient (double gc_content_estimate=vg::default_gc_content)
const GSSWAlignerget_aligner (bool have_qualities=true) const
const QualAdjAlignerget_qual_adj_aligner () const
const Alignerget_regular_aligner () const

Static Protected Member Functions

static void set_read_coverage (clustergraph_t &cluster_graph)
 Computes the number of read bases a cluster of MEM hits covers. More...

Protected Attributes

string read_1_adapter = ""
string read_2_adapter = ""
vector< size_t > read_1_adapter_lps
vector< size_t > read_2_adapter_lps
int64_t min_softclip_length_for_splice = 20
int64_t min_softclipped_score_for_splice = 25
double no_splice_natural_log_odds = 22.55
int32_t no_splice_log_odds = 16
DinucleotideMachine dinuc_machine
SpliceStats splice_stats
SnarlDistanceIndex * distance_index
unique_ptr< PathComponentIndexpath_component_index
- Protected Attributes inherited from vg::PairedEndMapper
FragmentLengthDistribution fragment_length_distr
 Holds the actual fragment length distribution and estimation information. More...

Static Protected Attributes

static const size_t RESCUED = numeric_limits<size_t>::max()
static thread_local unordered_map< pair< double, size_t >, haploMath::RRMemorr_memos
 Memos used by population model. More...
static thread_local unordered_map< pair< int64_t, size_t >, double > p_value_memo
static thread_local unordered_map< double, vector< int64_t > > pessimistic_gap_memo
static const size_t gap_memo_max_size = 1000

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vg::BaseMapper
static double estimate_gc_content (const gcsa::GCSA *gcsa)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vg::AlignerClient
static int8_t * parse_matrix (std::istream &matrix_stream)
 Allocates an array to hold a 4x4 substitution matrix and returns it. More...
- Static Public Attributes inherited from vg::BaseMapper
static thread_local vector< size_t > adaptive_reseed_length_memo

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ candidate_id_t

using vg::MultipathMapper::candidate_id_t = tuple<bool, int64_t, const MaximalExactMatch*, pos_t>

Unique identifier for an unaligned splicing candidate. Specified by:

  • Cluster candidate: (is read 1, cluster index, nullptr, pos_t())
  • Hit candidate: (is read 1, -1, MEM, position)

◆ clustergraph_t

using vg::MultipathMapper::clustergraph_t = tuple<unique_ptr<bdsg::HashGraph>, memcluster_t, size_t>

This represents a graph for a cluster, and holds a pointer to the actual extracted graph, a list of assigned MEMs, and the number of bases of read coverage that that MEM cluster provides (which serves as a priority).

◆ match_fanouts_t

using vg::MultipathMapper::match_fanouts_t = unordered_map<const MaximalExactMatch*, deque<pair<string::const_iterator, char> >>

Represents the mismatches that were allowed in "MEMs" from the fanout match algorithm

◆ memcluster_t

using vg::MultipathMapper::memcluster_t = pair<vector<pair<const MaximalExactMatch*, pos_t> >, double>

We often pass around clusters of MEMs and their graph positions, paired with a multiplicity.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ SpliceStrand

Enum for the strand of a splice alignment's splice motifs.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ MultipathMapper()

vg::MultipathMapper::MultipathMapper ( PathPositionHandleGraph graph,
gcsa::GCSA *  gcsa_index,
gcsa::LCPArray *  lcp_array,
haplo::ScoreProvider haplo_score_provider = nullptr,
SnarlManager snarl_manager = nullptr,
SnarlDistanceIndex *  distance_index = nullptr 

◆ ~MultipathMapper()

vg::MultipathMapper::~MultipathMapper ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ agglomerate()

void vg::MultipathMapper::agglomerate ( size_t  idx,
multipath_alignment_t agglomerating,
const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln,
vector< size_t > &  agglomerated_group,
unordered_set< pos_t > &  agg_start_positions,
unordered_set< pos_t > &  agg_end_positions 
) const

The internal agglomeration procedure.

◆ agglomerate_alignment_pairs()

void vg::MultipathMapper::agglomerate_alignment_pairs ( vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs_out,
vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &  cluster_pairs,
vector< double > &  multiplicities 

Combine all of the significant alignments into one pair. Requires alignments to be sorted by significance already

◆ agglomerate_alignments()

void vg::MultipathMapper::agglomerate_alignments ( vector< multipath_alignment_t > &  multipath_alns_out,
vector< double > *  multiplicities = nullptr 

Combine all of the significant alignments into one. Requires alignments to be sorted by significance already

◆ align_to_cluster_graph_pairs()

void vg::MultipathMapper::align_to_cluster_graph_pairs ( const Alignment alignment1,
const Alignment alignment2,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs1,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs2,
vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs_out,
vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &  cluster_pairs,
vector< double > &  pair_multiplicities,
vector< pair< size_t, size_t >> &  duplicate_pairs_out,
const match_fanouts_t fanouts1,
const match_fanouts_t fanouts2 

After clustering MEMs, extracting graphs, assigning hits to cluster graphs, and determining which cluster graph pairs meet the fragment length distance constraints, perform multipath alignment Produces topologically sorted multipath_alignment_ts.

◆ align_to_cluster_graphs()

void vg::MultipathMapper::align_to_cluster_graphs ( const Alignment alignment,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs,
vector< multipath_alignment_t > &  multipath_alns_out,
vector< double > &  multiplicities_out,
size_t  num_mapping_attempts,
const match_fanouts_t fanouts = nullptr,
vector< size_t > *  cluster_idxs = nullptr 

After clustering MEMs, extracting graphs, and assigning hits to cluster graphs, perform multipath alignment. Produces topologically sorted multipath_alignment_ts.

◆ align_to_cluster_graphs_with_rescue()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::align_to_cluster_graphs_with_rescue ( const Alignment alignment1,
const Alignment alignment2,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs1,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs2,
vector< MaximalExactMatch > &  mems1,
vector< MaximalExactMatch > &  mems2,
vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs_out,
vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &  pair_distances_out,
vector< double > &  pair_multiplicities_out,
const match_fanouts_t fanouts1,
const match_fanouts_t fanouts2 

Align the read ends independently, but also try to form rescue alignments for each from the other. Return true if output obeys pair consistency and false otherwise. Produces topologically sorted multipath_alignment_ts.

◆ align_to_splice_candidates()

void vg::MultipathMapper::align_to_splice_candidates ( const Alignment alignment,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs,
const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &  mems,
const vector< size_t > &  cluster_candidates,
const vector< pair< const MaximalExactMatch *, pos_t >> &  hit_candidates,
const pair< int64_t, int64_t > &  primary_interval,
bool  searching_left,
bool  is_read_1,
unordered_map< candidate_id_t, pair< multipath_alignment_t, double >> &  unaligned_candidate_bank,
vector< candidate_id_t > &  candidates_out,
const match_fanouts_t mem_fanouts = nullptr 
) const

Make alignments for the splice alignment cancidates from MEMs and unaligned clusters.

◆ are_consistent()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::are_consistent ( const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln_1,
const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln_2 
) const

Are two multipath alignments consistently placed based on the learned fragment length distribution?

◆ attempt_rescue()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::attempt_rescue ( const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln,
const Alignment other_aln,
bool  rescue_forward,
multipath_alignment_t rescue_multipath_aln 

Extracts a section of graph at a distance from the multipath_alignment_t based on the fragment length distribution and attempts to align the other paired read to it. If rescuing forward, assumes the provided multipath_alignment_t is the first read and vice versa if rescuing backward. Rescue constructs a conventional local alignment with gssw and converts the Alignment to a multipath_alignment_t. The multipath_alignment_t will be stored in the object passed by reference as an argument.

◆ attempt_rescue_for_secondaries()

void vg::MultipathMapper::attempt_rescue_for_secondaries ( const Alignment alignment1,
const Alignment alignment2,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs1,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs2,
vector< pair< size_t, size_t >> &  duplicate_pairs,
vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs_out,
vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &  cluster_pairs,
vector< double > &  pair_multiplicities,
const match_fanouts_t fanouts1,
const match_fanouts_t fanouts2 

Use the rescue routine on strong suboptimal clusters to see if we can find a good secondary. Produces topologically sorted multipath_alignment_ts.

◆ attempt_rescue_for_splice_segment()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::attempt_rescue_for_splice_segment ( const Alignment alignment,
const pair< int64_t, int64_t > &  primary_interval,
const multipath_alignment_t rescue_anchor,
bool  rescue_left,
multipath_alignment_t rescued_out 
) const

Try to rescue an anchor for a missing spliced alignment section between the reads in a pair

◆ attempt_unpaired_multipath_map_of_pair()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::attempt_unpaired_multipath_map_of_pair ( const Alignment alignment1,
const Alignment alignment2,
vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs_out,
vector< pair< Alignment, Alignment >> &  ambiguous_pair_buffer 

Before the fragment length distribution has been estimated, look for an unambiguous mapping of the reads using the single ended routine. If we find one record the fragment length and report the pair, if we don't find one, add the read pair to a buffer instead of the output vector. Returns true if we successfully find a measurable pair.

◆ calibrate_mismapping_detection()

void vg::MultipathMapper::calibrate_mismapping_detection ( size_t  num_simulations,
const vector< size_t > &  simulated_read_lengths 

Map random sequences against the graph to calibrate a parameterized distribution that detects when mappings are likely to have occurred by chance

◆ cluster_multiplicity()

double vg::MultipathMapper::cluster_multiplicity ( const memcluster_t cluster) const

Estimates the number of equivalent mappings (including this one), which we may not have seen due to limits on the numbers of hits returns for a MEM

◆ compute_raw_mapping_qualities_from_scores()

vector< int32_t > vg::MultipathMapper::compute_raw_mapping_qualities_from_scores ( const vector< double > &  scores,
bool  have_qualities,
const vector< double > *  multiplicities = nullptr 
) const

Compute a mapping quality from a list of scores, using the selected method. Optionally considers non-present duplicates of the scores encoded as multiplicities Depending on settings, may only return mapping qualities for a prefix of the scores

◆ covered_intervals()

vector< pair< int64_t, int64_t > > vg::MultipathMapper::covered_intervals ( const Alignment alignment,
const clustergraph_t cluster 
) const

Returns the union of the intervals on the read that a cluster cover in sorted order.

◆ determine_distance_correlation()

void vg::MultipathMapper::determine_distance_correlation ( )

Experimental: skeleton code for predicting path distance from minimum distance.

◆ distance()

int64_t vg::MultipathMapper::distance ( const pos_t pos_1,
const pos_t pos_2 
) const

◆ distance_between()

int64_t vg::MultipathMapper::distance_between ( const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln_1,
const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln_2,
bool  full_fragment = false,
bool  forward_strand = false 
) const

Compute the approximate distance between two multipath alignments If either is unmapped, or the distance cannot be obtained, returns numeric_limits<int64_t>::max()

◆ do_rescue_alignment()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::do_rescue_alignment ( const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln,
const Alignment other_aln,
bool  rescue_forward,
multipath_alignment_t rescue_multipath_aln,
double  rescue_mean_length,
double  num_std_devs 
) const

Make an alignment to a rescue graph and translate it back to the original node space Returns false if the alignment fails, but does not check statistical significance

◆ establish_strand_consistency()

void vg::MultipathMapper::establish_strand_consistency ( vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs,
vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &  cluster_pairs 

Detects if each pair can be assigned to a consistent strand of a path, and if not removes them. Also inverts the distances in the cluster pairs vector according to the strand

◆ estimate_missed_rescue_multiplicity()

double vg::MultipathMapper::estimate_missed_rescue_multiplicity ( size_t  which_pair,
const vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &  cluster_pairs,
const vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs1,
const vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs2,
bool  from_secondary_rescue 
) const

Estimates the number of equivalent mappings (including this one), which we may not have seen due to unexplored rescues.

◆ expand_for_softclips()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::expand_for_softclips ( clustergraph_t cluster_graph,
const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln 
) const

If any softclips could have arisen because not enough graph was extracted, extract extra graph in those areas. Returns true if the graph was expanded.

◆ extract_cluster_graph()

pair< unique_ptr< bdsg::HashGraph >, bool > vg::MultipathMapper::extract_cluster_graph ( const Alignment alignment,
const memcluster_t mem_cluster 
) const

Return a graph (on the heap) that contains a cluster. The paired bool indicates whether the graph is known to be connected (but it is possible for the graph to be connected and have it return false)

◆ extract_maximal_graph()

pair< unique_ptr< bdsg::HashGraph >, bool > vg::MultipathMapper::extract_maximal_graph ( const Alignment alignment,
const memcluster_t mem_cluster 
) const

Extract a graph that is guaranteed to contain all local alignments that include the MEMs of the cluster. The paired bool indicates whether the graph is known to be connected (but it is possible for the graph to be connected and have it return false)

◆ extract_rescue_graph()

void vg::MultipathMapper::extract_rescue_graph ( const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln,
const Alignment other_aln,
bool  rescue_forward,
MutableHandleGraph rescue_graph,
double  rescue_mean_length,
double  num_std_devs 
) const

Use the algorithm implied by the mapper settings to extract a subgraph to perform a rescue alignment against.

◆ extract_restrained_graph()

pair< unique_ptr< bdsg::HashGraph >, bool > vg::MultipathMapper::extract_restrained_graph ( const Alignment alignment,
const memcluster_t mem_cluster 
) const

Extract a graph with an algorithm that tries to extract not much more than what is required to contain the cluster in a single connected component (can be slower than the maximal algorithm for alignments that require large indels), The paired bool indicates whether the graph is known to be connected (but it is possible for the graph to be connected and have it return false)

◆ find_mems()

vector< MaximalExactMatch > vg::MultipathMapper::find_mems ( const Alignment alignment,
vector< deque< pair< string::const_iterator, char >>> *  mem_fanout_breaks = nullptr 

Return exact matches according to the object's parameters If using the fan-out algorithm, we can optionally leave fan-out MEMs in tact and return a vector of their breaks.

◆ find_rescuable_spliced_alignments()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::find_rescuable_spliced_alignments ( const Alignment alignment,
multipath_alignment_t splice_anchor,
double &  anchor_multiplicity,
SpliceStrand strand,
const multipath_alignment_t rescue_anchor,
double  rescue_multiplicity,
bool  rescue_left,
const pair< int64_t, int64_t > &  primary_interval 
) const

See if we can find a spliced alignment segment by aligning between the pair.

◆ find_spliced_alignments() [1/2]

bool vg::MultipathMapper::find_spliced_alignments ( const Alignment alignment,
vector< multipath_alignment_t > &  multipath_alns_out,
vector< double > &  multiplicities,
vector< size_t > &  cluster_idxs,
const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &  mems,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs,
const match_fanouts_t fanouts = nullptr,
const multipath_alignment_t rescue_anchor = nullptr,
bool  rescue_left = false,
double  rescue_multiplicity = 1.0 

Look for spliced alignments among the results of various stages in the mapping algorithm Returns true if any spliced alignments were made

◆ find_spliced_alignments() [2/2]

bool vg::MultipathMapper::find_spliced_alignments ( const Alignment alignment1,
const Alignment alignment2,
vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs_out,
vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &  cluster_pairs,
vector< double > &  pair_multiplicities,
const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &  mems1,
const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &  mems2,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs1,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs2,
const match_fanouts_t fanouts = nullptr 

Look for spliced alignments among the results of various stages in the mapping algorithm for pairs Returns true if any spliced alignments were made

◆ fragment_length_log_likelihood()

double vg::MultipathMapper::fragment_length_log_likelihood ( int64_t  length) const

Computes the log-likelihood of a given fragment length in the trained distribution.

◆ get_cluster_pairs()

vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t > > vg::MultipathMapper::get_cluster_pairs ( const Alignment alignment1,
const Alignment alignment2,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs1,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs2,
OrientedDistanceMeasurer distance_measurer = nullptr 

Use the oriented distance clusterer or the TVS clusterer to cluster pairs of clusters. Assumes that the fragment length distribution has been estimated and fixed.

◆ get_clusters()

vector< MultipathMapper::memcluster_t > vg::MultipathMapper::get_clusters ( const Alignment alignment,
const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &  mems,
OrientedDistanceMeasurer distance_measurer = nullptr,
const match_fanouts_t fanouts = nullptr 
) const

Use the oriented distance clusterer or the TVS clusterer to cluster MEMs depending on parameters. If using oriented distance cluster, must alo provide an oriented distance measurer.

◆ get_distance_measurer()

unique_ptr< OrientedDistanceMeasurer > vg::MultipathMapper::get_distance_measurer ( MemoizingGraph memoizing_graph) const

Get a distance measurer based on the configuartion of the mapper.

◆ get_rr_memo()

haploMath::RRMemo & vg::MultipathMapper::get_rr_memo ( double  recombination_penalty,
size_t  population_size 
) const

Get a thread_local RRMemo with these parameters.

◆ identify_aligned_splice_candidates() [1/2]

void vg::MultipathMapper::identify_aligned_splice_candidates ( const Alignment alignment,
bool  read_1,
bool  search_left,
const pair< int64_t, int64_t > &  primary_interval,
const vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs,
const vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &  cluster_pairs,
const vector< int64_t > &  current_index,
int64_t  anchor,
unordered_set< size_t > &  clusters_used_out,
vector< size_t > &  mp_aln_candidates_out 
) const

Find candidates for spliced alignment sections for a given multipath alignment among the aligned cluster pairs

◆ identify_aligned_splice_candidates() [2/2]

void vg::MultipathMapper::identify_aligned_splice_candidates ( const Alignment alignment,
bool  search_left,
const pair< int64_t, int64_t > &  primary_interval,
const vector< multipath_alignment_t > &  multipath_alns,
const vector< size_t > &  cluster_idxs,
const vector< int64_t > &  current_index,
int64_t  anchor,
unordered_set< size_t > &  clusters_used_out,
vector< size_t > &  mp_aln_candidates_out 
) const

Find candidates for spliced alignment sections for a given multipath alignment among the aligned clusters

◆ identify_unaligned_splice_candidates()

void vg::MultipathMapper::identify_unaligned_splice_candidates ( const Alignment alignment,
bool  search_left,
const pair< int64_t, int64_t > &  primary_interval,
const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &  mems,
const vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs,
const unordered_set< size_t > &  clusters_already_used,
vector< size_t > &  cluster_candidates_out,
vector< pair< const MaximalExactMatch *, pos_t >> &  hit_candidates_out 
) const

Find candidates for spliced alignment sections for a given multipath alignment among the unaligned clusters and MEMs

◆ is_consistent()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::is_consistent ( int64_t  distance) const

Is this a consistent inter-pair distance based on the learned fragment length distribution?

◆ likely_mismapping()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::likely_mismapping ( const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln)

Would an alignment this good be expected against a graph this big by chance alone.

◆ likely_misrescue()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::likely_misrescue ( const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln)

Would an alignment this good be expected against a graph this big by chance alone.

◆ make_nontrivial_multipath_alignment()

void vg::MultipathMapper::make_nontrivial_multipath_alignment ( const Alignment alignment,
const HandleGraph subgraph,
const function< pair< id_t, bool >(id_t)> &  translator,
multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln_out 
) const

Removes the sections of an Alignment's path within snarls and re-aligns them with multiple traceback to create a multipath alignment with non-trivial topology. Guarantees that the resulting multipath_alignment_t is in topological order.

◆ mapping_likelihoods()

vector< double > vg::MultipathMapper::mapping_likelihoods ( vector< multipath_alignment_t > &  multipath_alns) const

Returns a vector of log-likelihoods for each mapping.

Get all the linearizations we are going to work with, possibly with duplicates. The first alignment will be optimal.

◆ merge_rescued_mappings()

void vg::MultipathMapper::merge_rescued_mappings ( vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs_out,
vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &  cluster_pairs,
vector< double > &  pair_multiplicities,
vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  rescued_multipath_aln_pairs,
vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &  rescued_cluster_pairs,
vector< double > &  rescued_multiplicities 
) const

Merge the rescued mappings into the output vector and deduplicate pairs.

◆ multipath_align()

void vg::MultipathMapper::multipath_align ( const Alignment alignment,
clustergraph_t cluster_graph,
multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln_out,
const match_fanouts_t fanouts 
) const

Make a multipath alignment of the read against the indicated graph and add it to the list of multimappings. Does NOT necessarily produce a multipath_alignment_t in topological order.

◆ multipath_map()

void vg::MultipathMapper::multipath_map ( const Alignment alignment,
vector< multipath_alignment_t > &  multipath_alns_out 

Map read in alignment to graph and make multipath alignments.

◆ multipath_map_paired()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::multipath_map_paired ( const Alignment alignment1,
const Alignment alignment2,
vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs_out,
vector< pair< Alignment, Alignment >> &  ambiguous_pair_buffer 

Map a paired read to the graph and make paired multipath alignments. Assumes reads are on the same strand of the DNA/RNA molecule. If the fragment length distribution is still being estimated and the pair cannot be mapped unambiguously, adds the reads to a buffer for ambiguous pairs and does not output any multipath alignments. Returns true if the output is properly paired, or false if it is independent end mappings.

◆ pair_cluster_multiplicity()

double vg::MultipathMapper::pair_cluster_multiplicity ( const memcluster_t cluster_1,
const memcluster_t cluster_2 
) const

Estimates the number of equivalent pair mappings (including this one), which we may not have seen due to limits on the numbers of hits returns for a MEM

◆ pair_mapping_likelihoods()

vector< double > vg::MultipathMapper::pair_mapping_likelihoods ( vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs,
const vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &  cluster_pairs 
) const

Returns a vector of log-likelihoods for each pair mapping.

◆ pessimistic_gap()

int64_t vg::MultipathMapper::pessimistic_gap ( int64_t  length,
double  multiplier 
) const

A restrained estimate of the amount of gap we would like to align for a read tail.

◆ pseudo_length()

int64_t vg::MultipathMapper::pseudo_length ( const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln) const

A scaling of a score so that it approximately follows the distribution of the longest match in p-value test.

◆ purge_unmapped_alignments() [1/2]

void vg::MultipathMapper::purge_unmapped_alignments ( vector< multipath_alignment_t > &  multipath_alns_out)

Before returning, remove alignments that are likely noise and add a placeholder for an unmapped read if necessary

◆ purge_unmapped_alignments() [2/2]

void vg::MultipathMapper::purge_unmapped_alignments ( vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs_out,
bool  proper_paired 

Before returning, remove alignments that are likely noise and add placeholders for unmapped reads if necessary

◆ query_cluster_graphs()

vector< MultipathMapper::clustergraph_t > vg::MultipathMapper::query_cluster_graphs ( const Alignment alignment,
const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &  mems,
const vector< memcluster_t > &  clusters 
) const

Extracts a subgraph around each cluster of MEMs that encompasses any graph position reachable (according to the Mapper's aligner) with local alignment anchored at the MEMs. If any subgraphs overlap, they are merged into one subgraph. Returns a vector of all the merged cluster subgraphs, their MEMs assigned from the mems vector according to the MEMs' hits, and their read coverages in bp. The caller must delete the VG objects produced!

◆ random_match_p_value()

double vg::MultipathMapper::random_match_p_value ( int64_t  match_length,
size_t  read_length 

The approximate p-value for a match length of the given size against the current graph.

◆ reassign_split_clusters()

void vg::MultipathMapper::reassign_split_clusters ( const Alignment alignment,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs,
const vector< const multipath_alignment_t * > &  split_mp_alns,
const vector< size_t * > &  cluster_assignments,
const vector< size_t * > &  all_cluster_assignments 
) const

Helper function to be called by split_multicomponent_alignments to reassign hits to the split clusters

◆ record_fanouts()

MultipathMapper::match_fanouts_t vg::MultipathMapper::record_fanouts ( const vector< MaximalExactMatch > &  mems,
vector< deque< pair< string::const_iterator, char >>> &  fanouts 
) const

Reorganizes the fan-out breaks into the format that MultipathAlignmentGraph wants it in.

◆ reduce_to_single_path()

void vg::MultipathMapper::reduce_to_single_path ( const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln,
vector< Alignment > &  alns_out,
size_t  max_number 
) const

Given a mapped multipath_alignment_t, reduce it to up to max_number + 1 nonoverlapping single path alignments, with mapping qualities accounting for positional uncertainty between them. Even if the read is unmapped, there will always be at least one (possibly score 0) output alignment.

◆ retry_pairing_spliced_alignments()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::retry_pairing_spliced_alignments ( const Alignment alignment1,
const Alignment alignment2,
vector< multipath_alignment_t > &  multipath_alns_1,
vector< multipath_alignment_t > &  multipath_alns_2,
const vector< size_t > &  cluster_idxs_1,
const vector< size_t > &  cluster_idxs_2,
const vector< double > &  multiplicities_1,
const vector< double > &  multiplicities_2,
vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs_out,
vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &  cluster_pairs_out,
vector< double > &  pair_multiplicities_out 
) const

Check if any of the unpaired spliced alignments can make pairs now If any pairs are identified, can invalidate the input alignments

◆ set_alignment_scores() [1/4]

void vg::AlignerClient::set_alignment_scores

Set the algner scoring parameters and create the stored aligner instances. The score matrix should by a 4 x 4 array in the order (ACGT). Other overloads of set_alignment_scores all call this one.

◆ set_alignment_scores() [2/4]

void vg::MultipathMapper::set_alignment_scores ( const int8_t *  score_matrix,
int8_t  gap_open,
int8_t  gap_extend,
int8_t  full_length_bonus 

Set the algner scoring parameters and create the stored aligner instances. The score matrix should by a 4 x 4 array in the order (ACGT)

Reimplemented from vg::AlignerClient.

◆ set_alignment_scores() [3/4]

void vg::AlignerClient::set_alignment_scores

Set all the aligner scoring parameters and create the stored aligner instances.

◆ set_alignment_scores() [4/4]

void vg::AlignerClient::set_alignment_scores

Set the algner scoring parameters and create the stored aligner instances. The stream should contain a 4 x 4 whitespace-separated substitution matrix (in the order ACGT)

◆ set_automatic_min_clustering_length()

void vg::MultipathMapper::set_automatic_min_clustering_length ( double  random_mem_probability = 0.5)

Sets the minimum clustering MEM length to the approximate length that a MEM would have to be to have at most the given probability of occurring in random sequence of the same size as the graph

◆ set_intron_length_distribution()

void vg::MultipathMapper::set_intron_length_distribution ( const vector< double > &  intron_mixture_weights,
const vector< pair< double, double >> &  intron_component_params 

Use a non-default intron length distribution.

◆ set_log_odds_against_splice()

void vg::MultipathMapper::set_log_odds_against_splice ( double  log_odds)

What should the prior odds against a spliced alignment be?

◆ set_max_merge_supression_length()

void vg::MultipathMapper::set_max_merge_supression_length ( )

Decide how long of a tail alignment we want before we allow its subpath to be merged.

◆ set_min_softclip_length_for_splice()

void vg::MultipathMapper::set_min_softclip_length_for_splice ( size_t  length)

How big of a softclip should lead us to attempt spliced alignment?

◆ set_read_1_adapter()

void vg::MultipathMapper::set_read_1_adapter ( const string &  adapter)

Use adapter sequences to help identify soft-clips that should not be splice-aligned, sequences should be ~12 bp presented in the orientation that a trimmable sequence is found in the sequencing data (reverse complement to the actual sequence, since it is encountered on the other read)

◆ set_read_2_adapter()

void vg::MultipathMapper::set_read_2_adapter ( const string &  adapter)

◆ set_read_coverage()

void vg::MultipathMapper::set_read_coverage ( clustergraph_t cluster_graph)

Computes the number of read bases a cluster of MEM hits covers.

◆ share_terminal_positions()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::share_terminal_positions ( const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln_1,
const multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln_2 
) const

Return true if any of the initial positions of the source Subpaths are shared between the two multipath alignments

◆ simplify_complicated_multipath_alignment()

void vg::MultipathMapper::simplify_complicated_multipath_alignment ( multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln) const

If the alignment seems very complicated, try to simplify low-scoring parts out of it.

◆ sort_and_compute_mapping_quality() [1/2]

void vg::MultipathMapper::sort_and_compute_mapping_quality ( vector< multipath_alignment_t > &  multipath_alns,
vector< size_t > *  cluster_idxs = nullptr,
vector< double > *  multiplicities = nullptr 
) const

Sorts mappings by score and store mapping quality of the optimal alignment in the multipath_alignment_t object Optionally also sorts a vector of indexes to keep track of the cluster-of-origin Allows multipath alignments where the best single path alignment is leaving the read unmapped. multipath_alignment_ts MUST be topologically sorted.

◆ sort_and_compute_mapping_quality() [2/2]

void vg::MultipathMapper::sort_and_compute_mapping_quality ( vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs,
vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &  cluster_pairs,
vector< pair< size_t, size_t >> *  duplicate_pairs_out = nullptr,
vector< double > *  pair_multiplicities = nullptr 
) const

Sorts mappings by score and store mapping quality of the optimal alignment in the multipath_alignment_t object If there are ties between scores, breaks them by the expected distance between pairs as computed by the OrientedDistanceClusterer::cluster_pairs function (modified cluster_pairs vector) Allows multipath alignments where the best single path alignment is leaving the read unmapped. multipath_alignment_ts MUST be topologically sorted. Optionally considers non-present duplicates of the scores encoded as multiplicities

◆ split_multicomponent_alignments() [1/2]

void vg::MultipathMapper::split_multicomponent_alignments ( const Alignment alignment1,
const Alignment alignment2,
vector< pair< multipath_alignment_t, multipath_alignment_t >> &  multipath_aln_pairs_out,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs1,
vector< clustergraph_t > &  cluster_graphs2,
vector< pair< pair< size_t, size_t >, int64_t >> &  cluster_pairs,
vector< double > &  multiplicities 
) const

If there are any multipath_alignment_ts with multiple connected components, split them up and add them to the return vector, also measure the distance between them and add a record to the cluster pairs vector. Properly handles multipath_alignment_ts that are unmapped. Does not depend on or guarantee topological order in the multipath_alignment_ts.

◆ split_multicomponent_alignments() [2/2]

void vg::MultipathMapper::split_multicomponent_alignments ( vector< multipath_alignment_t > &  multipath_alns_out,
const Alignment alignment = nullptr,
vector< clustergraph_t > *  cluster_graphs = nullptr,
vector< size_t > *  cluster_idxs = nullptr,
vector< double > *  multiplicities = nullptr 
) const

If there are any multipath_alignment_ts with multiple connected components, split them up and add them to the return vector. Properly handles multipath_alignment_ts that are unmapped. Does not depend on or guarantee topological order in the multipath_alignment_ts.

◆ strip_full_length_bonuses()

void vg::MultipathMapper::strip_full_length_bonuses ( multipath_alignment_t multipath_aln) const

Remove the full length bonus from all source or sink subpaths that received it.

◆ test_splice_candidates()

bool vg::MultipathMapper::test_splice_candidates ( const Alignment alignment,
bool  searching_left,
multipath_alignment_t anchor_mp_aln,
double *  anchor_multiplicity_out,
SpliceStrand strand,
int64_t  num_candidates,
const function< const multipath_alignment_t &(int64_t)> &  get_candidate,
const function< double(int64_t)> &  get_multiplicity,
const function< multipath_alignment_t &&(int64_t)> &  consume_candidate 
) const

Check whether splice segment candidates can form a statistically significant spliced alignment. Returns true if a spliced alignment is made

Member Data Documentation

◆ agglomerate_multipath_alns

bool vg::MultipathMapper::agglomerate_multipath_alns = false

◆ alt_anchor_max_length_diff

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::alt_anchor_max_length_diff = 5

◆ always_check_population

bool vg::MultipathMapper::always_check_population = false

◆ choose_band_padding

std::function<size_t(const Alignment&, const HandleGraph&)> vg::MultipathMapper::choose_band_padding

◆ component_min_dist

bool vg::MultipathMapper::component_min_dist = false

◆ dinuc_machine

DinucleotideMachine vg::MultipathMapper::dinuc_machine

◆ distance_index

SnarlDistanceIndex* vg::MultipathMapper::distance_index

◆ do_spliced_alignment

bool vg::MultipathMapper::do_spliced_alignment = false

◆ dynamic_max_alt_alns

bool vg::MultipathMapper::dynamic_max_alt_alns = false

◆ force_haplotype_count

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::force_haplotype_count = 0

◆ fragment_length_warning_factor

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::fragment_length_warning_factor = 0

◆ gap_memo_max_size

const size_t vg::MultipathMapper::gap_memo_max_size = 1000

◆ get_rescue_graph_from_paths

bool vg::MultipathMapper::get_rescue_graph_from_paths = true

◆ greedy_min_dist

bool vg::MultipathMapper::greedy_min_dist = false

◆ log_likelihood_approx_factor

double vg::MultipathMapper::log_likelihood_approx_factor = 1.0

◆ mapq_scaling_factor

double vg::MultipathMapper::mapq_scaling_factor = 1.0

◆ max_alignment_gap

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_alignment_gap = 5000

◆ max_alt_mappings

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_alt_mappings = 1

◆ max_branch_trim_length

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_branch_trim_length = 1

◆ max_dagify_duplications

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_dagify_duplications = 10

◆ max_expected_dist_approx_error

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_expected_dist_approx_error = 8

◆ max_exponential_rate_intercept

double vg::MultipathMapper::max_exponential_rate_intercept = 0.612045

◆ max_exponential_rate_slope

double vg::MultipathMapper::max_exponential_rate_slope = 0.000555181

◆ max_exponential_shape_intercept

double vg::MultipathMapper::max_exponential_shape_intercept = 12.136

◆ max_exponential_shape_slope

double vg::MultipathMapper::max_exponential_shape_slope = 0.0113637

◆ max_fanout_base_quality

int vg::MultipathMapper::max_fanout_base_quality = 20

◆ max_fans_out

int vg::MultipathMapper::max_fans_out = 5

◆ max_intron_length

int64_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_intron_length = 1 << 18

◆ max_mapping_p_value

double vg::MultipathMapper::max_mapping_p_value = 0.0001

◆ max_motif_pairs

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_motif_pairs = 1024

◆ max_p_value_memo_size

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_p_value_memo_size = 500

◆ max_rescue_attempts

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_rescue_attempts = 32

◆ max_rescue_p_value

double vg::MultipathMapper::max_rescue_p_value = 0.1

◆ max_single_end_mappings_for_rescue

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_single_end_mappings_for_rescue = 64

◆ max_snarl_cut_size

int64_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_snarl_cut_size = 5

◆ max_softclip_overlap

int64_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_softclip_overlap = 8

◆ max_splice_overhang

int64_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_splice_overhang = 3

◆ max_splice_ref_search_length

int64_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_splice_ref_search_length = 32

◆ max_suboptimal_path_score_ratio

double vg::MultipathMapper::max_suboptimal_path_score_ratio = 2.0

◆ max_tail_merge_supress_length

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::max_tail_merge_supress_length = 4

◆ mem_coverage_min_ratio

double vg::MultipathMapper::mem_coverage_min_ratio = 0.5

◆ min_clustering_mem_length

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::min_clustering_mem_length = 0

◆ min_median_mem_coverage_for_split

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::min_median_mem_coverage_for_split = 0

◆ min_softclip_length_for_splice

int64_t vg::MultipathMapper::min_softclip_length_for_splice = 20

◆ min_softclipped_score_for_splice

int64_t vg::MultipathMapper::min_softclipped_score_for_splice = 25

◆ min_splice_rescue_matches

int64_t vg::MultipathMapper::min_splice_rescue_matches = 6

◆ min_tail_anchor_length

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::min_tail_anchor_length = 3

◆ no_clustering

bool vg::MultipathMapper::no_clustering = false

◆ no_splice_log_odds

int32_t vg::MultipathMapper::no_splice_log_odds = 16

◆ no_splice_natural_log_odds

double vg::MultipathMapper::no_splice_natural_log_odds = 22.55

◆ num_alt_alns

int32_t vg::MultipathMapper::num_alt_alns = 4

◆ num_mapping_attempts

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::num_mapping_attempts = 48

◆ order_length_repeat_hit_max

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::order_length_repeat_hit_max = 0

◆ p_value_memo

thread_local unordered_map< pair< int64_t, size_t >, double > vg::MultipathMapper::p_value_memo

◆ path_component_index

unique_ptr<PathComponentIndex> vg::MultipathMapper::path_component_index

◆ pessimistic_gap_memo

thread_local unordered_map< double, vector< int64_t > > vg::MultipathMapper::pessimistic_gap_memo

◆ pessimistic_gap_multiplier

double vg::MultipathMapper::pessimistic_gap_multiplier = 0.0

◆ plausible_rescue_cluster_coverage_diff

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::plausible_rescue_cluster_coverage_diff = 5

◆ population_max_paths

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::population_max_paths = 10

◆ population_paths_hard_cap

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::population_paths_hard_cap = 1000

◆ prune_subpaths_multiplier

double vg::MultipathMapper::prune_subpaths_multiplier = 2.0

◆ read_1_adapter

string vg::MultipathMapper::read_1_adapter = ""

◆ read_1_adapter_lps

vector<size_t> vg::MultipathMapper::read_1_adapter_lps

◆ read_2_adapter

string vg::MultipathMapper::read_2_adapter = ""

◆ read_2_adapter_lps

vector<size_t> vg::MultipathMapper::read_2_adapter_lps

◆ recombination_penalty

double vg::MultipathMapper::recombination_penalty = 20.7

◆ ref_path_handles

unordered_set<path_handle_t> vg::MultipathMapper::ref_path_handles

◆ report_allelic_mapq

bool vg::MultipathMapper::report_allelic_mapq = false

◆ report_group_mapq

bool vg::MultipathMapper::report_group_mapq = false

◆ rescue_graph_std_devs

double vg::MultipathMapper::rescue_graph_std_devs = 6.0

◆ rescue_only_anchor_max

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::rescue_only_anchor_max = 16

◆ rescue_only_min

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::rescue_only_min = 128


const size_t vg::MultipathMapper::RESCUED = numeric_limits<size_t>::max()

◆ restrained_graph_extraction

bool vg::MultipathMapper::restrained_graph_extraction = false

◆ reversing_walk_length

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::reversing_walk_length = 0

◆ rr_memos

thread_local unordered_map< pair< double, size_t >, haploMath::RRMemo > vg::MultipathMapper::rr_memos

Memos used by population model.

◆ secondary_rescue_attempts

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::secondary_rescue_attempts = 4

◆ secondary_rescue_score_diff

double vg::MultipathMapper::secondary_rescue_score_diff = 1.0

◆ secondary_rescue_subopt_diff

int32_t vg::MultipathMapper::secondary_rescue_subopt_diff = 10

◆ simplify_topologies

bool vg::MultipathMapper::simplify_topologies = false

◆ snarl_manager

SnarlManager* vg::MultipathMapper::snarl_manager

◆ splice_rescue_graph_std_devs

double vg::MultipathMapper::splice_rescue_graph_std_devs = 3.0

◆ splice_stats

SpliceStats vg::MultipathMapper::splice_stats

◆ stripped_match_alg_max_length

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::stripped_match_alg_max_length = 0

◆ stripped_match_alg_strip_length

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::stripped_match_alg_strip_length = 16

◆ stripped_match_alg_target_count

size_t vg::MultipathMapper::stripped_match_alg_target_count = 5

◆ suppress_cluster_merging

bool vg::MultipathMapper::suppress_cluster_merging = false

◆ suppress_mismapping_detection

bool vg::MultipathMapper::suppress_mismapping_detection = false

◆ suppress_multicomponent_splitting

bool vg::MultipathMapper::suppress_multicomponent_splitting = false

◆ suppress_p_value_memoization

bool vg::MultipathMapper::suppress_p_value_memoization = false

◆ suppress_tail_anchors

bool vg::MultipathMapper::suppress_tail_anchors = false

◆ top_tracebacks

bool vg::MultipathMapper::top_tracebacks = false

◆ truncation_multiplicity_mq_limit

double vg::MultipathMapper::truncation_multiplicity_mq_limit = 7.0

◆ use_fanout_match_alg

bool vg::MultipathMapper::use_fanout_match_alg = false

◆ use_min_dist_clusterer

bool vg::MultipathMapper::use_min_dist_clusterer = false

◆ use_pessimistic_tail_alignment

bool vg::MultipathMapper::use_pessimistic_tail_alignment = false

◆ use_population_mapqs

bool vg::MultipathMapper::use_population_mapqs = false

◆ use_stripped_match_alg

bool vg::MultipathMapper::use_stripped_match_alg = false

◆ use_tvs_clusterer

bool vg::MultipathMapper::use_tvs_clusterer = false

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: