tools for working with variation graphs
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 Cvg::MinimizerMapper::aligner_stats_tStruct to represent per-DP-method stats
 Cvg::BandedGlobalAligner< IntType >::AltTracebackStack
 Cvg::Annotation< T, Enabled >
 Cvg::BandedGlobalAligner< IntType >::BABuilder
 Cvg::BandedGlobalAligner< IntType >::BAMatrix
 Cvg::BandedGlobalAligner< IntType >
 Cvg::BitStringTree< Item >
 Cvg::BitStringTree< bin_t >
 Chandlegraph::BoolReturningWrapper< Iteratee, ReturnsBool >
 Chandlegraph::BoolReturningWrapper< Iteratee, false >
 Chandlegraph::BoolReturningWrapper< Iteratee, true >
 Cvg::NestedFlowCaller::CallRecordStuff we remember for each snarl call, to be used when genotyping its parent
 Cvg::SnarlDistanceIndexClusterer::ClusterCluster information used in Giraffe
 Cvg::ConnectionAn edge in a MultipathAlignment between Subpaths that may not be contiguous in the graph
 Cvg::VectorView< Item >::const_iteratorRandom access iterator
 Cvg::count_back_inserter< T >
 Cvg::BandedGlobalAligner< IntType >::AltTracebackStack::Deflection
 Cvg::discrete_distribution< T >We provide a partial discrete_distribution implementation that is just the parts we need
 Cvg::EdgePileupKeep pileup-like record for reads that span edges
 Cvg::endianness< IntType >
 Cvg::ZipCodeForest::forest_growing_state_tThis stores information about the state of the forest as we fill it in
 Cvg::GenotypeDescribes a genotype at a particular locus
 CGiraffeMainOptionsOptions struct for options for the Giraffe driver (i.e. this file)
 Chandlegraph::handle_tRepresents a traversal of a node in a graph in a particular direction
 Cstd::hash< const vg::Snarl >Hash function for Snarls
 Cstd::hash< handlegraph::edge_t >
 Cstd::hash< handlegraph::handle_t >
 Cstd::hash< handlegraph::net_handle_t >
 Cstd::hash< handlegraph::path_handle_t >
 Cstd::hash< handlegraph::step_handle_t >
 Cstd::hash< pair< A, B > >
 Cstd::hash< std::tuple< TT... > >
 Cstd::hash< vg::NodeSide >
 Cstd::hash< vg::NodeTraversal >Hash function for NodeTraversals
 Cstd::hash< vg::ZipCodeTree::oriented_seed_t >Hash functor to hash oriented_seed_t with std::hash
 Cstd::hash< vg::ZipCodeTree::seed_result_t >Hash functor to hash seed_result_t with std::hash
 Chaplo::hDP_gbwt_graph_accessor< GBWTType >
 Cvg::Haplotypes::HeaderHeader of the serialized file
 Cvg::IDScanner< Message >
 Cvg::Funnel::ItemRepresents an Item whose provenance we track
 Cstd::iterator_traits< vg::PhasedGenome::iterator >
 Cstd::iterator_traits< vg::ZipCodeTree::iterator >
 Cstd::iterator_traits< vg::ZipCodeTree::reverse_iterator >
 Cvg::io::JSONStreamHelper< T >
 Cvg::kff_recoding_tA mapping of character values from KFF encoding to minimizer index encoding
 Cvg::algorithms::kmer_tStores a kmer in the context of a graph
 Cvg::KmerMatchUsed to serialize kmer matches
 Cvg::Recombinator::LocalHaplotypeA local haplotype sequence within a single subchain
 Cvg::LocationSupportSupport pinned to a location, which can be either a node or an edge
 Cvg::LocusDescribes a genetic locus with multiple possible alleles, a genotype, and observational support
 Cvg::NGSSimulator::MarkovDistribution< From, To >
 Cvg::NGSSimulator::MarkovDistribution< pair< uint8_t, bool >, pair< pair< uint8_t, bool >, pair< uint8_t, bool > > >
 Cvg::NodeNodes store sequence data
 Cvg::normal_distribution< T >
 Chandlegraph::number_bool_packingDefine a way to pack an integer and an orientation bit into a handle_t
 Cvg::OptionValueParser< Value >
 Cvg::OptionValueParser< vector< Item > >
 Cvg::HaplotypePartitioner::ParametersParameters for partition_haplotypes()
 Cvg::Recombinator::ParametersParameters for generate_haplotypes()
 Chandlegraph::path_handle_tRepresents the internal id of a path entity
 Cvg::PileupBundle up Node and Edge pileups
 Cvg::VG::PlanStructure for managing parallel construction of a graph
 Cvg::PositionIDScanner< Message >
 Cvg::io::ProtobufEmitter< T >
 Cvg::io::ProtobufIterator< T >
 Cvg::read_alignment_index_tType to point to an alignment of a known read
 Cvg::ReadFilter< Read >
 Cvg::RebuildParametersParameters for rebuild_gbwt
 Chandlegraph::return_type_of< Function >
 Chandlegraph::return_type_of< Returns(*)(Args...)>
 Chandlegraph::return_type_of< Returns(Owner::*)(Args...) const >
 Chandlegraph::return_type_of< Returns(Owner::*)(Args...)>
 CScoringOptionsOptions struct for scoring-related parameters. Defaults are in aligner.hpp
 Cvg::SnarlDistanceIndexClusterer::SeedSeed information used in Giraffe
 Cvg::SnarlDistanceIndexClusterer::SeedCacheSeed information used for clustering
 Cvg::SeqComplexity< MaxOrder >
 Cvg::SnarlDescribes a subgraph that is connected to the rest of the graph by two nodes
 Cvg::Funnel::StageRepresents a Stage which is a series of Items, which track their own provenance
 Cvg::MinimizerMapper::aligner_stats_t::stat_collection_tCollection of values you can +=
 Cvg::MinimizerMapper::aligner_stats_t::stat_set_tStruct to represent counts of bases or seconds or invocations used by different aligners
 Cvg::Recombinator::StatisticsStatistics on the generated haplotypes
 Chandlegraph::step_handle_tA step handle is an opaque reference to a single step of an oriented node on a path in a graph
 Cvg::Haplotypes::SubchainRepresentation of a subchain
 Cvg::SubpathA non-branching path of a MultipathAlignment
 Cvg::SupportAggregates information about the reads supporting an allele
 Cvg::Haplotypes::TopLevelChainRepresentation of a top-level chain
 Cvg::Tree< T >
 Cvg::ZipCodeTree::tree_item_tOne item in the zip code tree, representing a node or edge of the tree
 Cvg::TreeNode< T >
 Cvg::BitStringTree< Item >::TreeNode
 Cvg::truncated_normal_distribution< T >
 Cvg::uniform_int_distribution< T >
 Cvg::uniform_int_distribution< size_t >
 Cvg::uniform_int_distribution< uint8_t >
 Cvg::uniform_real_distribution< T >
 Cvg::uniform_real_distribution< double >
 Cvg::VectorView< Item >
 Cvg::VersionClass for holding vg version and build environment information
 Cvg::VisitDescribes a step of a walk through a Snarl either on a node or through a child Snarl
 Cvg::algorithms::walk_tRecord a <=k-length walk in the context of a graph
 Cvg::wang_hash< T, ImplementationMatched >
 Cvg::wang_hash< handle_t >
 Cvg::wang_hash< handlegraph::net_handle_t >
 Cvg::wang_hash< net_identifier_t >
 Cvg::wang_hash< NodeSide >
 Cvg::wang_hash< NodeTraversal >Hash function for NodeTraversals
 Cvg::wang_hash< path_handle_t >
 Cvg::wang_hash< std::pair< A, B > >
 Cvg::wang_hash< T * >
 Cvg::wang_hash< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value >::type >
 Cvg::WideningPRNG< PRNG, OutType >
 Cvg::WrappingPositionScanner< Message >