►Ngafkluge | |
CGafRecord | |
CGafStep | |
►Ngoogle | |
►Nhandlegraph | |
►Nalgorithms | |
CSubHandleGraph | |
CBoolReturningWrapper | |
CBoolReturningWrapper< Iteratee, false > | |
CBoolReturningWrapper< Iteratee, true > | |
CBuildableSnarlDecomposition | |
CDeletableHandleGraph | |
CExpandingOverlayGraph | |
Chandle_t | Represents a traversal of a node in a graph in a particular direction |
CHandleGraph | |
CMutableHandleGraph | |
CMutablePathDeletableHandleGraph | |
CMutablePathHandleGraph | |
CMutablePathMetadata | |
CMutablePathMutableHandleGraph | |
CNamedNodeBackTranslation | |
Cnet_handle_t | |
Cnumber_bool_packing | Define a way to pack an integer and an orientation bit into a handle_t |
Cpath_handle_t | Represents the internal id of a path entity |
►CPathForEachSocket | |
Citerator | |
CPathHandleGraph | |
CPathMetadata | |
CPathPositionHandleGraph | |
CRankedHandleGraph | |
Creturn_type_of | |
Creturn_type_of< Returns(*)(Args...)> | |
Creturn_type_of< Returns(Owner::*)(Args...) const > | |
Creturn_type_of< Returns(Owner::*)(Args...)> | |
CSerializable | |
CSerializableHandleGraph | |
CSnarlDecomposition | |
Cstep_handle_t | A step handle is an opaque reference to a single step of an oriented node on a path in a graph |
CTriviallySerializable | |
CVectorizableHandleGraph | |
►Nhaplo | |
►NhaploMath | |
CRRMemo | |
Cgbwt_thread_t | |
CGBWTScoreProvider | Score haplotypes using a GBWT haplotype database (normal or dynamic) |
Chaplo_DP | |
Chaplo_DP_column | |
Chaplo_DP_rectangle | |
ChDP_gbwt_graph_accessor | |
Cint_itvl_t | |
►Clinear_haplo_structure | |
ClinearUnrepresentable | |
CSNVvector | |
CLinearScoreProvider | Score haplotypes using a linear_haplo_structure |
CScoreProvider | |
►Nstd | Hash functor to hash NodeSide s using std::hash |
Chash< const vg::Snarl > | Hash function for Snarls |
Chash< handlegraph::edge_t > | |
Chash< handlegraph::handle_t > | |
Chash< handlegraph::net_handle_t > | |
Chash< handlegraph::path_handle_t > | |
Chash< handlegraph::step_handle_t > | |
Chash< pair< A, B > > | |
Chash< std::tuple< TT... > > | |
Chash< vg::NodeSide > | |
Chash< vg::NodeTraversal > | Hash function for NodeTraversals |
Chash< vg::ZipCodeTree::oriented_seed_t > | Hash functor to hash oriented_seed_t with std::hash |
Chash< vg::ZipCodeTree::seed_result_t > | Hash functor to hash seed_result_t with std::hash |
Citerator_traits< vg::PhasedGenome::iterator > | |
Citerator_traits< vg::ZipCodeTree::iterator > | |
Citerator_traits< vg::ZipCodeTree::reverse_iterator > | |
►Nvg | |
►Nalgorithms | |
CAnchor | |
CEdge | |
CGFADuplicatePathError | |
CGFAFormatError | This exception will be thrown if the GFA data is not acceptable |
CGFAIDMapInfo | |
CGFAParser | |
CGraph | |
Ckmer_t | Stores a kmer in the context of a graph |
CNode | |
CTracedScore | |
Cwalk_t | Record a <=k-length walk in the context of a graph |
►Nio | |
CAlignmentEmitter | |
CBlockedGzipInputStream | |
CBlockedGzipOutputStream | |
CConvertedHashGraph | |
Cfdinbuf | |
Cfdistream | |
Cfdostream | |
Cfdoutbuf | |
CGafAlignmentEmitter | |
ChFILE_cppstream | |
CJSONStreamHelper | |
CMessageEmitter | |
CMessageIterator | |
CNullAlignmentEmitter | |
CProtobufEmitter | |
CProtobufIterator | |
►CRegistry | |
CTables | |
Cstreaminbuf | |
Cstreamistream | |
CStreamMultiplexer | |
CTruncatedBGZFError | Represents an error where an input blocked GZIP file has been truncated |
CTSVAlignmentEmitter | |
CVGAlignmentEmitter | |
►Nsubcommand | |
CArgSpec | |
CBaseArgSpec | |
CBaseOptionGroup | |
CBaseValuation | |
CFlagArgSpec | |
CGroupedOptionGroup | |
COptionGroup | |
CPreset | |
CRangeArgSpec | |
CSubcommand | |
CTickChainLink | |
CValuation | |
CValueArgSpec | |
►Ntemp_file | |
CHandler | |
CAbstractReadSampler | |
CAliasGraph | |
CAligner | |
CAlignerClient | |
CAlignment | |
Calignment_index_t | |
CAlignmentChainModel | |
CAlignmentChainModelVertex | |
CAlignmentValidity | |
CAnnotation | |
CAppendHaplotypeCommand | |
CAugmentedGraph | |
CBackTranslatingAlignmentEmitter | |
►CBandedGlobalAligner | |
►CAltTracebackStack | |
CDeflection | |
CBABuilder | |
CBAMatrix | |
CBandMatricesTooBigException | |
CBaseAligner | |
CBaseMapper | |
CBaseOption | |
CBasePileup | |
CBBEdgeHash | |
CBenchmarkResult | |
CBitString | |
►CBitStringTree | |
CTreeNode | |
CCachedPackedTraversalSupportFinder | |
CCactusSide | |
CCactusSnarlFinder | |
CChainAlignmentFailedError | |
CChainIterator | |
CColors | |
CCompletedTranscriptPath | |
CComponentMinDistanceClusterer | |
CConfigurable | |
CConfigurableParser | |
CConnection | An edge in a MultipathAlignment between Subpaths that may not be contiguous in the graph |
Cconnection_t | |
CConsistencyCalculator | |
CConstructedChunk | |
CConstructor | |
CContractingGraph | |
Ccount_back_inserter | |
CCounts | |
CDagifiedGraph | |
►CDeconstructor | |
CNestingInfo | |
CDeleteHaplotypeCommand | |
CDeletionAligner | |
CDiagramExplainer | |
CDinucleotideMachine | |
Cdiscrete_distribution | We provide a partial discrete_distribution implementation that is just the parts we need |
CDistanceHeuristic | |
CDotDumpExplainer | |
►CDozeuInterface | |
Cgraph_pos_s | |
COrderedGraph | |
CDozeuPinningOverlay | |
CEdge | |
CEdgePileup | Keep pileup-like record for reads that span edges |
CEdit | |
Cedit_t | |
CEditedTranscriptPath | |
Cendianness | |
CExhaustiveTraversalFinder | |
CExon | |
CExplainer | |
CExtraNodeGraph | |
►CFeatureSet | |
CFeature | |
CFilter | |
CFixedGenotypePriorCalculator | |
CFlatFileBackTranslation | |
CFlowCaller | |
►CFlowSort | |
CGrowth | |
CWeightedGraph | |
CFlowTraversalFinder | |
CFragmentedHaplotypeVisit | |
CFragmentLengthDistribution | |
CFragmentLengthStatistics | |
►CFunnel | |
CFilterPerformance | |
CItem | Represents an Item whose provenance we track |
CPaintableSpace | |
CStage | Represents a Stage which is a series of Items, which track their own provenance |
CGAFOutputCaller | |
CGAFSorterFile | |
CGAFSorterParameters | |
CGAFSorterRecord | |
CGaplessExtender | |
CGaplessExtension | |
CGBWTHandler | |
CGBWTTraversalFinder | |
CGBZGraph | |
CGenomeState | |
CGenomeStateCommand | |
CGenotype | Describes a genotype at a particular locus |
CGenotypeLikelihoodCalculator | |
CGenotypePriorCalculator | |
►CGenotyper | |
CAffinity | |
Chash_ambiguous_allele_set | |
Chash_node_traversal | |
Chash_oriented_edge | |
CGFAHandleGraph | Use to load in GFAs and remember where they came from |
CGFFReader | |
CGFFRecord | |
CGraph | |
CGraphCaller | |
►CGraphSynchronizer | |
CLock | |
CGreedyMinDistanceClusterer | |
CGSSWAligner | |
CHandleGraphNodeSet | |
CHandleGraphSnarlFinder | |
CHaplotypeIndexer | |
►CHaplotypePartitioner | |
CParameters | Parameters for partition_haplotypes() |
CSubchain | |
►CHaplotypes | |
CHeader | Header of the serialized file |
CSubchain | Representation of a subchain |
CTopLevelChain | Representation of a top-level chain |
Chash_map | |
Chash_map< K *, V > | |
Chash_set | |
Chash_set< K * > | |
CHTSAlignmentEmitter | |
CHTSWriter | |
CIdentityOverlay | |
CIDScanner | |
►CIncrementalSubgraph | |
CFCmp | |
CIterFCmp | |
CIncrementIter | |
►CIndexedVG | |
CCacheEntry | |
CIndexFile | |
CIndexingParameters | |
CIndexingPlan | |
CIndexRecipe | |
CIndexRegistry | |
CInsertHaplotypeCommand | |
CInsufficientInputException | |
►CIntegratedSnarlFinder | |
CMergedAdjacencyGraph | |
Cis_instantiation_of | |
Cis_instantiation_of< Predicate< PredicateArgs... >, Predicate > | |
CJobSchedule | |
CJoinedSpliceGraph | |
Ckff_recoding_t | A mapping of character values from KFF encoding to minimizer index encoding |
Ckmer_t | |
CKmerMatch | Used to serialize kmer matches |
CKmerPosition | |
CLazyRNG | |
CLegacyCaller | |
CLocationSupport | Support pinned to a location, which can be either a node or an edge |
CLocus | Describes a genetic locus with multiple possible alleles, a genotype, and observational support |
CMapper | |
CMapping | |
Cmapping_t | |
CMappingHash | |
CMasker | |
►CMatchPos | |
CPathList | |
CMaximalExactMatch | |
CMCMCCaller | |
CMCMCGenotyper | |
CMEMAccelerator | |
CMEMChainModel | |
CMEMChainModelVertex | |
►CMEMClusterer | |
CDPScoreComparator | |
CHitEdge | |
CHitGraph | |
CHitNode | |
CMemoizingGraph | |
CMinDistanceClusterer | |
►CMinimizerMapper | |
►Caligner_stats_t | Struct to represent per-DP-method stats |
Cstat_collection_t | Collection of values you can += |
Cstat_set_t | Struct to represent counts of bases or seconds or invocations used by different aligners |
CMinimizer | |
CMIPayload | |
CMSAConverter | |
Cmultipath_alignment_t | |
CMultipathAlignment | |
CMultipathAlignmentEmitter | |
CMultipathAlignmentGraph | |
CMultipathMapper | |
CMultipathProblem | |
CNameMapper | |
►CNestedCachedPackedTraversalSupportFinder | |
Csnarl_less | |
►CNestedFlowCaller | |
CCallRecord | Stuff we remember for each snarl call, to be used when genotyping its parent |
CNestedTraversalFinder | |
CNetGraph | |
►CNGSSimulator | |
CMarkovDistribution | |
CNoAlignmentInBandException | |
CNode | Nodes store sequence data |
CNodePileup | |
CNodeSide | |
CNodeTraversal | |
Cnormal_distribution | |
CNullClusterer | |
CNullMaskingGraph | |
COption | |
COption< vector< Item >, Parser > | |
COptionInterface | |
COptionValueParser | |
COptionValueParser< vector< Item > > | |
COrientedDistanceClusterer | |
COrientedDistanceMeasurer | |
CPackedTraversalSupportFinder | |
CPacker | |
CPackers | |
Cpair_hash_map | |
Cpair_hash_set | |
CPairedEndMapper | |
CParallelKFFReader | |
CParentGenotypeInfo | |
CPath | |
Cpath_mapping_t | |
Cpath_t | |
CPathBasedTraversalFinder | |
CPathBranch | |
CPathChunker | |
CPathComponentIndex | |
CPathIndex | |
CPathNode | |
CPathOrientedDistanceMeasurer | |
CPathRestrictedTraversalFinder | |
CPaths | |
CPathSubgraph | |
CPathSubgraphOverlay | |
CPathTraversalFinder | |
►CPhasedGenome | |
CHaplotype | |
CHaplotypeNode | |
Citerator | |
CPhaseUnfolder | |
CPictographs | |
CPileup | Bundle up Node and Edge pileups |
►CPoissonSupportSnarlCaller | |
CPoissonCallInfo | |
CPosition | |
Cposition_t | |
CPositionIDScanner | |
CPrimer | |
CPrimerFinder | |
CPrimerPair | |
CProblemDumpExplainer | |
CProgressive | |
CQualAdjAligner | |
CQualAdjXdropAligner | |
CRange | |
CRareVariantSimplifier | |
CRatioSupportSnarlCaller | |
Cread_alignment_index_t | Type to point to an alignment of a known read |
CReadFilter | |
CReadMasker | |
CReadRestrictedTraversalFinder | |
CRebuildJob | |
CRebuildParameters | Parameters for rebuild_gbwt |
►CRecombinator | |
CLocalHaplotype | A local haplotype sequence within a single subchain |
CParameters | Parameters for generate_haplotypes() |
CStatistics | Statistics on the generated haplotypes |
CRecombinatorFragment | |
CRecombinatorHaplotype | |
CRegion | |
CRegionExpander | |
CReplaceLocalHaplotypeCommand | |
CReplaceSnarlHaplotypeCommand | |
CRepresentativeTraversalFinder | |
CReverseGraph | |
CRewindPlanException | |
CSampler | |
CSeqComplexity | |
►CShuffledPairs | |
Citerator | |
CSimpleConsistencyCalculator | |
CSimpleTraversalSupportCalculator | |
CSizeLimitExceededException | |
CSmallBitset | |
CSmallSnarlSimplifier | |
CSnarl | Describes a subgraph that is connected to the rest of the graph by two nodes |
►CSnarlCaller | |
CCallInfo | |
►CSnarlDistanceIndexClusterer | |
CCluster | Cluster information used in Giraffe |
CClusterHead | |
CClusteringProblem | |
CSeed | Seed information used in Giraffe |
CSeedCache | Seed information used for clustering |
►CSnarlTreeNodeProblem | |
CSnarlTreeChild | |
CSnarlFinder | |
CSnarlGraph | |
►CSnarlManager | |
CSnarlRecord | |
CSnarlMinDistance | |
CSnarlOrientedDistanceMeasurer | |
CSnarlState | |
CSnarlTraversal | |
CSourceSinkOverlay | |
CSparseUnionFind | |
CSplicedHTSAlignmentEmitter | |
CSpliceRegion | |
CSpliceStats | |
CSSWAligner | |
Cstate_hash | |
Cstr_view | |
CStrandSplitGraph | |
CStreamIndex | |
CStreamIndexBase | |
CStreamSorter | |
Cstring_hash_map | |
Cstring_hash_set | |
CSubgraphExplainer | |
CSubgraphOverlay | |
CSubHandleGraph | |
CSubpath | A non-branching path of a MultipathAlignment |
Csubpath_t | |
CSubpathOverlay | |
CSummaryStatistics | |
CSupport | Aggregates information about the reads supporting an allele |
CSupportAugmentedGraph | Augmented Graph that holds some Support annotation data specific to vg call |
CSupportBasedSnarlCaller | |
CSupportRestrictedTraversalFinder | |
CSurjectingAlignmentEmitter | |
CSurjector | |
CSwapHaplotypesCommand | |
CTargetValueSearch | |
CTipAnchoredMaxDistance | |
CTranscript | |
CTranscriptome | |
CTranscriptPath | |
CTranslation | |
CTranslator | |
CTraversalFinder | |
CTraversalSupportCalculator | |
CTraversalSupportFinder | |
CTree | |
CTreeNode | |
CTreeSubgraph | |
CTrivialTraversalFinder | |
Ctruncated_normal_distribution | |
CTSVExplainer | |
CTVSClusterer | |
Cuniform_int_distribution | |
Cuniform_real_distribution | |
CVariantAdder | |
Cvarint_vector_t | |
CVcfBuffer | |
CVCFGenotyper | |
CVCFOutputCaller | |
CVcfRecordConverter | |
CVcfRecordFilter | |
CVCFTraversalFinder | |
►CVectorView | |
Cconst_iterator | Random access iterator |
CVectorViewInverse | |
CVersion | Class for holding vg version and build environment information |
►CVG | |
CPlan | Structure for managing parallel construction of a graph |
CVGIndexes | |
CVGset | |
CVisit | Describes a step of a walk through a Snarl either on a node or through a child Snarl |
CViz | |
Cwang_hash | |
Cwang_hash< handle_t > | |
Cwang_hash< handlegraph::net_handle_t > | |
Cwang_hash< net_identifier_t > | |
Cwang_hash< NodeSide > | |
Cwang_hash< NodeTraversal > | Hash function for NodeTraversals |
Cwang_hash< path_handle_t > | |
Cwang_hash< std::pair< A, B > > | |
Cwang_hash< T * > | |
Cwang_hash< T, typename std::enable_if< std::is_integral< T >::value >::type > | |
►CWatchdog | |
Cthread_state_t | |
CWFAAlignment | |
►CWFAExtender | |
►CErrorModel | |
CEvent | |
CWFANode | |
CWFAPoint | |
►CWFATree | |
CScoreProperties | |
CWideningPRNG | |
CWindowedVcfBuffer | |
CWrappingPositionScanner | |
CXdropAligner | |
►CZipCode | |
Cchain_code_t | |
Cdecoder_t | |
Cnode_code_t | |
Csnarl_code_t | |
CZipCodeCollection | |
►CZipCodeForest | |
Cchild_info_t | |
Cforest_growing_state_t | This stores information about the state of the forest as we fill it in |
Cinterval_state_t | |
Csort_value_t | |
►CZipCodeTree | |
Citerator | |
Coriented_seed_t | |
Creverse_iterator | |
Cseed_result_t | |
Ctree_item_t | One item in the zip code tree, representing a node or edge of the tree |
Czstd_compress_buf | Zstandard compression buffer that writes to another stream buffer |
Czstd_decompress_buf | Zstandard decompression buffer that reads from another stream buffer |
Czstd_ifstream | |
Czstd_ofstream | |
►Nxg | |
►Ntemp_file | |
CHandler | |
CXG | |
CXGFormatError | |
CXGPath | |
CGBWTConfig | |
CGiraffeMainOptions | Options struct for options for the Giraffe driver (i.e. this file) |
CGraphHandler | |
CHaplotypesConfig | |
ChFILE_backend | |
Cj2pb_error | |
Cjob_type | |
Cjson_autoptr | |
CMappingRun | |
CPruningParameters | |
CReferenceInterval | |
CScoringOptions | Options struct for scoring-related parameters. Defaults are in aligner.hpp |
CVectorizer | |